Thursday, December 22, 2005

blood drive, comics/dice, dryer vent

I went and gave blood again yesterday - and again, it took quite a while. I think I was there for about an hour and a half, most of that spent waiting. They were understaffed and didn't anticipate the number of people coming in. I even saw one guy get all the way to the waiting area just before you give blood - and then he left. All that waiting, and he couldn't wait a little longer - he was even next when the left.

Fortunatly, the guy that took my history also came over to help with the donatation area - and I didn't have any problems getting the tubes filled, though a lady that was there did.

In other news...I tried the burger king Chicken Fries. Eh, they're just chicken strips. And they tasted okay.

Also made a trip to the comic book store. While getting the latest issue of the Flash, I also picked up some dice for one of those DVD "Scene it" games that I've played recently. The dice that came with the game are too big and they don't shake well in a person's hand. So, we kept rolling the same number and catagory. I'll need to paint/label one of them, but that's minor. The 6 and 8 sided were for the game - the 20 was just for "coolness". It harkens back to the days of dungons and dragons and getting better outcomes for rolling high numbers. I didn't really play dungeons and dragons, but I'm geeky enough that I should have. Anyway, I saw a t-shirt that said, simply, "I roll twenties". I thought it was funny, so I got myself a 20 sided die, just in case I need a little extra power or smarts. Or something, I'm not entirely sure why I bought it. Still, for an impulse buy, it only cost me 80 cents.

And last night while doing the laundry - the $#@#()* dryer vent fell off again. I did a little swearing and put it back on. So, my basement is warm, but that's about it. Not even sure why I keep bothering - I should just replace the damn thing with a regular hose and be done with it.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Time to get back to work...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

chewie gets a sweater/hat, another minor coke bottle incident, and glitter

It's "Take your wookie to work day" again - this time, Chewie is sporting his new sweater.

Silly wookie.

In other news...a .5 liter coke bottle will not fit in my cup holder in my car. Coming into work, it leaped out of the protective confines of the cup holder and vaulted to the floorboards. It was still closed, fortunatly, but still annoying.
Again, no issues in opening it.

Finally, I had to call my sister last night. I got a christmas card that had glitter on it - and the glitter of course got on my hands. My sister has glitter, ummm... "issues" and she was the first one I thought to call to help get it off me. She suggested that I not touch anything and immediately scrub my hands. But by that point I had already touched the phone and the phone had touched my head - setting off a mock panic attack for both of us. It was pretty funny.

Well, that's it for now...back to work.

Monday, December 19, 2005

in the news, and a strange headache

In the news today we've got:

The NSA spying on America
The president apoligizing for the war
and the House voting to cut health and social programs.

Of those three, the apology upsets me the most. Mainly because it's so empty. Do we really believe that he's sorry? Do we really believe he's taking responsiblity?

Nope. And the thing that really gets me is that he's still not doing anything to end the war and bring our troups home - troups that shouldn't have ever been deployed there.

I think that someone saying "I'm sorry," by itself, isn't saying much. People should follow an apology with an attempt to make things right. Repair what's broken. He's still doing the same things and making the same mistakes.

Along those lines, I saw a T-Shirt with a big "W" on it - the label was "Worst Ever"

In other school has a new slogan that actually makes me vaguely interested in the sports teams. "Fear the Roo". :)

In still other news... I had what I think was a cluster headache over the weekend that I mostly slept through. Woke up in the middle of the night having to pee and with a headache. Took care of what needed to be taken care of - then went back to sleep somehow. I woke up with a bit of a headache and that soon faded out to the sharp stabbing pain that only manifests when I cough. And today, that's nearly gone too. I guess if I'm going to keep having these, at least I slept through this one.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Friday, December 16, 2005

flying soda, echeck, parking rant, phone bill

This morning, while I was getting into my car, I set my bottle of soda on the roof so that I could check to see if I needed to scrape my windshield or if I could just brush it off. Instead of putting my soda in the car - as I should have - I left it there and reached in to start the engine and get my scraper. The ice on the roof - with the vibrations of the engine - caused my plastic bottle of soda to fly off the roof, hit the ground, slide under the car next to mine and come to a rest in a snowbank.

So, I went around and picked it up - there was a lot of foam at the top, but the bottle was undamaged. And on the way to work, I sort of forgot about how shaken up it was and that I should be careful. I twisted off the cap at my desk and...

...nothing happened. It was fine. The soda must have settled down somehow during the car ride. Strangest thing.

Last evening, I went to get my car e-checked since my registration is due in January. And if I did it in 2005 to avoid the long lines, it would be free instead of the ususal $19.50

Now, I'm not sure how the line lenght is going to be differnt from year to year - but free is better than 20 bucks. There was no line when I pulled up and my car passed. Took maybe 7 minutes total and I was on the road with my certification in hand.

I had been a little concerned since there had been issues with the cars computer and the oxygen sensor, but they must have been electical ghosts and didn't affect the tests.

This morning, I had to pass up a prime parking spot at work since some dufus had backed into their space - and done a poor job of it. This is one of the many things that annoy me. If you're going to take the extra time to back into a space - do it well so that you don't mess things up for anyone else. And frankly - you're not Batman. You don't need to fly screaming out of your parking space to chase down the bad guys. Get over yourself.

This past week, I've been taking a closer look at my phone bill. I was concerned about the amount I was paying for my local service and the plan I had wasn't really what I needed. So, I called them up and looked for options. They couldn't offer any savings on intraLATA calls and the unlimited residence service, even with all the extra stuff removed, was still over 20 bucks. I ended up saving 5 bucks, but I've got no features on my phone. Hell, if it was any simpler I'd be using bare copper wires or tin cans and string. And it's still over 20 bucks + all the the federal fees and charges.

I'm strongly considering giving up on a land line entirely and going the cell phone route.

Now, before you get all up in arms - keep in mind that my biggest concern with those things has been the people that use them. I'd be getting a simple phone with a simple plan and using it primarly from home.

The very notion still makes me queasy, but the merger of SBC and AT&T doesn't give me hope for better customer service or reduced prices.

And I guess that's it for now. Have a good weekend and I'll get back to work...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

danger at the supermarket - and dessert

I had to make a trip to the supermarket last night to get supplies for the holiday party dessert I was making. As I headed toward the entrance, I heard/saw two people sitting just past the soda machines outside, having a smoke break. As I came past the machines and into their view, one of them threw a cigerette at me.

Now, I know that they were already throwing the cigerette when I came into view and they didn't hit me - the cig landed between my steps. I shot them about half a glare since no damage was done and if I got really worked up every time someone did something stupid in my presence I'd be in jail now.

They shouting an "I'm sorry" as I walked on. I think one of them was still out there when I left after getting my few items.

And of course I forgot one thing I needed - so later that evening I walked down to the Circle K and picked it up - then walked back.

For those interested - the dessert I made is as follows.

27 Ho-ho's
1 large package of Jello Chocolate Pudding (with three cups of milk)
24 crumbled shortbread cookies
1 full container of cool whip

Yeah, it's evil, but I only make it once a year - so, it's okay.

That's it for now, gotta go do some work...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A trip to the mall

Well, I did it. I went to the mall again. There were some "items" that I didn't get enough of - and I had to go back for more. I headed out right after work - hoping my slightly early exit strategy would shield me from the masses. It only partly worked.

I went to JC Penny's and rightly surmised my "items" would be on the second floor. But if there was a pattern or an organizational scheme in place for the stuff there, I couldn't find it. And as a result I had a difficult time finding my items. Once I did - I had to stand in line. That part went better than I expected, despite someone trying to place a catalog order. Hello? Isn't that why you have a phone? Or the Internet?

Anyway, got through the line and headed to my car. And then things went horribly wrong. Every route I tried was backed up. And I'm reasonably familer with my area, so I know a lot of routes. After several attempts at a better route, I finally got myself on a straight shot and waited things out. I was lucky that I got gas beforehand - that's all I'm saying.

Got home, got the incomplete present unwrapped and re-wrapped - then watched "the ring: two" again and played video games.

Also, one of my colleagues sent me a gift bag with Coca-cola, Doritos, and chocolate as a thank-you for helping her out with a variety of projects over the year. I gorged myself - it was excellent.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Monday, December 12, 2005

broken boot

I have a sort of love/hate relationship with my work boots. I think they're comfortable and they say, "This is a guy that knows which end of a hammer to pick up," - which I do.

However, they are fairly difficult to take off and put on - without almost totally undoing the laces. Which I didn't do last night. And as I grabbed the heal to give them a good yank - the heal came unglued from the rest of the sole.

I managed to get the boot off - and I think I can re-glue the boot with some shoe-goo. Still, I'm bootless for the moment and had to wear shoes that are not suited for this kind of weather. Annoying.

Well, I guess I could keep typing about other non-important things, but I've got a meeting to go, back to work...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

something in my soup

Today, for lunch, I had Campbell's Chunky soup, with sirloin burger and country vegetables - and brown rice. Anyone looking though my kitchen cabinets will find many more cans of this same soup - it's something of a staple for me. Today, however, I was surprised by what I discovered.

In the middle of a bite, I bit down on something that I couldn't immediately identify. Which is odd all by itself since I'm deeply familier with this soup and rice combo. It "felt" like I was biting into a piece of wood.

I spit it out and it sure looked like a small piece of wood on closer examination. It had grains and the texture and hardness were along the lines of wood - though there was a small hook-like protrusion on one side. Since I can't imagine how wood would enter into the soup making process (except maybe a wooden crate with vegetables in it - though I would hope they have a filter for that sort of thing) - I studied it a little more carefully and decided it must have been the solid core of a carrot. It was the only vegetable that might have produced this unique shape - though the hardness was unusual.

I check the rest of the soup and discovered no other weird items. Still, it was damn odd and I'm going to see if I can get a picture.

That's it for this update - though I will say that holiday shopping today wasn't as bad as I feared. With the exception of Best Buy - it was worse than I expected.


the heat is on

The call to the landlord was successful - by the time I got home, the heat was back on and my apartment was toasty. Well, not toasty since I don't keep it that warm in there, but still nice.

Christmas shopping is proceeding on pace - I've got my list of people to buy for and I think I'll be able to knock it out this afternoon with a trip to a couple of stores.

Had a moment of swearing on the drive to work this week - a small section of road closed for no apparent reason. It's not the first time this has happened on this stretch of road - nor is it the first time that I've gotten in the turning lane and then been trapped by other traffic when I didn't seen the poorly positioned signs. As I've mentioned before, I'm a Point A to Point B kinda guy - and I had to loop around past Point E to get to work. Annoying.

Let's see...what else is going on? Well, we met the new VP on Friday - seems pretty cool. From his resume, he's got a "rep" of sorts about downsizing companies - but from the brief talking to him, it sounds like he's got some good plans and that he's got the same kind of concerns for our processes that we have. So, should be cool.

I guess it's time to start my deep breathing and non-stress shopping mantras. I'm...well, let's just say I'm not good with crowds. I had joked about wearing a protective cup and carrying a sword, but I think instead I'm just going to play it cool. As the Jets would say:

"Just play it cool, boy. Real cool"

And on the disturbing note of me quoting West Side Story - I'm outta here...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

cold in the apartment

I usually keep my apartment a little cool in the winter - but it was downright cold yesterday when I got home from work. I turned up the heat and went about my business - but eventually noticed that it was still pretty cold. I checked the vents - no heat, no air movement. Not good.

I had company over last evening and we checked the furnace. If the pilot light was where we thought it was - it was out. All of our attempts to get the furnace going met with failure - but fortuantly I live in an apartment and it's not always my problem. I bundled up for the night and just made a call to the landlord - and left a message.

Fingers crossed that they can get over there today and get things resolved. I've got a back-up plan (I always have a backup plan) - but it's still troublesome.

So, I'm at work and at least it's warm here - better...


Yes, it's for real. One of my co-workers (and I use the term "work" loosely) - was just now snoring in his cubicle. Loud enough that I could hear it over my headphones.

His phone started ringing as I approached his cubicle and that woke him up.

That's know...wrong.

And now it's time to get back to work for me...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

traffic and groceries - the clueless reign

So, I'm driving on route 8 south recently and noticed that traffic was slowing down. I attributed this to late rush hour traffic, but then I heard on the radio that there was an accident. On route 8 south. Just before the Perkins exit. I glanced up to see the sign above me: Perkins exit, 1/2 mile.


But, traffic never came a complete stop for more than a minute or two at a time. It mostly just moved slowly until I got right up to the exit. Police stopped all the traffic for a moment to get the ambulances out of the way, then they headed out too. Suddenly, the way was clear and we all surged forward with the post traffic issue euphoria. Like emerging from a dark and evil forest into a sunlit meadow - or maybe I've read too many books with evil forests in them.

Last night, I stopped for groceries. Which is always an adventure in itself. I'm pretty good at moving past the clueless, but a poorly placed shopping cart changes things. I got stopped a couple of times by these people, but was mostly unscathed until it got time to check out.

The store I went to is poorly designed in that there is little approach room to the checkout area. So, instead of forming proper lines, everyone just gets kind of bottlenecked. I saw an opening, looped around the doughnut display and was about to queue up when an elderly woman blocked my way. She asked me "Are you going out?"

Now, I think pretty quickly so this is a slowed down version of what when through my head:

1. What?
2. What is she talking about?
3. "Out?" Does she mean outside?
4. Does she think I'm going to steal my groceries?
5. Maybe she's angling for help getting her groceries to her car.
6. Then why did she ask me before I was done checking out?
7. Maybe she's referring to "out" as a direction to move my cart.
8. But "out" which way? Out toward the frozen food? Out toward the check out?
9. Wait, maybe she's trying to invent some grocery store slang and "out" becomes the shortened form of "check out".
10. Hmmm...well, duh. Of course I'm going to check out. She can't be that daft.
11. I've already spent too much time figuring this out - time to use misdirection and then cut and run.

So, I pointed in a direction past her and said "I'm going that way". Then I re-angled my cart, went on past her and found a line that looked longer, but saw that people only had a few items each.

I lost track of her at this point, but it was a strange moment - and that's what this blog is all about.

Back to work...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

a trip to the gas station

I had to stop for gas last night after work - and I passed up a couple of stations on the way so that I could go to the one I usually go to. Which was cool since the "regular" station had cheaper gas than the others in the area. Of course, everyone else knew that and it was chaos to get in there and get to the pumps. I got in line and I'm sitting there waiting. I don't really want to move since there are so many cars going a lot of differnt directions and I didn't want to add to the confusion. Since the woman in front of me has gone inside to pay for her gas - and apparently rewallpaper the building since it took her so long, I decided to pull around her to the only open spot in the place. Though, this will entail me going in reverse which I don't like doing.

I finally get into place, get out of my car and go to fill up my tank...

...And I realize that the gas tank is on the other side of my car. Embarassed, annoyed, cranky and irate at myself - I get back in my car and leave the station. I go down the road to a nearly empty station (with slightly higher prices) and get $15.00 worth of slightly more expensive gas.

Now, I've owned my car for several years now and I don't think I've even done that before. I'm going to blame it on the frustruation of the crowd, but it could just be that I'm slightly stupid.

And on that note...back to work...

Monday, December 05, 2005

weatherstripping, dryer venting, and epic danger

This past weekend was "project weekend" - a mystical time where I actually try to get a bunch of stuff done instead of just sitting on my ass playing video games that whole time. To be fair - I did plan some games, but I also got a lot done.

DVDs - I went through my collection, found the ones I didn't want anymore and traded them for a couple new ones and a CD.

Video games - same deal here, except that I had so much in trade that I had to get a "trade slip" for a future visit. Which is cool.

Got some christmas shopping done - and then decided to really get to work. Started with rearranging my movies and games - since they now fit better on the shelves. Then I headed to the door.

The weather stripping around my front door has been coming loose for a while now and though I could have called the landlord on this one, I figured that I could handle it myself. I mean, how hard could it be? (yes, I am an idiot)

I bought the new stuff at home depot - then did some rough measuring and tore out the old loose stuff. The new stripping looked like it could only go in one way so I got it in place and then tried to close the door.

Note the use of the word "tried". Yeah, it didn't really go well. I found a couple of problem area and found a nail that was coming in at a bad angle. A bit more swearing and I finally got the door to reluctantly close.

Next up - the clothes dryer. I wanted to get one of those airflow re-directs that you put in the hose to send warm air into the apartment, instead of outside. It's a good idea in theory and didn't seem to look too difficult in install. (see note above about me being an idiot).

My first attempt was using the exisiting vent tubing. The inherent problem is that the tubing is a spiral - and the re-direct box opening is round. So, the cuts were a problem, the fasteners were a problem (and it didn't help that one was broken out of the box), and it was dark and dusty behind the dryer.

20 minutes after it was all in place - and in the middle of drying cycle - I heard a crash. Sure enough, it was in pieces on the floor. Not broken, just fallen loose. I swore, put it back together and started it back up. Later - another crash.

So, back to home depot for more tubing, since I had convinced myself that was a the problem (still an idiot). The foil tubing seemed more flimsy, but also more fire resistant and the new metal ring clamps seemed the way to go. This meant that I also needed to get on the floor behind the dryer to fasten the tube to the dryer itself - and since I didn't have/couldn't find a flashlight - I did this by candlelight. Don't worry - I vaccumed most of the dust up first. Tightened everything up and it looked great.

Then - another crash. Swearing. I tried again and tightened up every clamp within an inch of total molecular fusion. Started it up - threatened the dryer, the vent system, the entire basement and it's contents.

And it's still in place - or at least it was when I left the apartment this morning.

So that - along with shopping and wrapping some christmas presents - was my weekend.

Oh, on a final note. I've gotten into the pseudo-habit of pulling an Emeral style sauce pan spin when I'm getting ready to cook (i.e. heat up something from a can). This weekend, however, the pan flew out of my grip, sailed through the air, and hit the gound with a crash. It didn't have a lid, so the huge dent in the side doesn't seem to matter - except as a warning to all my other kitchen implements.

I barely made it out of the weekend alive. Now I'm safely back to work and it's time to get busy...

Friday, December 02, 2005

man out of time...

Which sounds a lot more interesting than just saying that I forgot my watch. Which I never do. I'd be more likely to forget to put on pants than to forget my.... wait, okay, I am wearing pants this morning. I had to check.

Had trouble getting up this morning - and then I had to scrape off my car. I hate that. It's my least favorite part of winter. I'd rather drive in a blizzard. Well, not in NE Ohio - most of the people on the road with me seem amazed by this strange "snow" thing. They have to drive really slowly to observe it. Madness.

That's about it for now, time to get back to work...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

messed up dreams, messed up hair

I'm back from an extended Thanksgiving weekend (well, I was back to work yesterday, but I was really cranky and didn't feel like blogging), and started out this morning with a really weird set of dreams that I kept dipping in and out of. They mostly revolved around getting a team of scientists to work together in a lab that was full to about waist level with a very runny clay. It was sort of a team build exercise and sort of a computer engineering problem.

I took a quick shower and apparently didn't dry my hair enough - the hat I wore to work really messed up my hair. Which I didn't think was possible considering how short I keep it cut.

Actually, I'm only guessing that it's messed up. I can feel that a section in the middle front is sticking up - and the rest is fine. Oh well. I'm in a cube farm and with no meetings I might not actually see anyone else today, except when I go to lunch and I'll be wearing my hat again.

I beat Spawn: Armageddon last night - on easy mode. The normal mode? Quite a bit more challenging - though ultimatly nothing to write home about.

And I guess that's about it - time to get back to work...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

On the way back from getting my lunch I saw...

1. ...a man wearing a black cowboy hat, a black leather duster, and grey-ish boots make from (or made to look like) the skin of a cold-blooded animal. Maybe a gator.

2. ...a guy wearing gray hooded sweatshirt that said "Smartass University"

3. ...a girl with purple streaks in her hair wearing a leopard spotted coat. The leopard spots were a normal color.

There's never a dull moment as long as you pay attention.

Back to work...

Monday, November 21, 2005

feeling a little rant-y

I got a call last night from a charity group. I won't say which one, but I will say that they used the "gosh, oh golly gee, ah shucks" approach to communication - as though that will ingratiate me to support their cause. You know what, if you're the token idiot (or if you just sound like one), don't freakin' call me, okay? It's not amusing and I'm not your buddy.

This morning, on they way to work, I saw a guy on a bike on the sidewalk pull out into traffic to swerve around a car - who was also pulling into traffic. Hilarity would have insued if it was actually funny. Instead, there were screaming brakes, loud horns, and I'm sure some general swearing. Idiots.

Wal-mart, self checkout. Okay, if I'm using one of these things, it almost automatically means I'm not an expert at it. I was trying to get a few oddly shaped items scanned and into some clearly defective grocery bags and the woman behind me had already placed all her crap on the converer belt - and was tapping her foot and looking at her watch. Well, maybe she wasn't actually doing that, but dammit, she might as well have been. It wasn't like I was standing there reading the labels on a soup can or something, I was trying to get out of the braincell killing flurecoent lights and a little patience on her part would have been nice. I glared at her when she started to scan her items and made her move so I could get my cash back. Wanker.

And yes, I do complain about people in lines being slow, but this is my blog and I say she should have been patient.

Let's see...I'm really on a roll at this point. What else is pissing me off?

Holiday shopping is usually annoying, but I haven't really started that much yet. And World Market was cool as usual. The weather has been cold, but I'm adapting. Got a bit of a cold, but it's not bad. So, I guess that's it for now.

Back to my regular mood and back to work...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

random stories

This is going to be something of a random blog entry - a little bit of all over the map.

1. The last time I visited my family, while we were in my parents mini-van coming back from dinner, my sister made a joking comment about how not knowing what I was getting her for Christmas might kill her. I replied and said "Well, I'll send flowers. I mean, I'll bring flowers. Yeah, bring flowers".

I think you had to be there to appreciate the comedic timing, but trust me - it was freaking hilarious.

2. A couple of weeks ago I actually saw someone on a segway. First one I've ever seen "live" and in use. He was moving along pretty well with it, but he still looked like a dufus.

3. I'm feeling a little under the weather this morning - pretty much all the stuff that nyqule is supposed to take care of, but I didn't actually take any. I was late to work this morning and I'll need to stay a little later to make up for it.

4. My grandmother is in the hospital with pneumnoia. She's doing better now, but they had fist diagnosed it as the flu and that she should just "tough it out". We're generally a little cranky about that one, but not much we can do from here. At least she's getting good care now.

5. There is no five. I've run out of stuff to say that doesn't talk about mucus and I think that's a line I don't need to cross today. So, time to get back to work...

Monday, November 14, 2005

crossing guard - bonfire - weird dream

I was off-work last Friday - though I went in for a bit to work on my web page and do a little reasearch. When I got home, I decided to go for a walk. Along the way, I was waiting to cross a busy street and I noticed a girl on the other side - very intently watching the traffic. The cross traffic stopped, left turn arrow kicked in, and I watched for the left turn lane to clear so that I could get an early - but still safe - start across the street. When the lane was clear, I started walking so did the girl - holding up a small red stop sign. She met me halfway across the road, then escorted me the rest of the way to safety of the curb. Apparently, she was a crossing guard and while it was the time for the school-aged children to be getting off of school, I do not look like a school-aged person. I guess she was there for anyone crossing the street, but I'm pretty sure I could have handled it myself.

Later that evening, I went to a bonfire one of my friends was having. The directions I got off the net were ever so slightly wrong, so I ended up parking in Sri Lanka and walking until I found the right place. Had a good time there - mostly just good naturedly bitching about work. :) I left a little after midnight and then had an early morning for breakfast with my ex-roommates mom and grandmother. Yeah, I said I would try and distance myself a bit, but the her pancakes are the bomb!

Also over the weekend, I had a weird dream that I grew hair on the bottom of my feet. Kind of like a reverse hobbit or something. I also dreamed that I was driving a jeep and I had to cross several hundred plank bridges, all in a row, at high speed. It was bizzare.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

not quite a nightmare

I dreamed last night that my family had moved back into together and back into the first house we lived in while in Illinois - a big 2 story farmhouse. It was christmas time and mom was busy decorating the house - and unfortunatly woke up the ancient vampiric horde that had moved into the basement. I carved myself a couple of nice wooden stakes, hardened them in the fireplace and went hunting. My sister went the Palidin route and was in charge of the holy water. She prepped a big red bucket of the stuff and we doused the head vampire before I moved in for the staking. Crossing the two stakes held him at bay, then I staked him and used the second stake to pound it in. Worked pretty well and I didn't have to worry about a hammer. Unfortunatly, instead of turning all the ohter vampires back to normal, killing the head vampire only pissed off the rest of them. We spent the rest of the dream on the hunt through the house and then the rest of the town. I was exausted when I woke up.

Back to work...

Friday, November 04, 2005

work stress and a run-in with an ex-roommate

So, I was over at my ex-roommate's mom's place - putting plastic on her windows. She'd been wanting me to do it and though I usually call first, this time I just stopped by after my post halloween hair-cut.

I had the double-stick tape in place and was trying to get the plastic unfolded when my ex-roommate pulled up to deliver some fish to his mom from the resturant where he works. We talked for a bit and he helped a little with the plastic, but it was....

It was the kind of awkward of two people who were friends, but haven't seen each other in ten years and realize that they don't have anything in common anymore.

I could tell the converstation was struggling, so I asked "How are your boys doing?" - which should have been a fountain of topics for most parents.

His reply was "Oh, you know how they are."

Except that I didn't - I haven't seen them in a year and I was asking. I realized then that it was over - if he wasn't willing to share even the most simple of topics, we couldn't really communicate.

I was still working on getting the plastic in place when he announced he was leaving. He said his good-byes - leaving me to finish put the plastic over his mom's windows. I finished up my work fairly quickly - I've done this several years in a row - and headed out too.

I think I need to distance myself from his mom and his grandmother a bit more - until he makes an effort to seek me out again, I don't think I want to run into him. It was just too awkward.

In other, work has really sucked this week. And it was a short week for me at that. I've been swamped pretty much all the time and I keep getting these big projects with impossible deadlines. I guess it's job security, but man - I've been hopping. And I found myself clenching my teeth in a meeting. Not good.

But, hey, it's Friday. And I've got no major plans for the weekend. Maybe I'll clean out my closets and do a little woodcarving.

For now, though, it's back to work...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween campus tour

On Monday, I took the day off and made my annual campus tour - in costume. One of my favorite days of the year, I usually make my rounds and try and visit as many of my on campus friends. This year, I apparently didn't plan as well and missed quite a few people. I was also easily distracted and ended up back-tracking a bit.

Here's a link to more detail and pictures:

I had a blast - again - and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Got some good reactions from people walking on campus - and a few people that were too "cool" to react. I mean, how could you not react?

I also clanked my way through the library and apparently disturbed a girl that was studying. She took one look at me and turned back to her book with a "sniff" of disdain. I just shook my head as I went on past - wondering if she had ever been a child. It's freaking Halloween - enjoy it!

My ankles are still pretty sore, but I'm getting better. And really, a little suffering for my art is fine by me - it's only one day and it's always fun.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Friday, October 28, 2005

links to CyberSecurity videos

Got a few links for you:

staring your's truely. My film debut - I'll be on before you know it.

I'm ready to go for halloween - and no, I'm not going as a nerd. That would be too easy.

That's it for now - back to work...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

a long day and a long blog

You may want to grab a soda and sit back for this one - it was a really long day yesterday and lots of stuff happened. Here we go...

Got to work early with all the stuff I needed for our CyberSecurity Awareness day. Headed out with the crew to the Student Union to help set things up - and mostly held balloons and watched eveyone's stuff. Then I grabbed my bag and headed for the restroom - to make my transformation into Zack Geekis - computer nerd. And the hero of the three videos we did for the event. Once fully nerded up, I sat down at the Prize Wheel (tm) and talked to people for about 4 hours. I gave away a lot of prizes once we got the sytem down and made a few people's day.

When my shift was up, I headed back to the restroom to de-nerd. And, incidentally, I should have gotten some kind of hazzard pay for what was going on in the other stalls while I was in there.

Grabbed some lunch, ran into some friends from the HelpDesk, and headed back to work - only to get a call that posters and buttons were needed at another location on campus. Since I had no way to contact those at the Student Union, I put my coat back on and headed back over to pick up the items and make a delivery.

Back to the office again for some more work and a little problem solving, then out the door at my regular time. First stop, comic book shop for some reading material, then over to Burger King. This is where things started to fall apart.

The clerk atBK was friendly enough, but very difficult to understand as she tended to slur her words together. The portions were smaller than I expected for my afternoon snack, which worried me a bit as I usually need some food in my stomach to keep from getting sick when giving blood.

Food in my belly, I headed out again to the public library where the blood drive was being held. I got there at about 5:10 pm and went in the front door where the signs were. Unfortuantly, that was the end of the signs. Once inside the library there was no indication that a blood drive was going on. I searched the first floor, then headed to the basement - which was distressingly under construction. Back up to the first floor, then outside to see if they were having a blood mobile instead. No luck. Back inside and to the information desk - where people cut in front of me and generally ignored my existance. Then over to the check out desk where I waited in line for a couple of minutes before I finally was able to ask someone - and they had to look it up. I was told it was downstairs and that I should just follow the yellow footprints on the floor.

Yes, that was my sole navigational aid.

Guided by the footprints, I made my way back downstairs and went past the "under construction - do not enter" signs to the meeting room - and the blood mobile.

It was now 5:25 and I sat down to wait. They had a line of people 7 deep waiting to give histories, one person taking the histories, and one person actually taking the donations. Not a good sign. Fortunatly, I had plenty of paper with me and proceeded to fold.

And then I noticed that it was taking longer to go through the history than it was to actually give the blood. Never seen that before and clearly the person in that area was the bottleneck. So, we waited. A few people left to get magazines and come back. One guy simply lefft.

At 6:30, I was finally called to do my history thing. And it took forever, even though they got some more people working. They also had trouble with my new vs. old card as the system wasn't reading my double red donations.

Finally, over to the donation area. Being an old hat at this, I didn't expect any trouble. I'm apparently a fool.

The needle hurt going in and kept hurting. I kept my mouth shut since the only resolution is to move the needle - and that usually just makes it worse. I did my squeezing and focused on the task at hand - going through at my usual pace. Finished up when I expected and the tech went to fill the little tubes. And that was a problem. The little clamp/spout/needle they use to put the blood in the tubes wasn't working - even after she fiddled around with it for a few minutes. She called in the other guy that was working there to help out when he was done with his people. He fiddled around with it too and couldn't get them to go.

So, he gave up and she started to do the wrap up procedures. She seemed disappointed - and then told me that it since they couldn't get the tubes filled, they couldn't use the blood.

Well, there was no freaking way I was going to let that happen. Not after all that. So, I suggested that they use the other arm and get the tubes done. She seemed plesantly surprised that I volunteered for that and then had me switch sides so the other guy could do the tubes - we was apparently better at than she was. Well, no duh.

I think we freaked the people in the room out a little since it looked like I was set to give yet another pint. The guy started to work on getting the tubes filled and the needle he used hurt far worse than the regular one. Finally done - two arms, two bandages. I got out of there with a small can of pineapple juice and a sigh of relief. I'm still going to give blood next time around, but I can't say this was a good experience.

But, there's more. A friend of mine and I went out to grab a late dinner and on the way back to my place he looked in the rearview mirror and swore. The car behind us was dangerously close. While we watched, it slammed on the brakes, then accelerated. Then it weaved from one curb to the other and finally slammed into a parked car on the side of the street. We were half a block away when we saw this, and quickly pulled over and when to check on the driver.

The woman that got out of the car, dusty from the airbags and dazed from the impact, was also totally wasted. When we asked if she was okay, she said "no, I'm really drunk". The car was totaled and the noise alerted the damaged car's owner - who came out while someone else called the police. My friend shut off her car - since she'd gotten out and left it running - then tried to get her out of the street. She wandered around despite our best efforts - and kept asking for us to give her back her keys so she could call her boyfriend. We gave them back to her, since it was clear she wasn't going anywhere. Even with her keys in hand, she kept insisting that we give them back so she could make a call.

The police arrived a few minutes later and my friend gave me his keys to drive his car out of the way and back to my place - only a couple of blocks down the road. He stayed to give a report to the police and I played video games until he got back.

So, over the course of one day I:

1. was a movie star and game show host
2. gave blood from both arms
3. witnessed a car accident

Heck, I'm tired again just writing about it. Better get back to work so I can rest up.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

the beeping! the beeping! the beeping of the fryer!!

So, I went for a walk last night to get some contact solution at the drug store - and then I decided to stop at McDonald's for dinner. Which is nearly always a mistake, but I figured that I could get a quick bite to eat and escape with minimal damage. While I was ordering, I accidentally caught my laundry wound on the edge of my pocket and started bleeding again. I was still waiting for my food when I realized the blood was running down my finger. I grabbed some napkins and managed not to bleed on the floor. The fries weren't ready, but they said they would bring them over to me.

So, I sat down with my book and started eating. The sandwichs were, to my surprise, prepared correctly. To my further surprise, they actually tasted good. Amazing.

And then the timer on the fryer went off. The strident beeping could be heard throughout the resturant. And it was unending. Not like a microwave that will eventually shut itself up - these just keep beeping and beeping. It was bad enough that I couldn't read. And you know it's got to be bad if I can't read.

My sister has complained about this in the past - she has very sensitive hearing. My hearing isn't as good as hers, but I'm more easily annoyed now that I'm a little older.

I ate more quickly than I would I have liked and pretty much gave up on the book. Could have been a good experience, but the assault on my ears was too much. I'm really glad I don't work there.

Back to work...

Monday, October 24, 2005

stupid injury, costume work

I worked on my halloween costume over the weekend - well, mostly Sunday since that was the only day with nice weather and I had to work outside. No hints on this one - you'll just have to wait. It's going pretty well, but it's more work than I expected - and a bit more expensive.

In other news - I had a laundry related injury last night. I was getting my clothes out of the washer and saw something shiny at the bottom. I lunged for the quarter that must have fallen out of a pocket during the wash and slammed my knuckle into the washer hub - hard enough to break the skin. I got the money anyway - then had to hurry and get it cleaned up and bandaged before I bled all over my clean laundry.

It was sad and pathetic.

Back to work...

Friday, October 21, 2005

having arrived

When I started my blog it was a small kinda thing, just me and a journal of sorts that I linked from my site. After a while I decided to turn on comments, and later still I decided to let my blog be refernced by blogger - meanings that it would show up on their lists and people all over the world could randomly visit and read what I had to say.

Unfortuntly, this also attracted comment spam - people that set up programs to automatically dump bogus comments into blogs with link so they get a higher page rank. Wankers. So, I had to take some time yesterday to clean those up and set the blog to send me email if someone adds a comment - valid or otherwise.

I guess my little blog and I have finally arrived if the spambots have found us. I'll try to keep it clear of the spam and keep on writing weird stuff that happens.

In other news... you know, I don't think I really think I have much in the way of news. So, I think I'll stop right here.

Back to work...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

the protest

I was headed up campus yesterday to reboot a server (hey, I'm all about pushing buttons) and I saw a protest/demonstration was going on along the commons. There were several college age student looking people holding signs and flags. I was in a hurry so I didn't stop to get the full drift of the protest - but I think it was something about "Obey Jesus - Start War!"

Which, clearly, makes no sense. I think they were trying to be ironic - which is fine in casual conversation and bumper stickers - but in a protest if a person has to stop and figure out what you're talking about, well, they most likely won't stop.

The bigger problem is that even if they had been straight-forward in their message, it wouldn't have mattered. I think I agree with their convoluted message so far as I believe that war itself doesn't really ever solve anything - but I feel no more strongly about it now that I know I have the support of a few loud college students that can make signs. And if I thought war was a good idea - would they have been able to sway my thinking?

Not likely.

If they had made the local news, had the story picked up nationally, been in a report that sat on the president's desk, would it have mattered?

Besides the point that we're not really sure he knows how to read - I don't think it would have mattered there either. A college campus protest does not set national policy.

Maybe it mattered to the students with the signs. Maybe it gave them a sense of community and helped them hold onto their ideals. And maybe they'll end up in a position of power at some point in their lives and will be able to make a differnce.

As for me, well, I had to go push a button and get some lunch.

I guess that's all I've got to say on that particular subject - so, time to get back to work...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

growling, running, cleaning

It takes quite a bit to get me really angry - but I'm very frequently annoyed. Very. Frequently.
And I've found myself, well, growling at people. Well, not actually at them. Just in the back of my throat. I don't think anyone has heard me do this and I'm not sure how I'd react or what I'd say. Case in point... yesteday, in the student union (and this happens more freqently in a crowd) I was trying to accomplish what should have been the simple task of going up the stairs to get some lunch. While trying to navigate the crowds - which were formidable - I also had to contend with this guy moving slowly and aimlessly in the middle of the hallway. I saw him from a distance and tried to plan a route past him - but his random wanderings were aligned with my path despite my best efforts and I pretty much had to stop and wait for him to move past before I could proceed. As soon as I got an opening, I took it - growling low in my throat as I went past him.

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm all for quiet comtemplation and a slow pace - where it's appropiate. Museum, park, forrest trail - all valid. Crowded building with uninspired arcitecture? Nope, let's hustle, people. Nothing to see here. Move it along. Hence the growling.

In other news - I've been doing a little running the past couple of days. It's been too long and I'm out of shape, but at least I'm out there trying. It's about 15 minutes of running and walking - which is not very much. Still, gotta start somewhere. If I can get in the habit of doing this - then I'm more likely to get a treadmill and use it when the weather turns cold and I can't run outside. Well, I guess I could run outside in the winter, but that's a little more insane than I'm willing to be.

I also did a little cleaning/organizing/ de-crappifing my apartment. Tomorrow will be a year to the day when I kicked out my former room-mate - I think a little clearing out is in order.

Work has kinda sucked the past few days, but I'm getting through it. And that's about it. So, I should get back to the grind...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

smell, animals, Sarah McG, ansa-phone

The smell this morning as I walked out my front door was that of Liver and Onions - one of my least favorite foods on the planet. I'd rather be covered in angry spiders than eat that crap - and the smell isn't anything to smile about either. Maybe I need to move...

Over the weekend I went to a small zoo in Wheeling, WV. It was raining and there were other events happening in the area, so we pretty much had the zoo to ourselves. A few animals of note:

Ostrich: There were 4 in the enclosure and they were as facinated with us as much as their fairly small brains could be. My friend opened up his umbrella and the male suddenly started following us as we walked along the fence. A mating display, perhaps?

Deer: They had a petting zoo type area with deer that we went into. One of the deer walked right up to me and stopped with what I'm guessing was an expectant look on its face. I didn't have any of the pellet food and didn't plan on letting a deer eat out of my hand - though that's what it was expected. So, we just looked at each other for a moment - each of us having reached the limit of what we were prepared to do. It was an interesting empass.

Frogs: They had a display of poison arrow frogs. Those things are wicked cool - so bright and shiny that they looked like plastic until they moved.

River Otters: My favorite animal on the planet - they had two in a large watery area with underwater viewing. We got to see them right up close as they swam, ate, and played in and out of the water. Just amazing. And the otters seemed interested in us too - they came right up to the glass and peered at us and tapped the glass before swimming off again. I could have stayed there all day.

Also that weekend I got to see a Sarah McLachlan concert on TV. Just awsome - I think she's one of the most amazing and powerful singers out there today. And you could tell she was really enjoying putting on the show. She... resonates... with some pretty deep and powerful emotions.

In other ex-roommates mom called last night and asked if I would stop over and set up her answering machine/caller ID. They seem to go in waves with their requests - though this one does seem to be taking longing than usual to get through. So, I'm headed there this evening.

That's it for now...time to get back to work...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

car revistied, work, annoyed, good deed

Well, it's been a few days since I mentioned my car - the check engine light went out the day before my appointment. I drove in a variety of conditions and the car had no problems. So, I called and canceled the appointment - saying it was like a kid that didn't want to go to school, but felt better when a trip to the doctor is suggested. The mechanic had good laugh with me.

Yesterday, on the way to work - the engine light came back on. I not sure if it means there's a problem or just a loose wire somewhere. I'm keeping an eye on things and I'll get it checked if anything else weird happens.

Work has been busy and stressful - a couple of projects have sprung up out of nowhere and gotten rapidly way more complicated than usual.

As a result, going for lunch has been an exercise in frustration this week. It's like people are trying to get in my way on purpose - though the worst has to be the chicks that sit right in the middle of the stairs at the main entrance to the building - chatting on their cell phones while eveyone else has to try and get around them. Maybe a good swift kick to their, must not let the idea even form in my head.

To try and counter-balance things, I did a good deed again and took my ex-roommate's grandmother to bingo again yesterday and then picked her up in the evening.

Oh, and I got some more halloween supplies last night. One more major component to acquire and I'll be ready for the assembly.

That's it for now - time to get back to work and and put out some fires...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Nerd, car, and halloween prep

Over the weekend I went to a costume shop that is going out of business. Found some good deals for my costume this year and got some ideas for next year as well. Spent too much money, but hey, it's my favorite holiday of the year and I've got my fan base to think about.

Yesterday during a drive home, the check engine light came on again. I've got an appointment to drop the car off tonight and have it worked on - again. For apparently the same problem that they "fixed" before. So, I'm doing it all - again. I'm more than a we bit cranky about the whole thing, as you can imagine. I might have to pack my Mr. PotatoHead "angry eyes".

In other news... I'm involved in a project to put together some videos and a website for Cyber Security Awareness day here on campus. In the videos, I'm playing the part of "The Nerd". So, today I nerded myself up and got my picture taken for a fake ID. I think I managed to pull off the look - I was nerdy that I wanted to give myself a weggie and shove myself in a locker. Yeah, I was styling. Just a few minutes ago I de-nerded myself - though I'm leaving the stuff here at work for when we actually film my part.

It was scary how easy it was to slip into the role - and how nerdy I still feel afterwards.

I think I need a shower. With lots of pumic soap.

That's it for now, back to work...

And yes, I'll post a picture at some point.

Friday, September 30, 2005

why it's a good thing I can't blow people up with my mind

It's been a rough day - things keep breaking and landing on my desk. And at lunch today - everyone was in my way. Everyone.

1. The girl that had to get 8 little cups of catsup for her small order of fries.
2. The nimrod who couldn't find the napkins and made a huge deal of it.
3. The twit on her cell phone - standing on the stairs.
4. The...well, just the random collection of clueless idiots who couldn't see beyond their own small and dim view of the world.

While standing in line I actually had some serious thoughts over whether it would be better to make their heads explode or to just set them on fire. It's messy either way, but I figured that the burning alive would be more painful and I really didn't think that anyone of them deserved an easy way out.

Clearly, I have issues.

And now it's time to get back to work... Oh, the joy is neverending...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

good deed and preying mantis

I had a message on my answering machine from my ex-roommates grandmother yesterday when I got home from work. Rather than call her back the nan0-second I walked in the door, I spent some quality time in the bathroom with my new comics. By the time I was done - and yes, I did wash my hands - her currently out of town daughter had called as well. Same topic - could you take grandma to bingo tonight?

Well, as it turns out, I could. So, I called her back and made arrangments. I picked her up from her house and dropped her off at the bingo location with a hearty "good luck". The plan was that she would get a ride home from one of her friends - but she asked if I would be home that evening in case that fell through.

Now where, in all of this, is my ex-roommate? Apparently working, as was "that woman" as the grandmother refered to his girlfriend.

As predicted - she called again later that evening and would be needing a ride. So, I put my shoes back on and hopped in the car. Halfway to the bingo palace - terror struck.

Something huge flew past the front and side of my car before slamming into the open window frame on the driver's side of the car. It was a preying mantis and it was huge. Huge, I tell you!

The impact broke at least a couple of legs and the force of wind kept him from getting back underway. So, he was essentially stuck on the ledge of my window.

Now, I like bugs - because in most cases I can do my thing and they do their thing and we're all cool and stuff. Here, I was trying to do my thing and this particular bug was clearly up in my business.

I finally escorted him out of the car with a bit of scrap paper when I reached a red stoplight - no, I didn't touch it directly. We'd both been through enough. And it was huge.

I rolled up my window a bit once he was gone and then completed my appointment with the lucky bingo lady - who had picked up 50 bucks and a stuffed dog.

Good deed complete.

Well, that's it for now - time to get back to work...

Did I mention it was a huge bug? Huge!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

catching up a bit

I haven't blogged in a few days - been real busy with work, including working a couple of late nights. Big projects mostly, but also just a lot of random stuff.

I another cluster headache over the weekend - this one hit me while I was a passenger in a car on a trip. The "normal" sequence for this is: distorted vision, headache, throwing up, sleeping, recovery. Being in a car threw that out of wack and it was touch and go for a while. Feeling much better now.

Watched some of the Firefly DVD - great show! Real story driven sci-fi, which is usually rare in the face of fancy special effects.

I also watched the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on DVD. Pretty good, but I wonder how much a non-fan of the book would have gotten out of it. It was more than I expected, but not as much as I would have hoped for.

The DVD included a trailer for the Chronicles of Narnia - which looked really good in a Harry Potter sort of way. There's a shot of when they first open the wardrobe - amazing...

Talked to my sister last night - she's recovering from a huge quiz and was doing battle with a giant bug while we talked on the phone. I think she eventually won - but it was still twitching when we finished our conversation.

Well, I guess I should get back to work - or maybe go grab an early lunch. In any case, that's it for now...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I see a beige phone and I want it painted red

(apologies to the Rolling Stones)

We need a red phone for the video that I'm going to be in about Computer Security - so, that was job last night. Went fairly well, though my attempts to preserve it as a working phone failed when I forgot to cover the handset jack before spray painting it. Oh, well. It was most likely a lost cause anyway.

Otherwise, it was an evening of video games and paying bills.

Well, that's about it for now - back to work...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

car saga concluded and a call from mom

Well, I was able to pick up my car yesterday - though it was a near thing. I called early on in the day and was told it was the thermostat that was sticking and some contaminents in the anti-freeze. They suggested a new thermostat and a "flush and fill". So, I okayed that and they got to work. Before I headed to my meeting in the afternoon I called again to check the status and they said they were having trouble with air in the radiator - but they would call back soon and leave a message if I was gone.

They called back and left a message - the air was a real problem and they would need to keep it an extra day. The second message was them saying it was resolved and done and ready to go.

So, I got a ride over to the dealership, handed over my arm and my leg, then they drove my car around and handed me the keys.

I'm poorer than I was, but at least that light is off of my dashboard.

I called my folks last night and found out that my dad had won his age group in a 5k run - which was very cool. Mom was out, but called me back when she returned. She's back in Ohio and doing fine - though still a little tired. She's planning on heading back in a few weeks as they ERV drivers - and she's an expert on those. The shelter she worked at was considered a model for how it's supposed to be done and one of the directors said they couldn't have run it without her - so, high praise indeed.

Otherwise, not much to report except that I'm busy again today at work. The only reason I had time to write this much is that my 9:00 appointment is late. Well, I guess I should start on some projects until he gets here.

That's it for now...time to get back to work...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

car saga continued

Directions gathered, route planned and I'm off to see the dealer - dealership, that is. Or more accurately, drop my ailing car off at the service department. To my surprise, they are still open and not that busy. I give the guy my keys and he pulls my car in and we proceed to "Fill Out The Paperwork" - a ritual that I really dread. He tries to make some small talk and I politely respond - but really I had planned on dropping the keys in a slot with a note and going to dinner, so he's on borrowed time as it is. Nice enough guy - right up until the point where he says its going to be $100 just to run a diagnostic on my car.


Well, good luck, buddy. 'Cause Monroe couldn't even get the socket to work to make a connection. You're going to have to earn that $100.

And if they can't figure out what it is...well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Then I'll set fire to the bridge and storm the castle. And then I'll go get my swords.

Oh, and they are also going to cover a couple of recall issues that I've been neglecting. Well, one I've been neglecting since it didn't refer to "a screaming fireball of painful death and massive destruction" - which is my criteria for having someone waste my time while pretending to do me a favor. The other notice I hadn't heard about yet.

They aren't going to charge me for those, fortunatly.

It was a busy day yesterday and today looks to be about the same. I hope I don't get stuck here late again as I've got stuff to do this evening.

That's it for me - back to work...

Monday, September 19, 2005

the drums

I was in the student union today to drop off a disk and get some lunch when I heard the sound of drums. Loud drums. Hurt your ears kinda loud drums. There was a parade going through the student union as a group of guys in full tribal robes pounded on their drums as they marched through the building. It was almost painfully loud.

Now, while I applude the way they embraced their culture and the skill at which they played - I have to wonder if they realized that these drums are traditionally play Outside?

I have no idea why they did it or what they were all about, but it was loud. Very very loud.

Back to work...

car issues, parking permit, quiet weekend

So, I'm heading out to visit one of my friends on Friday and my check engine light comes on. So, I pull over into a nearby park and pop the hood. Which is foolish, since if it's not shooting out flames I'm not going to know what to do with it. I'm not a car guy.

No fire, but the light is still on. I drive directly back home and notice that the car is running just a little bit hot. Not much, not in the red zone, but just a little hotter than usual.

I took it over to a Monroe service station and they told me that they could look at it first thing Saturday morning - so I left it there and walked home. They said it would be $50 just to look at it. And somehow I knew:

a) They won't be able to figure out what the problem is and
b) They'll still charge me.

Well, I was half right. They couldn't get their diagnostic computer to make a connection - they suspected a bad socket or something. But, when I went to pick it up, they just handed me the keys and didn't charge me. Which was nice - though it would have been nicer if they had been able to actually fix it. They suggested that I take it to a dealership.

I took the car home, checked the phonebook and called the two dealerships listed to work on Chevys. The service area of the first one was closed and wouldn't be open until Monday morning and the second took all my info and gave me an appointment - for tuesday morning.

Gee, good thing it's not important or anything.

So, I drove it to work today - windows down and heat turned up - and again it got slightly hotter than it usually does. And of course I hit every single freaking red light on the way here.

I'm got tranportation lined up to leave the car at the dealership tonight and I'm really hoping it's something simple and cheap.

Because the cost of my parking permit just got taken out of my most recent paycheck. But wait, Anthony, don't you work there? Yes I do. And you have to pay to park on campus? Yep.
Isn't that wrong? Well, I think so. Do you kinda wish you could charge the parking office for helping with their web pages. A little, yes.

So, my finances are a little tighter than usual. Great. And I was planning on getting my Halloween supplies soon. Looks like I'm going to have to wait a bit.

Otherwise, a quiet weekend. I worked on my stained glass and a couple other little projects. Did some reading and played video games and watched movies.

I'm hoping the week is quiet - the boss is out of town at a conference and I've got plenty to keep me busy.

Well, that's it for now. Back to work...

Friday, September 16, 2005

broken mirror, solder, and a rough week

Just about to wrap up the week, so I thought I'd take a few and drop a quick post.

1. I broke a mirror last week. It was the mirror I use to help put my contacts in (not that I really need it, but it's part of my "putting in my contacts ritual" - i.e. force of habit). A little square mirror and I dropped it on the vanity around the sink. It really bothered me, not because of the whole 7 years bad luck thing, but because I don't break things. I'm always really careful with the stuff no matter what I'm doing, but the mirror slipped out of my fingers and broke. Weird.

2. The soldering went well last night, but I decided not finish it since I was getting tired and was already up too late. In any case, once I get my own soldering iron, I should be able to wrap it up in no time.

3. It's been a rough week here at work - and we had some server issues today that put a few of us in panic mode until there were fixed. I'm a little drained from the incident, but since it's almost time to go home I think I can last through the last few minutes and the drive home.

Well, that's it for me - I'm outta here...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

headboard and a weird dream

I worked on the headboard yesterday when I got home and got all the pieces put together. Things went pretty smoothly, though I've got one screw that my drill kept slipping in that I'll never be able to get out. Otherwise, it went just as I had hoped and I was able to attach it to my bedframe yesterday without any problems. I'll still need to take it down and do some sanding and staining, but it was a very productive afternoon. I think the project costs on this one are about $38 so far. The stain won't be too much more, so all in all it's been very cost effective compared to buying one in a store.

So, is there a footboard in my future? Not likely. The attachment point for the foot of the bed is a hook-like shape and that would take some construction beyond my ability. Plus, I tend to flail around quite a bit when I sleep and smacking into a foot board wouldn't be fun.

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant on the beach and went into labor - which apparently was a snap. I was instructed to cut the cord myself - which seemed a little much to ask of me after that ordel - but I did it anyway. Not a lot of detail in this dream, but even this little bit was weird enough to note - though it's not the first time I've dreamed about being pregnant.

Tonight's projects involve a trip to the comic store (it is wednesday after all), a trip to home depot for paint and stain, and maybe the grocery store if I have time. I want to try and do a little more stained glass before I return the soldering gun.

Well, that's it for now, time to get back to work...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

lumber, solder, update from mom, and vampires

A quick stop at Home depot for wood screws and I was ready to begin my headboard project in earnst. Though, as it turns out, I didn't get to that part. Took me a while to get everything set up in the front of my apartment and just as I was ready to fire up the circular saw and cut my lumber, my neighbors cames out and started talking two doors down from me. I went back in and started my laundry, then watered my plant, but they were still there. So, I just picked up the circular saw and turned to them until I got their attention. I apolgised for the noise in advance and they said it wouldn't bother. 10 seconds later they had all gone back into their apartment. Hey, I warned them. The sawing when pretty smoothly, but I thought that the sound of one power tool in the evening would be more than enough, so I packed that project up and started on the soldering project while I still had light.

In between there, I called my mom since I hadn't been able to get a hold of her yesterday. She was happy to hear from me, but couldn't talk as they were getting ready for a wedding at the shelter where she has been volunteering. So, I told her I'd call her later and I went back to my soldering.

The new soldering iron I got worked great! I think I might actually be able to produce something worthwhile - though I had a little trouble with the outer edges. Still, not bad for my second attempt. I worked on that until it got too dark to see, then I went inside to have dinner while everything cooled off enough to put away.

Mom called me back after dinner and said that the wedding went really well - and all the "gear" (dresses, cake, tuxes, etc) had been donated. So, she was helping get stuff returned - and apparently trying to chase down the flower girls who were having too much fun.

She's doing well, but she's tired and ready to come home. I gues the scheduleing has been weird - alternatly shorthanded and then overflow. She sounded like she's in good spirits and in her element - helping people and organizing things. :)

After talking to mom, I fired up the playstation and made some progress on castlevania: Lament of Innocence. For a vampire hunting game, there really aren't many vampires so far. I would have also liked to see more selection in the weapons - but the whip will just have to do for now.

Well, I think it's going to be a busy day for me - better get to it...

Monday, September 12, 2005

travel, car, lumber, headache

Did a little traveling this weekend - went with a friend down to columbus so that he could buy a car from his brother at the dealership where he works. The dealership is about 20 minutes away from where my family lives, so after picking up the car we headed further south and visited my dad and my sister for the afternoon. Spent most of the time out on Dad's deck and enjoyed the weather and the conversations. Had to head back on Saturday since everyone had plans for Sunday, but it was still a good, if rather short, visit.

On Sunday, I headed to Home Depot to get the lumber for my headboard that I want to build. Had a little trouble with the in-store traffic. Loaded up the car (good thing I have a fold-down back seat) and headed home. I started to get a headache and some distored vision, so I took some Aleave and tried to sleep for a while. Got up, had some dinner and did a little reading before I went to bed. Didn't get anything done on the headboard, but I think thing should go smoothly this afternoon when I get home from work.

Also, a big thank you to my friend who loaned me a higher powered soldering gun. I'm going to give that a try this evening as well and if it helps, I may get one of my own.

Well, that's it for me - time to get back to work...

Friday, September 09, 2005


Picked up a new game recently called Psychonauts for the Playstation 2. The main character is a kid named Raz who's at a Psychic Summer camp to learn psychic powers and earn merit badges. The game play is pretty good - though alternately too easy and too difficult. The best parts are the levels when he has to go into someone's mind. He has to track down luggage (emotional baggage) and figments of imagination, do battle with mental censors, and explore terrain ranging from Lungfishoplois to a surreal Milkman conspiracy.

Raz learns levitation, pyrokinesis, and a psi-blast - and he uses little clumps of anger for ammo.

All in all, a fun and slightly addictive game. And strangely enough, it hasn't resulted in any really weird dreams.

It's been a busy week and the weekend should be fairly busy too. Lots of driving to do. I think, if I've got time on Sunday, that I'm going to get some lumber and do a little building. I've been thinking about making a headboard for my bed and I'm running out of good weather to work on it outside.

Got a meeting coming up in a few, so I'd best get back to work...

Friday, September 02, 2005

dream of school and update on mom

I had a dream last night that I was back in college - though my first class was held in an elementry school. It was an art class and the first project the teacher showed us was a bit of origami. Which would be excellent, since I've had a lot of practice in that, and as luck would furhter have it - I knew how make the model the teacher was demonstrating. Materials were passed out and disaster struck. For some reason, everyone else got normal squares of copy paper - and I got a lopsided rectangle with rough edges. And it wasn't paper, it was a weird mix of velum and a plastic foil. So, it was difficult to make a crease since it tended to unfold and it tore really easily. When everyone else was done with their perfect (and very simple) models - mine was still a hideous work in progress. Everyone was stareing at me when I woke up.

In other news...Mom has been checking in and is doing fine helping at a shelter in Florida. She's working long shifts, but she's okay.

Work has been busy this week - so I guess I'd better get back to it....

Monday, August 29, 2005

sad songs, mom heads south, and lunch in the office

I've been listening to Aimee Mann's newest album - "The Forgotten Arm". Really great stuff, but there's one song on there called "little bombs" that kinda messes me up a bit. This part really gets me...

Life just kind of empties out
Less a deluge than a drought
Less a giant mushroom cloud
Than an unexploded shell
Inside a cell
Of the Lennox Hotel

Her album is a story about two, of course tragedy. I haven't caught everything about the story yet, even after repeated listenings, but that little section just about reduces me to tears. The whole song paints a very vivid and precise picture of this person's reality and how it falls apart around them. You can almost see them standing there, being destroyed.

In other news...Mom has been asked to volunteer to help out with relief efforts in the south. We're not sure if she's headed to Florida, or Louisiana - it's scary either way. I'm glad she's able to help, but, well, you know...

Also, classes start this week so I'm hiding out in my office - and I brought my lunch today. It's usually a good plan for at least the first week of school. Parking is an issue and the student union is a mess at lunch time. I'm not sure I packed enough this morning - might have to make a snack machine run later.

Well, that's it for now. Back to work...

Friday, August 26, 2005

stained glass is tougher than it looks

I set up shop on the back porch for my first stained glass project last night. With instructions at the ready, I started out...

1. Scoring the glass. Easy as pie - I didn't try the more complicated inside curves, but the straight lines were literally a snap.

2. Adding copper foil to the edges. Not bad - I had a little trouble with the first piece, but it wasn't too tough once I got the hang of it.

3. Adding flux. Doesn't really count - any idiot could do that and this idiot was up to the challange.

4. Soldering. We'll start with the success part of this - the pieces of glass that I had prepped did stay together. However... ugly. Very ugly.

I think my problem was that the soldering iron cooled down faster than I expected. I'd be going along for a couple of seconds and it was suddenly stop being helpful. I guess I was expecting it to stay hotter for longer than that. Apparently, I thought I was purchsing a powerful tool and bought Barbie's First Soldering Iron (tm).

So, it's pretty ugly and I was frustrated toward the end of the evening. Ironically, it took a while for the iron to cool down to where I could put it away - especially since I couldn't get the stuff to stay hot for very long.

Anyway, that was my first trial run.

Last night I dreamed that a trans-dimensional shape-shifting cosmically powered alien landed in my parking space. It was the size of a gerbil. At least to start - then it started some pretty impressive shape shifting and ended up the size of a truck - though got back around to at least looking like a gerbil again. It went on and on about how it was there to study and test us - if we were worthy of keeping around after the invasion. I felt a little stressed that my actions might effect the fate of humanity, but I hung in there and made sure it had plenty of treats. I woke up before I learned what it concluded.

That's it for now - back to work...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

a long walk

I was feeling peckish yesterday when I got home from work, so I decided to take myself for a walk. I've been wanting to try my hand at making stained glass - the real kind with solder and extream heat - so my planned destination was Home Deport, about 2 or 3 miles from my apartment.

The walk there was mostly unevently, though I did practice my "folding in the air" origami technique and built a couple of models while I was walking. I think I overextended myself as my hands got a little shaky, but I made it to HD with no trouble. I found the soldering iron, the solder, and the flux all in one section and did the self checkout. Borders is right across the parking lot, but I wasn't sure what to do with my current purchases. So, the solder and flux went into my pockets and the iron got tucked into the back of my pants.

I was looking for The Ring Two at borders, but they didn't have it yet. So, I got a magazine and a book on how to actually make stained glass (who would have guessed? I bought instructions.) and then trucked over to Wendy's for dinner. I got it to go, but figured the sandwich would be tough to eat on the fly - or on the walk, as the case may be. So, I stopped again at home depot and ate my dinner on the grass behind the sample buildings. It was peaceful.

The walk home was fine - though I wasn't able to fold as easily since I had the bag of stuff with me. And it mostly worked - I was tired and less cranky when I got home, though I'm still about 15% more cranky than usual.

Got me thinking a little about my internal walls - and I do have more than my share of them. I've got some ideas about my internal bricklayer, but I think I'll hold off on that topic for today. Too much to do here at work today to spend more time in the blog.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

a crane in a traffic jam and a contact dream

On the drive to visit my family last weekend, I got stuck in traffic in a construction zone - behind an RV. So, no only was I not moving very fast, I also couldn't even see why we were stopped. Fortunatly, I had plenty of new music and a stack of Origami paper, so I was content to wait it out - since I really didn't have any other options. While I was singing along with the music, I glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw a woman in the car behind me - looking more bored than I've ever seen one human being look.

So, I quickly folded a crane and waited until we advanced a few feet, then came to a complete stop. Putting my car in park, I got out and headed back to her vechicle. She rolled down her window and I handed her the crane - telling her that I made it for her. She thanked me and I showed her how to make the wings flap. She told me I was clever - which I knew and which is usually my downfall. And I gave her a wave as I headed back to my car. The rest of the traffic jam portion of my trip I occasionally glanced back to see that she was in a much better mood.

Over the weekend, I had a dream that my gas-permable broke in my eye. Which is pretty bad, but the worst was that a sliver of the contact cut my eyeball and I started to bleed. I remember looking down and seeing the blood that had dripped out of my eye fall and hit the table. I think I was looking for some tweezers to pull the sliver out when I woke up.

The first thing I did when I woke up was gently rub my eyes to make sure they were okay - and I didn't put my contacts in for several hours after that.

Which makes me wonder. I have nightmares all the time and people usually blame them on all the weird books, movies, and video games that I enjoy. But, the contact thing wasn't related to anything like that. Are my dreams weird because of the weird stuff in books and games - or are my dreams weird because I'm weird and those elements just end up there?

Food for thought, I guess.

Well, back to work...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

watching a headache and traffic travelers

So, two days in a row - while driving - I had people on foot look toward my car. See me. Make freaking eye contact with me.

And still walk right out in front of my moving car.

One guy was at an intersection talking on his cell phone - he crossed against the light. The other guy just crossed in the middle of the street.

And what really gets me is that they didn't even give the illusion of hurrying. Hello? What's up with that? If you're going to be so dense as to delibertly step out in front of a moving car, shouldn't you at least hustle a little bit? I mean, come on people!

So, I had to slow down to avoid hitting them. Which annoyed me. Again.

In other news, I watched myself get a headache last night. Ummm...yeah, better explain that one. The cluster headaches that I get will occationally have a visual element to them, a distortion that looks like the transporter effect from Star Trek the Orginal Series. Not the Next Generation, mind you, but the old style. Like hunderds of little points of light all clustered together that form in my perferial vision of one eye and then expand. It got worse for a little bit as it expanded, then it retreated. As my vision returned to normal, the headache started to kick in. Which actually worked out well as I had time to finish my dinner, take some Aleeve, and lay down with a cool cloth on my head before it really got bad. I went to bed early and slept pretty well - but my head still hurts a bit this morning. Aftereffects, I guess.

I had a dream last night that my great-grandmother was still alive and we all went to visit her in her hobbit house. My uncle (who's over 6 foot tall) and I had some trouble with the doors, but it was a nice visit. It should be noted that she had all her applicances lined up on one wall. Fridge, stove, freezer, washer, dryer - it looked like Sears. And she also called me Randy - though I totally let the name thing slide as at this point she would have been 104 years old.

Well, that's it for me. Got two back-to-back training sessions to conduct today so I'd better get ready. Later...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

headache, Kmart, and sinking lozenges

I stayed home from work yesterday morning - woke up with a cluster headache. I thought I could get past it, but when I was dressed and nearly out the door a wave of nausea hit me and I decided to go back to bed. Fortunatly, my neighborhood is fairly quiet during the day so I was able to sleep. At some point the nausea came back and I spent some quality time in the facilities. Hence the need for throat lozenges later.

When I finally got up again a little before noon I was feeling better and decided to go on into work. I went to the downstairs bathroom and discovered, to my delight, that I had a dozen lozenges and they weren't expired. Which, given my bathroom medicine cabinet, is saying something. But, I fumbled. Blame in on the lingering headache or something, but one of the packages slipped out of the box and then...


Right into the toilet.

In my shock I nearly dropped the other package of six right in after it, but I recovered and saved. I looked down to see the six packaged lozenges slide gently down to the very bottom of the toilet. The toilet had been recently flushed, but I just really didn't want to deal with it then. So, I wrote a big note on my message board to myself - "TOILET" - the hopes that it would me remember. When I got home later that day I fished it out and tossed the package.

In other news...I sent an email to Kmart today regarding asking for my zipcode during a debit transaction. I'll post the response in the blog - if I get one.

That's about it for now...back to work...

Monday, August 08, 2005

helping move

Spent most of the weekend helping a friend of mine move. And the scrawny geek acquited himself well, if I do say so myself. The TV was the worst - down a flight and a half of stairs, across the sidewalk, then up two flights of stairs. Took a lot out of me. Lots of boxes, a computer, mattresses and box springs, etc.

So, I figured that last night I'd be so tired I'd be asleep before my head hit the pillow. No such luck. I went to bed at my usual time and tossed and turned for a while. Finally, around 1 am, I got up and played video games until I was fairly sleepy - sometime around 2.

Needless to say (though I'll say it anyway) - my posterier was dragging this morning. I'd really like to just crawl under my desk and take a nap. Hmmm...nah, I'd never get away with it.

Well, I'm going to try and get motivated and get some work done, so it's back to it...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Retail Annoyance (it's almost a given, isn't it?)

While running some errands this weekend, I made my way first to Kmart in search of a shower mirror for shaving. Which was impossible to find. After scouring the store, I gave up, got my secondary items (soda, beef jerky and a book) and made my way to the check out. After waiting 1.5 eternities, I got to the front and swiped my debit card for my purchase. Instead of asking for my PIN number, it prompted me for a billing zipcode. I told the cashier and she said I needed to put in my zipcode. I said, "but I don't want to put in my zipcode" - thinking it was some kind of marketing survey thing that I despise. She replied, "well, then you can't use your charge card".
I glowered for a moment, then relented and put in my zip code - and then my pin number, then verified the amount, then confirmed that I did not want cash back. While it was digesting all that, I commented that usually the zipcode is some kind of marketing thing. She didn't reply - though she did thank me for shopping at Kmart. I rather doubted her sincerity.

So, why was I tweaked at having to put in my zipcode? Well, it goes back to the idea of public vs private keys. A public key is like a user name or an email address. Fairly easy to find and work with. The private key is some secret bit of information that allows someone direct access to the public key and the information it holds.
In this case, the card - with my name on it - is something like a public key. If I lose it, anyone could pick it up and try to use it. My name alone is a public key and certain information is available without any special access. This information would include my address and zipcode.

If someone got ahold of my debit card and my pin number, then my zipcode is easy to locate. So, Kmart is attempting to verfiy my private key and my identity with multiple pieces of public information. It's pointless and gives only the illusion of security. And it's a waste of time and computer power.

If I hadn't already waited so long I think I would have taken the items back to their shelves out of sheer annoyance. But, I needed some level of success for my trouble and actually making it through the line would have to do.

After a brief stop to gather my wits - I headed to Walgreens. I found a shower mirror, VHS tapes, a magazine, and some Tazo tea (Giant Peach flavored). Got up to the checkout and the women in line in front of me was apparently paying by check. And the guy behind the counter ( I would use the term dottering if I was british) was having a difficult time pushing all the right buttons in the correct sequence. When he was finally done with her, he wished her a nice day and told her "God Bless You".

I knew I was in trouble.

His first action was not to start ringing up my items or determining what kind of bag I would prefer - instead, he opened up this weeks circular to see if there were any coupons for the items I was about to purchase. This involved a careful scan of each page, then his reaching over to a small damp sponge to wet his finger - allowing for easier page turning, then actually turning the page and repeating the process. Scan, wet, turn, repeat.

Yes, this is really what happened.

When he was finally done he concluded the same thing I knew just by looking at my own items - there were no coupons that were valid for my purchases. He then scanned each items with care before placing it in the bag and I was way ahead of him with my debit card before he came up with a total. No zipcode this time - thankfully, but he wished me a good day and also told me "God Bless You".

And again, I'm annoyed.

He used the exact same tone with me as he did with the woman in front of me. No inflection, no depth - nothing. It was as empty as if he'd mentioned something about the weather.

Shouldn't that mean something? A request for an intersession from the supreme being - spoken as though he was trying to determine if I wanted fries with my combo.

Granted, it's not like he told me - "Have a crappy day. or Burn in hell, sinner" It was a generic and mildy friendly send-off. But it was empty. And that alone seemed disrespectful in some way.

So, my foray into the retail world was not that great today ( though the cashier at Taco Bell said she liked my shirt that says "You're just jealous because the voices talk to me") - but I got through it and I'm now that the bile is out of my system I'm going to take my book and sit outside. Alone and quiet. And if you should see me, please don't ask me for my zipcode.

Friday, August 05, 2005

boats and thunder

Woke up at 4:00 this morning - massive thunderstorm. One of the crashes of thunder sounded like I was in a garbage can being hit by a sledgehammer - the size of a city bus. A really huge loud noise. Of course it's not the thunder that's the real problem - that's just sound. The lightning must have been pretty bad too, but I put a pillow over my head so I couldn't see it. It wasn't raining too bad when I had to get up and go to work.

A couple of days ago I remembered something that I came up with while canoeing with my uncle several years ago.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the river.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Cold things make me shiver.

Not sure why I remembered that, but it struck me as funny.

I've been helping my friend move. He's only going from one building to the one right next door, but he only found out he had to move on Wednesday and they'd like him moved by the weekend. And the new place is filled with stuff (it used to be an office/apartment). And the current buildings entrance is no longer structually sound due to construction. The ceiling could collapse if the posts are "bumped".

So, yesterday we tried to quickly and very very carefully move things out and pile them in the new place where we could find room. We've still got a lot to do and there's just no space. I had to resist the urge to flip off the landlord every time we saw him.

Going to be a busy day here so I'd better get back to it...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

the truth of things...

If you open a bag of Doritos labeled: "Now better tasting!", you should be aware that this means:

"Now tastes vaguely like Cheetos!"


"It's more orange colored!"

Knowledge is power.

Back to work...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

you can't force a rant

I've been working on a particular entry for a few days - the annoyance of attention-getting devices.

It didn't work.

My muse was absent and the whole entry sounded forced, and it was. I guess the reason is that I hadn't been exposed to the stuff that really ticked me off in a while, so the righteous fury was absent. I still think those walkie-talkie cell phones are painfully annoying - but it's been too long since I've heard some bone-headed idiot use one that I couldn't devote an entire entry to them. I just wasn't cranky enough about it. If anyone has one and wants to stop over and demonstrate it for me I'm sure that will trigger my muse again. And maybe a hostile response, so maybe a demo isn't the best thing.

So, in other news...

Had a good visit with my mom - we went out for mexican. I had a tamale - it was pretty good. There was some green stuff mixed into the edge of the re-fried beans, but I was able to avoid that and the rest of the meal was good.

Over the weekend I went out to dinner with some friends and I had Hunan Tofu. My first tofu experience and it wasn't too bad. The actual chunks of tofu reminded me, at least as far as consistancy goes, of french toast sticks from Burger King - though chewier. They tasted like the sauce, which I understand is normal. Overall, okay - but I'm not sure I could eat it everyday.

I slept really badly last night - not sure what's going on there. Trouble going to sleep and trouble staying asleep. Woke up several times, but only once seemed justified (I had to pee). I was kinda cranky this morning - but work is actually improving my mood. Or at least it's not making it any worse and allowing my default personality to take over. Getting some stuff done and helping some people, so that's something.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Stop on over if you'd like to annoy me with one of those accursed walkie-talkie and are feeling brave.

Back to work...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

weird vs tall - and a dream of DC

Over the weekend I went to a picnic/surprise birthday party for my friend's dad. While helping set things up, I made a comment of some kind to my friend's young niece. She replied -

"You're weird,"

I was busy with something, so I just tossed out a comment meant to slightly confuse and distract:

"Yes, but I'm also very tall,"

Which is true, at least in relation to how tall she was. She thought about it for a moment, then replied.

"You're more weird than you are tall,"

Her mother walked by at that point and told her that was rude and she shouldn't talk to people like that. I shook my head and said,

"No, she's right. I am more weird than I am tall. It's valid,"

And that was pretty much that.

In other news... weird dream last night. I dreamed I was in Washington, DC and had just stopped at a convenience store to get some groceries. As I was walking out of the store, three teenage kids ran up to me, knocked the bag out of my hands, and made off with my groceries.

Slightly upset by this and looking to balance the cosmic scales, I walked over to a nearby armored truck that was unlocked, unguarded, and ideling with the keys in the ignition. I got in and drove off. I was of course chased and since it was DC in an era of terrorism, they called out the military and various swat teams.

But, no one had gotten a good look at me. So, I got out of the van and walked around until I found a crowd of people watching various teams search a park. I watched them too, then started up a conversation with a young woman and her daughter in a stroller. We shared a couple of laughs and talked for a bit, then I told her I had to leave since I was pretty sure I was the one everyone was looking for. And then I just walked away.

I think, because I was so calm about things, she didn't believe me. So, I walked for a bit until I reached a street that was being blocked off by a soldier. I asked if I could cut through there and he said no and that I couldn't even turn my car around here. I told him that was okay since I was on foot - and that apparently was the wrong thing to say. The keywords of "restricted area" and "man on foot" must have triggered something in him and he told me to come with him - I guess he thought he'd found the culprit. While I was trying to think of something to say to get myself out of it - I woke up.

In still more mom is in town for the day for work and she and I will be having dinner before she heads back home this evening. So, that should be fun - looking forward to seeing her.

And now it's time to get back to work...