Friday, September 30, 2005

why it's a good thing I can't blow people up with my mind

It's been a rough day - things keep breaking and landing on my desk. And at lunch today - everyone was in my way. Everyone.

1. The girl that had to get 8 little cups of catsup for her small order of fries.
2. The nimrod who couldn't find the napkins and made a huge deal of it.
3. The twit on her cell phone - standing on the stairs.
4. The...well, just the random collection of clueless idiots who couldn't see beyond their own small and dim view of the world.

While standing in line I actually had some serious thoughts over whether it would be better to make their heads explode or to just set them on fire. It's messy either way, but I figured that the burning alive would be more painful and I really didn't think that anyone of them deserved an easy way out.

Clearly, I have issues.

And now it's time to get back to work... Oh, the joy is neverending...

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