Wednesday, July 27, 2005

you can't force a rant

I've been working on a particular entry for a few days - the annoyance of attention-getting devices.

It didn't work.

My muse was absent and the whole entry sounded forced, and it was. I guess the reason is that I hadn't been exposed to the stuff that really ticked me off in a while, so the righteous fury was absent. I still think those walkie-talkie cell phones are painfully annoying - but it's been too long since I've heard some bone-headed idiot use one that I couldn't devote an entire entry to them. I just wasn't cranky enough about it. If anyone has one and wants to stop over and demonstrate it for me I'm sure that will trigger my muse again. And maybe a hostile response, so maybe a demo isn't the best thing.

So, in other news...

Had a good visit with my mom - we went out for mexican. I had a tamale - it was pretty good. There was some green stuff mixed into the edge of the re-fried beans, but I was able to avoid that and the rest of the meal was good.

Over the weekend I went out to dinner with some friends and I had Hunan Tofu. My first tofu experience and it wasn't too bad. The actual chunks of tofu reminded me, at least as far as consistancy goes, of french toast sticks from Burger King - though chewier. They tasted like the sauce, which I understand is normal. Overall, okay - but I'm not sure I could eat it everyday.

I slept really badly last night - not sure what's going on there. Trouble going to sleep and trouble staying asleep. Woke up several times, but only once seemed justified (I had to pee). I was kinda cranky this morning - but work is actually improving my mood. Or at least it's not making it any worse and allowing my default personality to take over. Getting some stuff done and helping some people, so that's something.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Stop on over if you'd like to annoy me with one of those accursed walkie-talkie and are feeling brave.

Back to work...

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