Thursday, December 22, 2005

blood drive, comics/dice, dryer vent

I went and gave blood again yesterday - and again, it took quite a while. I think I was there for about an hour and a half, most of that spent waiting. They were understaffed and didn't anticipate the number of people coming in. I even saw one guy get all the way to the waiting area just before you give blood - and then he left. All that waiting, and he couldn't wait a little longer - he was even next when the left.

Fortunatly, the guy that took my history also came over to help with the donatation area - and I didn't have any problems getting the tubes filled, though a lady that was there did.

In other news...I tried the burger king Chicken Fries. Eh, they're just chicken strips. And they tasted okay.

Also made a trip to the comic book store. While getting the latest issue of the Flash, I also picked up some dice for one of those DVD "Scene it" games that I've played recently. The dice that came with the game are too big and they don't shake well in a person's hand. So, we kept rolling the same number and catagory. I'll need to paint/label one of them, but that's minor. The 6 and 8 sided were for the game - the 20 was just for "coolness". It harkens back to the days of dungons and dragons and getting better outcomes for rolling high numbers. I didn't really play dungeons and dragons, but I'm geeky enough that I should have. Anyway, I saw a t-shirt that said, simply, "I roll twenties". I thought it was funny, so I got myself a 20 sided die, just in case I need a little extra power or smarts. Or something, I'm not entirely sure why I bought it. Still, for an impulse buy, it only cost me 80 cents.

And last night while doing the laundry - the $#@#()* dryer vent fell off again. I did a little swearing and put it back on. So, my basement is warm, but that's about it. Not even sure why I keep bothering - I should just replace the damn thing with a regular hose and be done with it.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Time to get back to work...

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