Monday, September 12, 2005

travel, car, lumber, headache

Did a little traveling this weekend - went with a friend down to columbus so that he could buy a car from his brother at the dealership where he works. The dealership is about 20 minutes away from where my family lives, so after picking up the car we headed further south and visited my dad and my sister for the afternoon. Spent most of the time out on Dad's deck and enjoyed the weather and the conversations. Had to head back on Saturday since everyone had plans for Sunday, but it was still a good, if rather short, visit.

On Sunday, I headed to Home Depot to get the lumber for my headboard that I want to build. Had a little trouble with the in-store traffic. Loaded up the car (good thing I have a fold-down back seat) and headed home. I started to get a headache and some distored vision, so I took some Aleave and tried to sleep for a while. Got up, had some dinner and did a little reading before I went to bed. Didn't get anything done on the headboard, but I think thing should go smoothly this afternoon when I get home from work.

Also, a big thank you to my friend who loaned me a higher powered soldering gun. I'm going to give that a try this evening as well and if it helps, I may get one of my own.

Well, that's it for me - time to get back to work...

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