Tuesday, October 11, 2005

smell, animals, Sarah McG, ansa-phone

The smell this morning as I walked out my front door was that of Liver and Onions - one of my least favorite foods on the planet. I'd rather be covered in angry spiders than eat that crap - and the smell isn't anything to smile about either. Maybe I need to move...

Over the weekend I went to a small zoo in Wheeling, WV. It was raining and there were other events happening in the area, so we pretty much had the zoo to ourselves. A few animals of note:

Ostrich: There were 4 in the enclosure and they were as facinated with us as much as their fairly small brains could be. My friend opened up his umbrella and the male suddenly started following us as we walked along the fence. A mating display, perhaps?

Deer: They had a petting zoo type area with deer that we went into. One of the deer walked right up to me and stopped with what I'm guessing was an expectant look on its face. I didn't have any of the pellet food and didn't plan on letting a deer eat out of my hand - though that's what it was expected. So, we just looked at each other for a moment - each of us having reached the limit of what we were prepared to do. It was an interesting empass.

Frogs: They had a display of poison arrow frogs. Those things are wicked cool - so bright and shiny that they looked like plastic until they moved.

River Otters: My favorite animal on the planet - they had two in a large watery area with underwater viewing. We got to see them right up close as they swam, ate, and played in and out of the water. Just amazing. And the otters seemed interested in us too - they came right up to the glass and peered at us and tapped the glass before swimming off again. I could have stayed there all day.

Also that weekend I got to see a Sarah McLachlan concert on TV. Just awsome - I think she's one of the most amazing and powerful singers out there today. And you could tell she was really enjoying putting on the show. She... resonates... with some pretty deep and powerful emotions.

In other news...my ex-roommates mom called last night and asked if I would stop over and set up her answering machine/caller ID. They seem to go in waves with their requests - though this one does seem to be taking longing than usual to get through. So, I'm headed there this evening.

That's it for now...time to get back to work...

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