Monday, October 24, 2005

stupid injury, costume work

I worked on my halloween costume over the weekend - well, mostly Sunday since that was the only day with nice weather and I had to work outside. No hints on this one - you'll just have to wait. It's going pretty well, but it's more work than I expected - and a bit more expensive.

In other news - I had a laundry related injury last night. I was getting my clothes out of the washer and saw something shiny at the bottom. I lunged for the quarter that must have fallen out of a pocket during the wash and slammed my knuckle into the washer hub - hard enough to break the skin. I got the money anyway - then had to hurry and get it cleaned up and bandaged before I bled all over my clean laundry.

It was sad and pathetic.

Back to work...

1 comment:

Jabberwocky said...

I can't take it anymore!!! Give us a hint, please! ;)