Friday, September 02, 2005

dream of school and update on mom

I had a dream last night that I was back in college - though my first class was held in an elementry school. It was an art class and the first project the teacher showed us was a bit of origami. Which would be excellent, since I've had a lot of practice in that, and as luck would furhter have it - I knew how make the model the teacher was demonstrating. Materials were passed out and disaster struck. For some reason, everyone else got normal squares of copy paper - and I got a lopsided rectangle with rough edges. And it wasn't paper, it was a weird mix of velum and a plastic foil. So, it was difficult to make a crease since it tended to unfold and it tore really easily. When everyone else was done with their perfect (and very simple) models - mine was still a hideous work in progress. Everyone was stareing at me when I woke up.

In other news...Mom has been checking in and is doing fine helping at a shelter in Florida. She's working long shifts, but she's okay.

Work has been busy this week - so I guess I'd better get back to it....

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