Thursday, October 06, 2005

car revistied, work, annoyed, good deed

Well, it's been a few days since I mentioned my car - the check engine light went out the day before my appointment. I drove in a variety of conditions and the car had no problems. So, I called and canceled the appointment - saying it was like a kid that didn't want to go to school, but felt better when a trip to the doctor is suggested. The mechanic had good laugh with me.

Yesterday, on the way to work - the engine light came back on. I not sure if it means there's a problem or just a loose wire somewhere. I'm keeping an eye on things and I'll get it checked if anything else weird happens.

Work has been busy and stressful - a couple of projects have sprung up out of nowhere and gotten rapidly way more complicated than usual.

As a result, going for lunch has been an exercise in frustration this week. It's like people are trying to get in my way on purpose - though the worst has to be the chicks that sit right in the middle of the stairs at the main entrance to the building - chatting on their cell phones while eveyone else has to try and get around them. Maybe a good swift kick to their, must not let the idea even form in my head.

To try and counter-balance things, I did a good deed again and took my ex-roommate's grandmother to bingo again yesterday and then picked her up in the evening.

Oh, and I got some more halloween supplies last night. One more major component to acquire and I'll be ready for the assembly.

That's it for now - time to get back to work and and put out some fires...

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