Monday, November 21, 2005

feeling a little rant-y

I got a call last night from a charity group. I won't say which one, but I will say that they used the "gosh, oh golly gee, ah shucks" approach to communication - as though that will ingratiate me to support their cause. You know what, if you're the token idiot (or if you just sound like one), don't freakin' call me, okay? It's not amusing and I'm not your buddy.

This morning, on they way to work, I saw a guy on a bike on the sidewalk pull out into traffic to swerve around a car - who was also pulling into traffic. Hilarity would have insued if it was actually funny. Instead, there were screaming brakes, loud horns, and I'm sure some general swearing. Idiots.

Wal-mart, self checkout. Okay, if I'm using one of these things, it almost automatically means I'm not an expert at it. I was trying to get a few oddly shaped items scanned and into some clearly defective grocery bags and the woman behind me had already placed all her crap on the converer belt - and was tapping her foot and looking at her watch. Well, maybe she wasn't actually doing that, but dammit, she might as well have been. It wasn't like I was standing there reading the labels on a soup can or something, I was trying to get out of the braincell killing flurecoent lights and a little patience on her part would have been nice. I glared at her when she started to scan her items and made her move so I could get my cash back. Wanker.

And yes, I do complain about people in lines being slow, but this is my blog and I say she should have been patient.

Let's see...I'm really on a roll at this point. What else is pissing me off?

Holiday shopping is usually annoying, but I haven't really started that much yet. And World Market was cool as usual. The weather has been cold, but I'm adapting. Got a bit of a cold, but it's not bad. So, I guess that's it for now.

Back to my regular mood and back to work...

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