Thursday, August 11, 2005

headache, Kmart, and sinking lozenges

I stayed home from work yesterday morning - woke up with a cluster headache. I thought I could get past it, but when I was dressed and nearly out the door a wave of nausea hit me and I decided to go back to bed. Fortunatly, my neighborhood is fairly quiet during the day so I was able to sleep. At some point the nausea came back and I spent some quality time in the facilities. Hence the need for throat lozenges later.

When I finally got up again a little before noon I was feeling better and decided to go on into work. I went to the downstairs bathroom and discovered, to my delight, that I had a dozen lozenges and they weren't expired. Which, given my bathroom medicine cabinet, is saying something. But, I fumbled. Blame in on the lingering headache or something, but one of the packages slipped out of the box and then...


Right into the toilet.

In my shock I nearly dropped the other package of six right in after it, but I recovered and saved. I looked down to see the six packaged lozenges slide gently down to the very bottom of the toilet. The toilet had been recently flushed, but I just really didn't want to deal with it then. So, I wrote a big note on my message board to myself - "TOILET" - the hopes that it would me remember. When I got home later that day I fished it out and tossed the package.

In other news...I sent an email to Kmart today regarding asking for my zipcode during a debit transaction. I'll post the response in the blog - if I get one.

That's about it for now...back to work...

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