Thursday, October 13, 2005

growling, running, cleaning

It takes quite a bit to get me really angry - but I'm very frequently annoyed. Very. Frequently.
And I've found myself, well, growling at people. Well, not actually at them. Just in the back of my throat. I don't think anyone has heard me do this and I'm not sure how I'd react or what I'd say. Case in point... yesteday, in the student union (and this happens more freqently in a crowd) I was trying to accomplish what should have been the simple task of going up the stairs to get some lunch. While trying to navigate the crowds - which were formidable - I also had to contend with this guy moving slowly and aimlessly in the middle of the hallway. I saw him from a distance and tried to plan a route past him - but his random wanderings were aligned with my path despite my best efforts and I pretty much had to stop and wait for him to move past before I could proceed. As soon as I got an opening, I took it - growling low in my throat as I went past him.

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm all for quiet comtemplation and a slow pace - where it's appropiate. Museum, park, forrest trail - all valid. Crowded building with uninspired arcitecture? Nope, let's hustle, people. Nothing to see here. Move it along. Hence the growling.

In other news - I've been doing a little running the past couple of days. It's been too long and I'm out of shape, but at least I'm out there trying. It's about 15 minutes of running and walking - which is not very much. Still, gotta start somewhere. If I can get in the habit of doing this - then I'm more likely to get a treadmill and use it when the weather turns cold and I can't run outside. Well, I guess I could run outside in the winter, but that's a little more insane than I'm willing to be.

I also did a little cleaning/organizing/ de-crappifing my apartment. Tomorrow will be a year to the day when I kicked out my former room-mate - I think a little clearing out is in order.

Work has kinda sucked the past few days, but I'm getting through it. And that's about it. So, I should get back to the grind...

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