Thursday, August 18, 2005

watching a headache and traffic travelers

So, two days in a row - while driving - I had people on foot look toward my car. See me. Make freaking eye contact with me.

And still walk right out in front of my moving car.

One guy was at an intersection talking on his cell phone - he crossed against the light. The other guy just crossed in the middle of the street.

And what really gets me is that they didn't even give the illusion of hurrying. Hello? What's up with that? If you're going to be so dense as to delibertly step out in front of a moving car, shouldn't you at least hustle a little bit? I mean, come on people!

So, I had to slow down to avoid hitting them. Which annoyed me. Again.

In other news, I watched myself get a headache last night. Ummm...yeah, better explain that one. The cluster headaches that I get will occationally have a visual element to them, a distortion that looks like the transporter effect from Star Trek the Orginal Series. Not the Next Generation, mind you, but the old style. Like hunderds of little points of light all clustered together that form in my perferial vision of one eye and then expand. It got worse for a little bit as it expanded, then it retreated. As my vision returned to normal, the headache started to kick in. Which actually worked out well as I had time to finish my dinner, take some Aleeve, and lay down with a cool cloth on my head before it really got bad. I went to bed early and slept pretty well - but my head still hurts a bit this morning. Aftereffects, I guess.

I had a dream last night that my great-grandmother was still alive and we all went to visit her in her hobbit house. My uncle (who's over 6 foot tall) and I had some trouble with the doors, but it was a nice visit. It should be noted that she had all her applicances lined up on one wall. Fridge, stove, freezer, washer, dryer - it looked like Sears. And she also called me Randy - though I totally let the name thing slide as at this point she would have been 104 years old.

Well, that's it for me. Got two back-to-back training sessions to conduct today so I'd better get ready. Later...

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