Monday, October 03, 2005

Nerd, car, and halloween prep

Over the weekend I went to a costume shop that is going out of business. Found some good deals for my costume this year and got some ideas for next year as well. Spent too much money, but hey, it's my favorite holiday of the year and I've got my fan base to think about.

Yesterday during a drive home, the check engine light came on again. I've got an appointment to drop the car off tonight and have it worked on - again. For apparently the same problem that they "fixed" before. So, I'm doing it all - again. I'm more than a we bit cranky about the whole thing, as you can imagine. I might have to pack my Mr. PotatoHead "angry eyes".

In other news... I'm involved in a project to put together some videos and a website for Cyber Security Awareness day here on campus. In the videos, I'm playing the part of "The Nerd". So, today I nerded myself up and got my picture taken for a fake ID. I think I managed to pull off the look - I was nerdy that I wanted to give myself a weggie and shove myself in a locker. Yeah, I was styling. Just a few minutes ago I de-nerded myself - though I'm leaving the stuff here at work for when we actually film my part.

It was scary how easy it was to slip into the role - and how nerdy I still feel afterwards.

I think I need a shower. With lots of pumic soap.

That's it for now, back to work...

And yes, I'll post a picture at some point.

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