Monday, December 05, 2005

weatherstripping, dryer venting, and epic danger

This past weekend was "project weekend" - a mystical time where I actually try to get a bunch of stuff done instead of just sitting on my ass playing video games that whole time. To be fair - I did plan some games, but I also got a lot done.

DVDs - I went through my collection, found the ones I didn't want anymore and traded them for a couple new ones and a CD.

Video games - same deal here, except that I had so much in trade that I had to get a "trade slip" for a future visit. Which is cool.

Got some christmas shopping done - and then decided to really get to work. Started with rearranging my movies and games - since they now fit better on the shelves. Then I headed to the door.

The weather stripping around my front door has been coming loose for a while now and though I could have called the landlord on this one, I figured that I could handle it myself. I mean, how hard could it be? (yes, I am an idiot)

I bought the new stuff at home depot - then did some rough measuring and tore out the old loose stuff. The new stripping looked like it could only go in one way so I got it in place and then tried to close the door.

Note the use of the word "tried". Yeah, it didn't really go well. I found a couple of problem area and found a nail that was coming in at a bad angle. A bit more swearing and I finally got the door to reluctantly close.

Next up - the clothes dryer. I wanted to get one of those airflow re-directs that you put in the hose to send warm air into the apartment, instead of outside. It's a good idea in theory and didn't seem to look too difficult in install. (see note above about me being an idiot).

My first attempt was using the exisiting vent tubing. The inherent problem is that the tubing is a spiral - and the re-direct box opening is round. So, the cuts were a problem, the fasteners were a problem (and it didn't help that one was broken out of the box), and it was dark and dusty behind the dryer.

20 minutes after it was all in place - and in the middle of drying cycle - I heard a crash. Sure enough, it was in pieces on the floor. Not broken, just fallen loose. I swore, put it back together and started it back up. Later - another crash.

So, back to home depot for more tubing, since I had convinced myself that was a the problem (still an idiot). The foil tubing seemed more flimsy, but also more fire resistant and the new metal ring clamps seemed the way to go. This meant that I also needed to get on the floor behind the dryer to fasten the tube to the dryer itself - and since I didn't have/couldn't find a flashlight - I did this by candlelight. Don't worry - I vaccumed most of the dust up first. Tightened everything up and it looked great.

Then - another crash. Swearing. I tried again and tightened up every clamp within an inch of total molecular fusion. Started it up - threatened the dryer, the vent system, the entire basement and it's contents.

And it's still in place - or at least it was when I left the apartment this morning.

So that - along with shopping and wrapping some christmas presents - was my weekend.

Oh, on a final note. I've gotten into the pseudo-habit of pulling an Emeral style sauce pan spin when I'm getting ready to cook (i.e. heat up something from a can). This weekend, however, the pan flew out of my grip, sailed through the air, and hit the gound with a crash. It didn't have a lid, so the huge dent in the side doesn't seem to matter - except as a warning to all my other kitchen implements.

I barely made it out of the weekend alive. Now I'm safely back to work and it's time to get busy...

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