Wednesday, September 28, 2005

catching up a bit

I haven't blogged in a few days - been real busy with work, including working a couple of late nights. Big projects mostly, but also just a lot of random stuff.

I another cluster headache over the weekend - this one hit me while I was a passenger in a car on a trip. The "normal" sequence for this is: distorted vision, headache, throwing up, sleeping, recovery. Being in a car threw that out of wack and it was touch and go for a while. Feeling much better now.

Watched some of the Firefly DVD - great show! Real story driven sci-fi, which is usually rare in the face of fancy special effects.

I also watched the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on DVD. Pretty good, but I wonder how much a non-fan of the book would have gotten out of it. It was more than I expected, but not as much as I would have hoped for.

The DVD included a trailer for the Chronicles of Narnia - which looked really good in a Harry Potter sort of way. There's a shot of when they first open the wardrobe - amazing...

Talked to my sister last night - she's recovering from a huge quiz and was doing battle with a giant bug while we talked on the phone. I think she eventually won - but it was still twitching when we finished our conversation.

Well, I guess I should get back to work - or maybe go grab an early lunch. In any case, that's it for now...

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