Wednesday, September 21, 2005

car saga concluded and a call from mom

Well, I was able to pick up my car yesterday - though it was a near thing. I called early on in the day and was told it was the thermostat that was sticking and some contaminents in the anti-freeze. They suggested a new thermostat and a "flush and fill". So, I okayed that and they got to work. Before I headed to my meeting in the afternoon I called again to check the status and they said they were having trouble with air in the radiator - but they would call back soon and leave a message if I was gone.

They called back and left a message - the air was a real problem and they would need to keep it an extra day. The second message was them saying it was resolved and done and ready to go.

So, I got a ride over to the dealership, handed over my arm and my leg, then they drove my car around and handed me the keys.

I'm poorer than I was, but at least that light is off of my dashboard.

I called my folks last night and found out that my dad had won his age group in a 5k run - which was very cool. Mom was out, but called me back when she returned. She's back in Ohio and doing fine - though still a little tired. She's planning on heading back in a few weeks as they ERV drivers - and she's an expert on those. The shelter she worked at was considered a model for how it's supposed to be done and one of the directors said they couldn't have run it without her - so, high praise indeed.

Otherwise, not much to report except that I'm busy again today at work. The only reason I had time to write this much is that my 9:00 appointment is late. Well, I guess I should start on some projects until he gets here.

That's it for now...time to get back to work...

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