Thursday, November 17, 2005

random stories

This is going to be something of a random blog entry - a little bit of all over the map.

1. The last time I visited my family, while we were in my parents mini-van coming back from dinner, my sister made a joking comment about how not knowing what I was getting her for Christmas might kill her. I replied and said "Well, I'll send flowers. I mean, I'll bring flowers. Yeah, bring flowers".

I think you had to be there to appreciate the comedic timing, but trust me - it was freaking hilarious.

2. A couple of weeks ago I actually saw someone on a segway. First one I've ever seen "live" and in use. He was moving along pretty well with it, but he still looked like a dufus.

3. I'm feeling a little under the weather this morning - pretty much all the stuff that nyqule is supposed to take care of, but I didn't actually take any. I was late to work this morning and I'll need to stay a little later to make up for it.

4. My grandmother is in the hospital with pneumnoia. She's doing better now, but they had fist diagnosed it as the flu and that she should just "tough it out". We're generally a little cranky about that one, but not much we can do from here. At least she's getting good care now.

5. There is no five. I've run out of stuff to say that doesn't talk about mucus and I think that's a line I don't need to cross today. So, time to get back to work...

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