Tuesday, July 26, 2005

weird vs tall - and a dream of DC

Over the weekend I went to a picnic/surprise birthday party for my friend's dad. While helping set things up, I made a comment of some kind to my friend's young niece. She replied -

"You're weird,"

I was busy with something, so I just tossed out a comment meant to slightly confuse and distract:

"Yes, but I'm also very tall,"

Which is true, at least in relation to how tall she was. She thought about it for a moment, then replied.

"You're more weird than you are tall,"

Her mother walked by at that point and told her that was rude and she shouldn't talk to people like that. I shook my head and said,

"No, she's right. I am more weird than I am tall. It's valid,"

And that was pretty much that.

In other news... weird dream last night. I dreamed I was in Washington, DC and had just stopped at a convenience store to get some groceries. As I was walking out of the store, three teenage kids ran up to me, knocked the bag out of my hands, and made off with my groceries.

Slightly upset by this and looking to balance the cosmic scales, I walked over to a nearby armored truck that was unlocked, unguarded, and ideling with the keys in the ignition. I got in and drove off. I was of course chased and since it was DC in an era of terrorism, they called out the military and various swat teams.

But, no one had gotten a good look at me. So, I got out of the van and walked around until I found a crowd of people watching various teams search a park. I watched them too, then started up a conversation with a young woman and her daughter in a stroller. We shared a couple of laughs and talked for a bit, then I told her I had to leave since I was pretty sure I was the one everyone was looking for. And then I just walked away.

I think, because I was so calm about things, she didn't believe me. So, I walked for a bit until I reached a street that was being blocked off by a soldier. I asked if I could cut through there and he said no and that I couldn't even turn my car around here. I told him that was okay since I was on foot - and that apparently was the wrong thing to say. The keywords of "restricted area" and "man on foot" must have triggered something in him and he told me to come with him - I guess he thought he'd found the culprit. While I was trying to think of something to say to get myself out of it - I woke up.

In still more news...my mom is in town for the day for work and she and I will be having dinner before she heads back home this evening. So, that should be fun - looking forward to seeing her.

And now it's time to get back to work...

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