Monday, August 29, 2005

sad songs, mom heads south, and lunch in the office

I've been listening to Aimee Mann's newest album - "The Forgotten Arm". Really great stuff, but there's one song on there called "little bombs" that kinda messes me up a bit. This part really gets me...

Life just kind of empties out
Less a deluge than a drought
Less a giant mushroom cloud
Than an unexploded shell
Inside a cell
Of the Lennox Hotel

Her album is a story about two, of course tragedy. I haven't caught everything about the story yet, even after repeated listenings, but that little section just about reduces me to tears. The whole song paints a very vivid and precise picture of this person's reality and how it falls apart around them. You can almost see them standing there, being destroyed.

In other news...Mom has been asked to volunteer to help out with relief efforts in the south. We're not sure if she's headed to Florida, or Louisiana - it's scary either way. I'm glad she's able to help, but, well, you know...

Also, classes start this week so I'm hiding out in my office - and I brought my lunch today. It's usually a good plan for at least the first week of school. Parking is an issue and the student union is a mess at lunch time. I'm not sure I packed enough this morning - might have to make a snack machine run later.

Well, that's it for now. Back to work...

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