Thursday, October 20, 2005

the protest

I was headed up campus yesterday to reboot a server (hey, I'm all about pushing buttons) and I saw a protest/demonstration was going on along the commons. There were several college age student looking people holding signs and flags. I was in a hurry so I didn't stop to get the full drift of the protest - but I think it was something about "Obey Jesus - Start War!"

Which, clearly, makes no sense. I think they were trying to be ironic - which is fine in casual conversation and bumper stickers - but in a protest if a person has to stop and figure out what you're talking about, well, they most likely won't stop.

The bigger problem is that even if they had been straight-forward in their message, it wouldn't have mattered. I think I agree with their convoluted message so far as I believe that war itself doesn't really ever solve anything - but I feel no more strongly about it now that I know I have the support of a few loud college students that can make signs. And if I thought war was a good idea - would they have been able to sway my thinking?

Not likely.

If they had made the local news, had the story picked up nationally, been in a report that sat on the president's desk, would it have mattered?

Besides the point that we're not really sure he knows how to read - I don't think it would have mattered there either. A college campus protest does not set national policy.

Maybe it mattered to the students with the signs. Maybe it gave them a sense of community and helped them hold onto their ideals. And maybe they'll end up in a position of power at some point in their lives and will be able to make a differnce.

As for me, well, I had to go push a button and get some lunch.

I guess that's all I've got to say on that particular subject - so, time to get back to work...

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