Friday, December 22, 2006

there and back again, interview, shopping

Last night I got a call at home from the boss. Seems like the changes we'd made to the home page weren't working properly in IE. So, I had to go in and either fix (and it was code that I wasn't familiar with and/or it was unfixable) - or restore from backup. The backup was the easier route and I had things back in a few minutes. Still, I was cranky about it.

We've got an interview today with a web developer - we'll see how it goes. As a consequence, I'm wearing a tie. Well, not really wearing yet - it's draped around my neck like a scarf until I'm done with my swim today. No way I'm tying this thing more than once in a day.

In other news... apparently, I've got a bit more shopping to do. Small things, but still needs to be done.

Watched the remake of "The Wicker Man" last night before my little trip back to work. Good movie.

I guess that's about it for now. back to work...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday party, no swim, hand-made, tires

Yesterday was the division wide holiday party. We had pizza, chicken, pasta, and lots of desserts. There was a visit from the school mascot - Zippy - and classical music performed by students here at UA. We also had a game show and prizes.

I was on the committee and it was a great honking pile of work. But, I think everyone had fun so it was worth it.

I didn't go swimming yesterday - too tired, though I felt bad about skipping it. I'll be going again on Friday and I may even try to go today as well - depends on how I feel and how screwed up my morning becomes.

Finished up a couple of Origami presents that I'd made for people and got them wrapped last night. Nothing real complicated, but I think they turned out well.

And finally, I've some new tires and wheels to put on my car this evening. Or rather, to have put on my car since I'm not going to be doing it myself.

That's it for now... back to work...

Friday, December 15, 2006

sore, ennui, holidays

I swam again today - and sort of felt bad about it. I was the only one in the pool and the lifeguards had to climb up in the little chair and watch that I didn't drown. Got to be one of the most boring jobs on the planet. Couldn't have been interesting to watch - swim to end, stop and pant, swim back. I did try to mix up my strokes a bit so that might have made it more interesting, but that was only because I'm not very good and I get tired.

And sore. This is the first time I've gone swimming in a while and actually been sore afterwards. Which is not a bad thing, just kinda odd since it didn't feel like I worked any harder.

In other news... I got hit by a massive wave of ennui yesterday. Wikipedia says: "ennui describes weariness or annoyance over a long period of time"

I don't know if a day constitutes a long period of time, but I was more weary and annoyed than those words can really cover.

I think part of it is the holidays - which haven't really been a heck of a lot of fun for me in a while. They are so endlessly stressful and even the simple task of going to the mall - or anywhere near the mall - becomes a grueling experience. I'm essentially done with my shopping at this point and everything is wrapped - so at least that part is done.

Shopping for other people (not nearly as fun as shopping for ones self), trying to spend "just the right amount" and get "just the right gift" for everyone who ended up on my list, and then the travel - which I dread.

I'm trying to be festive and not bring the people around me down - but I don't think I'm doing a great job of that. And hey! More guilt.

And I know I shouldn't feel like this. It's supposed to be a happy time. I'd try and chalk it up to some kind of SAD, but the nice weather refutes that.

So, apply Happy Face (tm) and soldier on through. And I know that I'll enjoy parts of if and will wonder why I was so cranky earlier. Still, it all feels a little empty to me. The Christmas spirit seems to have passed me by.

Enough of this rambling - nearly time to go home and do a bit of cleaning. Yep - I'm a party animal. Later...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

watching time

I've got, as it may be abundently clear, a few issues. Not any real bad ones, just a few small ones that don't have much of an impact on my life. One of those is a strong dislike for unfinished timers. Particullary on microwaves - where someone has had a timer going or had been cooking some food and stopped it before it went off - thus obscuring the clock that we would otherwise see there. Though I can resist it, I'd really rather hit that clear button and go back to the clock. I also enjoy setting clocks that have lost their way due to power outage or daylight savings time.

And I think I've finally figured out why these hidden or disrupted clocks bother me. On more than one occasion - and more frequently with the clock in the bathroom - I've glanced at an analog clock just after it ticks over to the next second. It may not have even come to a full halt, but I've caught it at the critical time and have watched the whole second from start to finish.

And, I've got to tell you - that's a long freaking time if you're paying attention. It feels like more than a second passes before the next tick of the clock.

At the quantum level, observation changes things. That's one of the reasons a quantum computer - as super cool and powerful as it would be - is tough to build. If you look at it, things change.

And I guess a fear - or strong concern - is that if I hadn't been watching the clock at that instant, would it have gone on forward? Maybe time only exists in a linear fashion because we're watching it.

There are, fortuanatly, a lot of people here on planet earth and many of them are more obsessed with time than I am. Maybe that was my second to watch, to keep track of thing and keep them moving forward.

And if I can't see the foward progression of time - like on a stopped timer on a microwave - what if I miss the next instant that I'm supposed to observe?

Would everything... stop?

It doesn't keep me up at night - but it does give me pause. And whenever I see a stopped clock, I try to make it right. Just in case I need it...

back to work...

Monday, December 11, 2006

dangers of safety

I recently walked past some construction and went to step over the Caution tape that had broken and was on the ground. The wind caught it and nearly got tangled up around my foot.

Then, I was in a restaurant and almost ran into a "caution: wet floor" sign.

And then, I almost slid on the partially melted salt that was supposed to protect me from the ice that had long since melted.

I'm totally going to be killed by my seat-belt before I can even get my car started some morning.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

good, but also stupid

I went to Eat and Park last evening for dinner - or rather, tried to. See, the new smoke free Ohio went into effect last night - prompting the short-term closure of the normally 24 hour restaurant. Eat and Park closed last night at 8:00 PM - and I had arrived at 8:06. They were closed in order to clean the smoking section of the restaurant - but why that necessitated closing the whole thing remains a mystery. Sandblasting of the walls? Sub-Sonic pulses to remove trace particles from the carpet? Concentrated mists of Lye in the air? I don't know - and I ended up going to Steak and Shake since they have been smoke free for a while and weren't affected by the change over.

Incidentally, the smokers in my building are already looking for loop-holes.

So, ultimately good - but also kinda stupid.

In the same catagory is the Loyalty Oath that's come up recently. This essentially says that "I'm not a terrorist and I don't help terrorists". And you have to sign it before you can work here.

Which is great. I'd rather not work with terrorists - but it's also worthless. Are they going to say, "Oh, sorry. I totally forgot I was a terrorist, I can't sign this,"

Nope. They're going to lie. I mean, if they really are a terrorist then a little lie on some paperwork is the least of their worries.

So, we get more paperwork, a little bit more fear that "they're potentially everywhere" and then a little false sense of security that we've got some paperwork to protect us.

And on that note - I've got some forms to fill out. So, back to work...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

1/8 mile, soy sauce, courtesy

I swam again today. Still only getting 1/8 of a mile, but I'm not as close to death as I had been - so, progress.

At the student union today I got sushi again, along with fried rice and some juice. It used to be that soy sauce was distributed in little packets - which were easy to stow in a pocket for transport. They've done away with those and switched to the following system:

An old-fashioned squeeze bottle (like for ketchup or mustard - except clear) filled with soy sauce, along with little plastic containers and appropriately sized lids.

You dispense sauce into said contain, acquire and affix the lid - and then hope to God that you've got the lid on there securely or you'll be wearing the sauce in no time.

I managed, with some difficulty, to get back to my desk without spilling anything - but it was a windy and harrowing experience. I was annoyed by this.

And speaking of annoying - what is it with chicks and doors? I was entering a covered walkway and held the door for the woman behind me. She thanked me - then took off in a full-on powerwalking moded. And as such, she managed to get ahead of me - even with my height/long legs and impressive stride that I usually command. Still, I was only a little behind her when she exited the walk-way - and she let the door slam in my face with nary a backward glance.

grumble, grumble.

Well, that's it for me now... time to get back to work...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

chewie, headache, slick roads

Okay, this is going to be a silly post, but I'm in the middle of Grade A cluster headache and I need a little happy to get me through the morning. The t-shirt I found yesterday fits the wookie perfectly - so, we're going to add some photos...

1. Chewie in his new UA shirt.
2. " I am Cornholie! I need TP for my bung-hole!"
3. Chewie in J Crew. Note the cargo pants and sweater - with backpack
4. Side view
5. What's in the backpack? Chewie's small wookie friend - Tarfull! I don't know why he has vampire fangs.

So, I've got a headache - and it sucks big time. Wasn't sure why my eye was hurting this morning - thought maybe I'd thrashed around in my sleep and hit myself, which has happened before. Nope, it's a cluster headache and I can't believe I forgot the symptoms. Should have just stayed home...

And as a bonus, the roads were slick as hell this morning - nearly ended up running into a big-ass truck. Hello? It's Ohio? We kind of expect you to plow all the roads - not just the side streets that no one uses, but that actual busy and frequently used roads too. Wankers.

I had a really wacked out dream the night before last, but I think I need to draw a map of the location before I try to write it up.

Well, time to put up the orange cones around my desk and get back to work...

Monday, December 04, 2006

1/8 mile, deoderant, student assistant, hat

Well, I went swimming today again - and it didn't f*ck me up nearly as badly as it did last time. On the downside, I got the whole "lengths vs. laps" confused - I really only swam 1/8 of a mile instead of 1/4. And I swam that again today. I was a little dizzy when I got out of the pool - but I recovered quickly. And hey, I'm still getting used to it.

I bought a small travel sided deoderant for use the locker room. It is vastly more potent than any I've used before and I don't think I've ever been so fresh. In fact, I might be too fresh. Time will tell.

Our student assistant started today - got him trained in the editor system and I've already put him to work. I think he'll do fine.

And it's freaking cold out there! I had to buy a new hat at the student union since I can't find mine. I also bought a tiny UA sweatshirt for everyone's favorite wookie. I'll bring Chewie in tomorrow so he can show off.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

post #300, swim update

I just noticed that this will be post number 300 for this particular blog - which is kinda cool in a fairly geeky way.

I headed over to the natatorium for my swim this morning - had a bit of an adventure.

First up, I had to scan my ID card myself at the desk. Then, because it was my first time there, I had to have my picture taken with a web cam and then sign a electronic reader stating that I'd read the policies. Very strangely hi-tech. And kinda dumb cause I'd just scanned in my ID card that has my picture on it.

So, I got directions down the hall to the locker rooms. I find an unoccupied locket and get changed, then go to put in my nickel as it indicated on the website for locker rental. Ah, oops - it's not a nickel. It's $.50! For what amounted to a 25 minute rental. I had some extra change with me, but that's not the point. Anyway, I quick rinse down and on into the pool area.

I asked the lifeguard which lane I could use for swimming, since it appeared they were doing some kind of work on one side of the pool. I also asked how the lanes were set up so I could figure a distance. She vaguely pointed to the far side of the pool and ignored the rest. I would think that given there were only two people in the pool to be watched, she would have appreciated a little conversation, but she was too busy being bored.

So, I swam my 9 laps, which, I think, equals about a 1/4 mile. I had to stop ever so often and the last lap was a little weak, but I finished. Since the 9th lap put me at the far end of the pool, I got out and walked my tired and sorry ass back around the pool to the locker room.

I took a quick shower, got dressed, and headed to the student union for lunch. I was tired, but I thought I was doing okay. But, while I stood there waiting for the server to dish up my fried rice and hand me my pre-packaged sushi - I suddenly got very tired. Like, almost falling over, tired. I paid for my food and found a somewhat quiet spot to sit and recover before I headed back to the office. I had some juice and I think that helped.

So, I'm back in the office and still alive, though I could really use a nap.


bamboo, Castlevania, oatmeal, swim, weekend

Well, the bamboo plant is still alive - which was a bit of a surprise to me. I'm down to one stalk - if it buys the farm, then I'm switching to artificial plants only.

Got a new game in the Castlevania series - pretty cool. The only downside was when I used a magic item to teleport back to a safe area - but had neglected to set a return point. So, I had to go through three areas again just to get caught up.

I'm having some oatmeal this morning while I work - or rather, while I blog and look like I'm working. I'm planning on going swimming in a bit and I'll need the energy.

And I've decided to try and do a bit of swimming at lunchtime through the week. We'll see how it goes and if I enjoy it at all. I need to get more exercise and I'm hoping this is a form that's actually fun.

Getting caught up on the past week. I spent the thanksgiving time with my folks and helped a little with yardwork and the like. Mom put up her 5 christmas trees, I finished making my ornaments for my one 8 inch tree, and we ate fried turkey - which wasn't too bad but could have used some kind of marinade.

On Saturday, we went to the airport to pick up my sister and brother-in-law - just back from their honeymoon. I made up a very small sign with their names on it, then stood in plain view as a bit of a joke. They took about 500 pictures and a few hours of video - so, I'm waiting on the powerpoint.

After that, I headed out to visit a friend in W. Va who was doing some dog sitting. I helped with the dog walking late one evening and decided that, with the warm weather and the dark, quiet secluded woods, that a bit of streaking was in order. Hey, the dog was doing it too, so I figured, why not? It was a little chilly, but still fun.

I took Monday off to stretch the holiday a bit and came back to work yesterday for a day long meeting. It was... well, let's just say I was glad I took plenty of folding paper.

This afternoon is a trip to the comic book store and then to the BMV to get a new driver's license and update my plates/registration. Yep, I'm a wild man.

So, that's about it for now - time to get back to actually working instead of just pretending.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

bamboo, student loans, cold, light, work

Last night I tried to save my (un)lucky bamboo plant. My sister had gotten it for me for Christmas last year(?) - maybe two years ago. In any case, the three stalks has done pretty well for a while, then one sickened and died. So, I had pulled that one out during a transplant procedure that brought the two healthy stalks to a new container. But, then one of the healthy ones eventually died and I decided to make one last attempt before giving up and resorting to plastic plants.

I began the surgery late last evening and removed the dead stalk from the tangles of roots and rocks. I rinsed out the container, rinsed the rocks, then carefully put the remaining stalk back in. I wondered about the tap water, so I got out a bottle of water. But it was from the fridge and I worried that it might be too cold. So, I poured the water into a sauce pan and gently heated it to room temp, then poured it in. Some careful rock re-arrangement and I put it back in front of the window. We'll see how it goes.

Also last evening, I wrote a check for the final payment on my student loans. It was the last item in my payment book, but a quick check on-line showed there was an extra charge of $2.07 - which I added on before filling out the check. It's a relief to be done with those, though it won't really kick in until I get the "nothing is screwed up, you're done" letter.

I've been cold for the past few days. Which shouldn't be that odd since - hey, it's winter - but even while drinking hot tea or eating hot soup, I'm still slightly chilly. Normally that sort of temperature variance doesn't bother me, but it has been for a bit now. Strange...

I updated my site with a couple of new photos of a modified origami project.


A little glass-paint and it's like a whole new model.

Work: well, the next set of applications came in for our full time position. None of the candidates really jumped out at us, but we'll see how it goes in the interviews. The student assistant I've been trying to hire hasn't gotten back to me - so, we're still pretty much where we've been for a while.

And on that note - time for me to get back to work...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

wedding (not mine), back to work - no student assistant

My sister's wedding was last weekend and it was good - but a lot of work. I went down and stayed with my folks from Tuesday evening on to help out and stayed for the duration.

Tuesday was pretty quiet, but on Wednesday we really got to work. A good chunk of the afternoon was spent putting the hot air balloons that I had made together. Then Mom and I helped set up the tables and got a ton of stuff done. We were in the zone. But, we also discovered that we didn't have enough boxes for candy - and we were out of tuel (sp?). So, on Thursday we made more boxes and got more tuel - then headed to the chuch to finish up.

We got home in time for Mom to go to her body wrap - and Dad and I were going to pick up our tuxes. Unfortuntatly, there were at differnt locations and we didn't have time to get to the store where mine was located. For a store called "after hours" - they aren't open very late.

Or very early, as we discovered the next morning when we got there at 9 and found they were still closed until 10 am. So, we went to Barnes and Noble.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet until the rehersal dinner. Things went pretty smoothly there and we all got our assignments.

On Saturday, the day of the wedding, we had some relatives come into town early and had a light breakfast for them. Then it was off to the church.

We got there early and got into our respective penguin suits. I also realized that I'd never worn cufflinks before - and thought they were pretty cool, though they didn't shoot darts like James Bond's would have.

My sister looked really amazing in her dress - but she was also looking really nervous as she walked down the aisle. She settled down a bit during the actual wedding and looked a bit more happy/relaxed.

I thought the minister laid it on a little think and I don't know that I would have gone along with the vows, but it was a really beautiful ceremony and I got a little weepy - which was to be expected. Mom held up pretty well - we expected she would be a gusher.

Then it was time for the endless photos until my teeth started to hurt and then dinner. Which was pretty good and filling. Then the slideshow - which pretty much ripped me up. All these photos of my sister and I as we were growing up - then it transitioned to photos of her and her new husband. My "partner in crime" had grown somewhere along the way and things weren't going to be the same again. I was having a rough go of that - but got a little better as time went on and I was able to issue my threat to her new husband. I won't go into details, but it involves a ninja sword.

There wasn't much dancing and the reception wrapped up pretty quickly. Mom and I helped with some of the clean-up, then took a bunch of stuff back to the couple's place.

Then back to the folk's place for more visiting and then some time in the hot tub.

Mom and Dad picked up the new couple at their hotel and got them to the airport for the honeymoon. I stayed with my folks for the rest of the day before heading back north.

It was a good time, beutiful, happy, and sad all at once.

Then, on Monday, back to work. I got a call from the student assitant I wanted to hire - only to discover that he isn't actually a student this semester - but he will be in the spring. Ummm...that's a problem. So, I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do - except stay really busy.

So, on that note - time to get back to work...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

blood donation, voting

Yesterday, after work, I went to give blood. Started off pretty standard, read the paperwork and sit quietly. When I was called up to give the history, I realized quickly that the technical was a trainer. His trainer had to keep logging in and reminding him of things. Still, not bad. When it came to the fingerstick to check the iron, things went a little south. The actual stick was fine, but when he squeezed my finger a small spray of blood shot out and hit his gloves. It didn't hurt, but we were both a little taken aback. I was headed towards some kind of apology, but realized that it really wasn't my fault.

He finished up that test and then wrapped up the rest of them - sending me on my way to the collection area.

The needle didn't hurt much going in, but partway through it started to slow down and the tech (not a trainee) had to adjust the needle. That hurt a little, but it did speed up the process. The rest went fine.

Later that evening, the site bled a bit when I took off the gauze, but a band-aid took care of that.

I was up early this morning to do my civic duty and cast my ballot in the election. I was third in line, expected to be in and out of there pretty quickly. What I didn't factor in was that the process was new and the site was short on staff. Things went okay with the scantron sheet - but when I tried to load it into the scanner - it was rejected. I had already let go of the sheet when the lady at the table insisted that I tear off the "stub". Which I would have been happy to do had there been even one sign indicating that I was supposed to do that. The first page of the ballot got spit back out, giving me a chance to tear off the stub. That page got accepted when I tried again and so did the next one - but the instructions were a little vague on if buttons were then meant to be pressed.

So, I think my vote got counted this morning - but I don't say that with the utmost confidence. It's almost too bad that no one challenged my right to vote - I was sort of looking forward to a fist-fight after the whole "tear off the stub" fiasco.

Lots to do today - include hiring a student assistant - so, time to get back to work...

Monday, November 06, 2006

busy and tiring weekend

I went to visit my family this past weekend for my Mom's birthday. Friday was pretty quiet, we ate pizza and watched a movie, but on Saturday we were up at the crack of 7:30 to help my sister and fiance with her move. Mattress, box springs, microwave, tv, etc. Pretty much all made out of solid lead - and with a steep set of stairs. Then unloading, but no stairs at that location.

The evening was spent at a benefit concert, then a birthday celebration for mom. She like the sweater. On Sunday, after they got back from church, we finished the move and clean up. Dad and I had some issues with the couch, we ended up taking it back up the stairs, rotating it, and then bringing it back down - at which point it went out the door as though it had been coated with butter.

Since my sister didn't want the couch and loveseat anymore, Dad asked a passing kid if he knew anyone that would like them. The kid said he would ask and in a few minutes his dad had come by with a truck and picked them up. Which saved us the trouble of moving them any further and also put them to good use.

A quick dinner and then on the road home. I'll be heading back later in the week to help with the final prep for the wedding and the wedding itself.

Work has been pretty quiet here today, but I'd best get back to it.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

church signs, doughnut game, costume debris

On the drive into work I go past two differnet churches, who seem to be in competition with putting clever messages on their signs. Today, one of the churches reads:

"Gambling is stealing by mutal consent"

Which I agree with and it's fairly clever.

The other reads:

"Winter is coming and so is the Lord, are you prepared?"

Now, that just strikes me as weird. Why would you match those two things up? For me, getting ready for winter means getting my heavy coat into a higher rotation in my closet and putting plastic on my ex-roommate's mother's windows. Sort of preventative measures.

I had an image of the Lord going door to door at some point and saying,

"Great. Another one with plastic on their windows. Well, I'm not getting in there, that's for sure. Too bad. Hope the plastic helps keep them warm - they're going to need to get used to a hot climate when they burn in hell,"

And then he goes to Starbucks for a moca - since winter, and the Lord, are coming.


In other news, some of my friends had a block party over the summer and I was invited to attend and participate. One of the games was a doughtnut eating contest.

Photos here

Third row - that's me in the red shirt.

Notes: my method of attack was a somewhat zen-like - "Let the doughtnut come to me," - which worked really well. I also tried to use my sense of smell, but the rag around my eyes had been used for cleaning and smelled like windex. In the forth photo, my friend Mike is messing with me by bumping the side of my head with another doughtnut.

There's some debate on the winner of this contest. I was pretty sure I was leading the way during round one - but the local firehouse was invited and those guys are used to navigating in the dark. I think they ended up winning that contest, but the photos alone are prize enough.

Since Halloween is officially over, I've been debating on what, if anything, I need to save from my costume. I think this year it's just going to be trashed. I may try to get some photos of the inner workings of the head and maybe the joints, since I was pleased with how those turned out.

I'm already starting to plan for next year and unforturnatly, the front runner idea is bigger and more complicated than this one. Doom, doom doomie, doom DOOM!

That's about it for now - back to work...

Monday, October 30, 2006

the Pedestrian (photos)

Finally got my photos ready for the web. Thanks to Jamie, Sue, and Susan for the great photos - and Matt for helping get me assembled, with Kris helping with emergency repairs. And thanks again to Jeff for helping put the dang thing together in the first place.

Costume details and more photos here.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

costume walk-around, party, folding, weekend

Well, the weather broke for a bit and I decided to go ahead and do my walk-around on Friday. Thanks to Matt for some technical assistance on getting the costume in place - he did a great job on the tape and the head of the costume held together great. I went as a pedestrian - like from the crosswalk signs. I'll try to get some picutures in place on Monday.

I didn't get to see as many people as I normally would have - the rain started up and I had a "wardrobe malfunction". Kris helped out with some short term repairs, but ultimatly the legs of the costume were detroyed by the weather.

Still, saw a few people and had some fun. I had a few people worried when they saw me - but most people "got" the costume and enjoyed it.

I took off the costume in the early afternoon and worked the rest of the day - then home for a short break before heading out again to a costume party. The party was packed and I couldn't really move around much, so not as much fun as it could have been. And I didn't win any prizes, but I had helped a friend design a "shower" costume like from the karate kid and that won first prize - so, that was cool.

The costume is still in my living room should I choose to reprise the walk around for Tuesday, but I think it's going to be trashed before too long - wearing it around really wore me out.

Did a bit more folding and assembly this weekend - the final pieces for my sister's wedding reception are nearly done and ready for transport. I'll still need to do some final work once I'm there, but it's as done as it can be for now.

The rest of the weekend has been pretty quiet. Watched the new and disappointing version of the Omen and pretty much just hung out.

Guess that's it for now - I'll have more pictures on Monday.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Costume and rain, bathroom conversation

My costume is as ready to go as it can be and I've got it here today - but it's raining outside and I'm not sure it will hold up. I'd planned to do my walk-around today, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. I've got a costume party to go to this evening so I'll at least be able to give it a run then - but it's sort of looking like Tuesday will be the walk around day.

A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with a co-worker at my desk. When we were done talking he went back to his desk and a few minutes later I went to the restroom.

So, I'm standing there peeing and hear the door open. Instead of the person using the other stall, I hear my co-worker start talking to me - as though we're back at my desk instead of in the bathroom. During the time between when we first talked and when I went to the restroom he had apparently gotten an update on the topic and had to share it with me - so, he followed me into the restroom.

Normally, I'm not one for chit-chat in the restroom. I'm there for a purpose and pretty well focused on that. As a side effect, it's usually the one place you can go and not be bothered - at least for a few minutes.

unfortunately, this is not the first time I've had to split my attention and carry on a work-related conversation in the restroom - my boss has done it to me before too.

So, I finished what I was doing, zipped up, washed my hands and dried them - all while trying to talk shop and help determine policy about a new process. We finished the discussion in the hallway and I went back to my desk.

Where I do draw the line is a restroom trip that requires a seated experience and occasionally some reading material. I refuse to talk to anyone when taking care of this particular business - and have used some pretty harsh language when someone tries to engage me in conversation.

Some things simply must be done alone.

So, I'm going to go try and find a window in this cave of a building and see if the weather has cleared.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

weekend, folding, art gallery, car, costume, work

This weekend I took a bit of a road trip and went to an art gallery show. On Friday, I had dinner with some friends at BW3's - and attracted a small crowd of kids that were there with their parents to watch the game. Spent a couple of hours folding and teaching them until they had to leave - which was just as well since I had nearly run out of new things to show them.

On Saturday we went to the art gallery show in Columbus. The show was for Linda Oldham - mother of the famous designer Todd - and she had all sorts of stuff. Most of it I liked and at least 1 of the pieces I wanted to try to make myself. There were some odd pieces as well, but it was still pretty cool. I got to talk with her after the show and gave her a small origami piece I'd made while walking around. She liked it and we talked paper for a bit -which was cool too.

On Sunday I visited my folks for dinner. Had a nice time before heading back up home. I took Monday off of work to get some more done on my cosutume. Tonight I'll get it ready for painting - that is, after I get done putting plastic on my ex-roommate's mother's windows.

I got the title for my car from the bank - so, that's cool. And when I called for the payoff amount on a student loan I knew I was getting close to finishing - I found that it was done as well. Quite a relief.

Getting back to work hasn't been a relief - it's been busy, mostly with meetings. I also found that the person we wanted to hire has accepted another job and we're back to square one. No students have applied yet either - so we continue to be short handed.

And speaking of which - time for me to get back to work...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

car loan, video game, costume, work, cornfield, the unobservant

I got a check from the bank that has my car loan for a "loan overpayment" - which surprised me since I thought I still had several payments to go. I'm going to give them a call and verify - and see about getting the title for the car. It was a nice surprise and a nicely sized check - Happy Meals for everyone!

Reminds me of an old Pinky and The Brain cartoon:

Brain: "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Pinky: "I think so, Brain, but if they called them 'Sad Meals', the kids wouldn't buy them,"

In other news, I've been playing a new video game called, Beyond Good and Evil. One of the elements of the game involves taking pictures of all the animals on the planet. Which is pretty cool and you get paid pretty well for them - but you're also supposed to take photos of animals that are attacking you. So, as one approaches you, you have to hurry up and take a quick photo and then pound the crap out of it.

I've been working on my costume and after a major setback I think I'm back on track. My kitchen/work area will never be the same, but that's the way it goes.

Work has been extra busy, but I'm not nearly as cranky as usual. I've made some progress on a few projects despite the major impediments that keep getting dumped in my lap. We're supposed to be hiring a new full time person soon and there's talk about a student assistant - but neither have materialized.

I think I may have mentioned a while ago about my favorite Twilight Zone episode - "It's a Good Life" - about a delightful little boy named Anthony who lives in Ohio. And when I say "delightful", I really mean "god-like psychopathic monster who causes his family and the town to live in constant fear with his ability to make any horrible wish come true" His thing is "wishing people away to the cornfield" when they piss him off. So, in honor of little Anthony - I have decided to deem events that piss me off as - "Cornfield Worthy Events" or just "Cornfield Events". Those that missed reading this particular blog entry will be lost - and only you, Faithful Reader, will be in the loop.

My first Cornfield Event will happened yesterday while trying to get some lunch. There were people standing in the middle of main hallway, talking and not moving. There were three people sitting on the steps of the building, blocking the doors. There was a girl talking on her cell phone while standing in line to get food. If I had the powers of my counter-part, they all would have ended up in the "cornfield".

One final thing that I saw, someone else not paying attention. He's not cornfield worthy since he pretty much punished himself. There's a section of the Student Union with a wide open area connecting several hallways. Right in the exact center of this wide round area, someone had put up a side on a tripod. It's right in the way and pretty stupid, but not at all difficult to see.

However, I saw a guy - preoccupied with the music in his headphones - walk right into it. He tried to catch it, but the whole thing fell and he nearly went down on top of it. A couple people laughed, I told him "Don't worry, no one saw that," as I walked past, but I don't think he heard me over his music. It was pretty funny.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

Monday, October 09, 2006

weekend, xmen3, folding

My parents and their dog came up for the weekend - they stayed over Friday night and then left on Saturday evening. We went to border's and best buy, then took a nice long hike in the Gorge Metropark. We took a trail I'd never been on before and saw some cool rock formations. The dog enjoyed the woods quite a bit too.

It was homecoming weekend, so the resturants were packed with guys in tuxes and girls in "fancy" dresses. I've determined that teen-aged girls are facinating and someone - not me - should be studying them in a lab. I think there may be military applications for them.

Otherwise, a good meal and good evening.

On Sunday I watched xmen3 on DVD and did a little work on my costume - which involved a bit of paper folding. Xmen3 was a little disappointing - too many people bought the farm. The effects were pretty cool and some of the characters really came into their own - but even the alternative endings couldn't resolved the varaition from the classic stories. Eh, it was a good run, I guess.

While the weekend was good - by Sunday evening I was in a bit of a funk. Restless and irratible. I've always been one to hold things in and I think it's really starting to take it's toll. Maybe I need to take up karate again or something.

Anyway, got a full day ahead of me so I should wrap this up and get back to work...

Friday, October 06, 2006

driving, interviews, family visit, lego star wars 2

This morning, on my nicely short drive to work - I was cut off 5 times by various vechicles. I'm a pretty safe driver, so I was able to slow down further to let these morons in - but by the time I got into the parking lot, I was swearing pretty good.

It's been another stressful week - lots going on and the general feeling of falling behind. We're doing some interviewing to try and get some additional programming help. Today is our third candidate - we'll see how it goes.

My parents, and their dog, will be visiting this weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice, so I'm guessing we'll do a little hiking and such. Should be a fun time.

I'm just about to totally crush Lego Star Wars 2 - just got a few more things to unlock.

Well, that's about it for now...back to work...

Monday, October 02, 2006

comics, car, art, minions

Well, my local comics retailer had the Flash in stock. And it was a good issue, but I'm not sure it was worth the hassle.

A friend of mine took my car into the shop while I was at work last week. Turns out that they had to use a blow-torch to heat up the manifold to remove the old oxygen sensor. Which is awesome - since I can safely call that, at least for me, totally impossible. Since I had no shot at doing this myself, I feel better about giving up on it. The repair, since I already had an O2 sensor, only cost about $20. The check engine light is off and I'm good to go.

I saw an example of some artwork recently and I've decided to try and replicate it on a smaller scale. This will be my first foray in canvas - and I'm going to be working with liquid sillicon as well. Should be really interesting, or utter crap.

More folding this weekend, more minions for my army. I'll try to get a photo for my site soon.

We've got an interview today for a new programmer - it's not until 4:00, when I usually leave for the day. I'm kinda ticked about that, but nothing that can be done at this point.

Well, I've got to go get some food and pay my rent - since I won't be able to do it after work.


Friday, September 22, 2006

comics, pregnant co-workers, party planning, dead squirel, zombies

Yeah, kind of a broad range of topics today. First up, no comics this week. My local comic retailer was sold out of the Flash - again. He suggested coming back next week - which I may do since a subscription won't kick in right away anyway. I'm going to sbuscribe to one or two comics and stop messing with the monthly trips to the comic shop for the regular doses of disappointment.

I'm on a committee to help plan a holiday party for the division and we had a meeting yesterday. During the disucssion, I found out that three of my co-workers were pregnant. One of which sits right across the cube aisle - and whose husband I've worked with for about 7 years. She's due in December and I just found out yesterday. Not that I'm anybody special for them, but it seemed odd that they wouldn't have made some kind of announcement.

In non-happy news, I found a dead squirrel on my back porch yesterday. The poor thing was facedown in a pool of his own congealed blood - and stiff as a board. So, I got out my shovel and a plastic bag and disposed of the body. I suspect he got zapped by the power transformer behind my place, but I haven't had one of those in a while since the tree back there was cut down.

Finding the squirrel must have affected me more than I realized - I had a steady stream of horrible nightmares last night. Zombies, of course, but this time my family was there as well. One problem was that we couldn't tell the zombies from the "shell-shocked" normal humans. I spent what felt like days and day of trying to keep myself and my family safe.

This morning, when the sun finally started to come up, I crawled out of bed and got myself to work. It's looking like a rough day for yours truely.

Well, time to get back to work...

The dead squ

Monday, September 18, 2006

noticed and unnoticed

On the way to get lunch I noticed a student organization performing a tribal dance piece in the student union. Or rather, I couldn't help but notice. They were very loud and taking up the entire hallway. I'm sure they were very talented, but I frankly just wanted to get past them.

I saw a girl wearing purple satin pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers - at quarter after 12:00.

I saw a guy in full hippie gear - getting into a really expensive car. Might be ironic on that one.

And finally, things I didn't notice. Instead of a bottle of pepsi - I was given a bottle of diet pepsi at lunch. Didn't notice until I was back at my desk. I suspect it will be horrible.


weekend improvement, further car issues

On Saturday, I met up with some friends for a block party. Not my block, someone else's block. Apparently it's a yearly event and I got to be an honary resident. The food was pretty good and the music was fun. They also had some games going - and I won at one of them! Blind folded, no hands, spun around - try and bite a doughnut on a string. I used some Zen techniques and "let the doughnut come to me". I got two bites without much trouble - even though one of my friends was messing with by tapping the side of my head with an extra doughnut. There's a firestation on the corner and the firemen got invited over as well. A few played the games with us - they were a little stoic, but I think they had fun too. One game has a team of four in a relay running to a distant point with a suitcase of random clothes - then quickly putting on all the clothes over top of their garments and running back. Then the clothes are put back in the suitcase for the person. The firemen cleaned up on that one and explained that getting dressed quickly was their forte. Which made sense.

On Sunday, I made yet another trip to the not so soft side of sears and bought another wrench. Got it home, let the car cool off and tried it. Based on the new O2 sensor - it would have fit perfectly. But, due to a vicious design flaw, there's a pointless flange in the way. I think I might be able to reach it better from under the car, but I'm not sure I want to buy the ramps and go that route. And ironically, the Check Engine light on my car has gone out again.

I hate cars. Wonder how much a bus pass is...?

Well, that's it for now. Time to get back to work...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

not a good week

This past week has, in a nutshell, sucked. Seemed like whole armies of people were working together to make things vastly more difficult than they needed to be - and then dumping their problems in my lap.

I spent all day Friday angry. And I nearly slugged a lady standing far too close to me in line to get lunch simply because she had a British accent. Which I normally like or at least don't mind -but on Friday it was a high offense. I am aware that this is wrong and I didn't even let on how annoyed I was.

Thoughout the day I tried to calm down and get though things. Everytime I took what I hoped would be a cleansing breath, the phone would ring and I'd get a spike of pain in my head.

Not sure how much longer I can keep doing this. Maybe it's time to start looking...

The week hasn't been a total loss. I did pick up the new Star Wars lego game and that's been fun. Princess Leia has a melee combat move where she walks up to a bad guy (or really anyone, for that matter) and hauls off and slaps them. And Chewbacca rips peoples little lego arms off. Which is all good.

Still no luck on the car - don't have the right tools. And my landlord still hasn't gotten back to me about fixing the carpet on the stairs.

So, I'm going to spend much of the weekend drinking tea and reading. And maybe going for a walk. And try and somehow relax...

That's it for now...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sleeping issues

I went to bed last night around my usual time and despite what I would consider nearly perfect sleeping conditions - I woke up this morning feeling as though I'd:

a). Not gotten any sleep at all.

b). Been hit by a tonka truck, in the head.

c). Been crushed under 2.5 tons of pillows. Which, while soft, is still very heavy.

d). All of the above.

It's been suggested to me that my breathing habits while I sleep are less than optimal. I.E. I'm not doing enough of the whole breathing thing while I'm sleeping. It's possible, though I don't have any direct proof yet. And strangly, the notion doesn't bother me as much as I would have guessed. Still, it's something that should be investigated. I also need to get my TMJ looked at again - seems to be getting worse.

It's noisy here in the cube farm, even this early in the morning. I'm trying to decide if a psychotic episode is a good way to start the day - I think maybe a blueberry pop tart may be more appropiate.

okay, back to work...

Monday, September 11, 2006

busy weekend - car, tools, books, tattoo, folding

I had a pretty busy weekend - started off with a little more work on the car and when I finally found the oxygen sensor I realized something terrible. I didn't have enough tools! So, I made a trip to home depot to remedy that - but the depot ultimatly let me down. The tools that I thought would work, didn't. So, I put everything back and called it a night. The next morning I tried again, but still no luck in getting the oxygen sensor loose. Instead, I headed up north to the 1/2 priced bookstore. The drive was uneventful, though I think the directions and signage could have been a bit more clear. I dropped off my big pile of books and did some browsing. I found three books then got called up to get a receipt for my trade. It was a little disappointing, but I did a little more looking around, realizing that I'd have to pay out anyway to get the few items I had. Then I found the comic books section.

Instead of a neatly organizied rack with the comics bagged and boarded - the comics were stacked on a shelf in piles above eye level. No place to look through them, no order, torn covers, etc. It was terrible. A cursory glance turned a couple potentials, but the sheer chaos turned me away. I made my purchase with a heavy heart and headed home.

I stopped off at the depot again, holding out hope that my eye would stumble on the perfect tool. No luck. A mild brainstorm and I headed for the mall and the not-so-soft side of sears.

Ah, yes, this was the tool place. I located a craftsman wrench that should do the job. There is, of course, a problem. To use this wrench, it's going to have to go over top of the current O2 sensor. And to do that, I'll need to cut some wires. Not a big deal in this case - if I've got the right tool and can remove the sensor. If I have to put it back, then I'll need to reconnect the wires. Which I can do, but I'd really rather not. So, that is on hold for a bit until I work up the courage.

And speaking of courage - I decided to get a tattoo on Saturday as well. I headed over to Pain Hate Pain on Market street and met with a nice guy with lots of facial piercings. He called the tattooer in and after a brief dicusssion about the tattoo I wanted, Shad got his equipment set up and got to work. It hurt about as much as the other ones I've had done, but cursiously, didn't bleed at all. I mean no bleeding whatsoever. Not during nor afterward. It was kinda weird.

He did a good job and the price was reasonable - then I went to the drug store to buy some lotion ("It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again") to help with the aftercare. You can see a picture here:

Finally, got some more paper for another project I want to work on. I may not have picures for a while - the indivdual units aren't complicated, but the assembly may be rough. I also got some transparent report covers for a series of water-proof origami.

Oh, and I made some more progress in Star Ocean. I wailed on what I thought was the final boss and when all was said and done, he was gone in a burst of light while I did a small victory dance. Except he wasn't the final boss - and there are clones of him everywhere. I've got some better weapons now, but it's like a mini-boss battle every 20 feet. And I'm not sure how to advance the story anymore. So, I stopped playing for a bit and went back to God of War.

Back to work...

Friday, September 08, 2006

car care

Yesterday, I filled up my gas tank and then headed over to Auto Zone to get the pesky check engine light investigated. I also bought a replacement light bulb for the stop light in the back of my car.

During the diagnostic we learned that:

1) I had a blown fuse for the diagnositc system as well as the lighter - which I've never used. We got the fuse replaced so that a connection could be made and it came back with 2 codes that meant the same thing -

2) Faulty oxygen sensor

So, I bought an oxygen sensor and took it home. The replacement light bulb was tricky and I'm still not sure if I got it in correctly - can't very well step on the brake and stand behind my car at the same time. (well, I could. But it would violate the laws of physics and motion - and I'd damage the fabric of the universe. Which seems excessive.)

Then I took off my dress shirt, got out my tools, grabbed a flashlight, and popped the hood.

I spent a little time poking around in there - then I called my dad for suggestions. He'd never replaced one before but suggested somewhere near the air filter. Seemed like a good idea, so I focused my search there.

For a while, I was feeling pretty cool - most of my "work on a car" in the past has been, "take it someplace to be looked at".

Just by observation, I learned quite a bit about what's going on in there and I cleaned out some dry leaves I found. Ultimately, though, I didn't find the oxygen sensor. It started to get dark and I started to get frustrated - so, I closed things up and called it a night.

The internet seems to have a solution - I think I've located a step-by-step. So, I'll snag a print-out and give it another whirl tonight.

Otherwise, a pretty quiet evening of video games and reading. Our intrepid heroes made it off the moon-base and over to the time gate - where they find that their entire universe is a computer simulation. It's pretty cool when they figure out how to get to the "real" world and kick some ass over there.

I guess that's it for now - we've got a division wide breakfast meeting coming up. Later...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

cleaning, video games, kung fu, fruit on the bottom

More whirl-wind cleaning last night - the de-crapification continues. I also worked on a mask I'd been contemplating for several months - it was either start/finish it, or throw out the parts. So, 20 minutes and one glue-gun induced blister later, it was finished. I'll try to get pictures one of these days.

Played a little more Star Ocean last night - now we're at a friggin moon-base and we still have to use swords. Granted the Ice Blade is kinda cool, but it takes forever to charge up and costs too much MP. The only ray gun in the group belongs to the chick with blue hair.

Also watched Kung Fu Hustle last night. Pretty cool movie - the story was a little slow to start off, but once it got going, it was really cool. The effects were excellent and the fighting was way over the top. Shaolin Soccer is next on my list, I think.

I believe I may have mentioned my disdain for yogurt with "Fruit on the bottom" before. I feel that, as a consumer, I should have my yogurt pre-mixed. Normally, I do the extra work that the factory should do by shaking the unopened vat of yogurt vigorously. I recently did this and when I opened the container - it spit yogurt at me. I laid down a thousand curses on the cruelty of fate, then cleaned up my shirt and ate my yogurt. It was pretty good too - blueberry.

That's it for now...back to work...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

movies, books, music

"This is some shit, up with which we will not put" - so says Brenda in Scary Movie 4. And though I up with the movie, I didn't really enjoy it. There were some funny bits, but I think they were trying too hard.

I've also recently watched the unrated version of The Hills Have Eyes - and despite the jump out and scare you moments (which I enjoy) the violence was really gratuitius. There wasn't much point/plot to the whole thing.

Silent Hill was watched during the same evening - much better movie and more visually interesting. I thought the ending was a little weak, but still a good flick. I haven't played the game, so I don't know how it compares.

Last evening I did a little cleaning - mostly just tossing out junk and re-organizing. I also set aside 53 books that I'm going to sell to 1/2 Priced books. Selling a book, for me, is a big deal. I'm much more interested in buying new books, but these were ones that I had read and didn't like, or couldn't get into. So, looks like a trip up north is in my future.

I've been listening to Tori Amos in heavier rotation - she's got a song called Goodbye Pisces that's a simple, quiet little song of the destruction of the spirit. Sad, but beautiful.

I've also been thinking about a new web comic. Differnt characters, more photos, same basic humor.

Guess that's it for now...back to work...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

student loans, headache, folding, video game

I was paying bills recently and realized I only had three payments left for my student loans. It's going to feel weird - and good - to not be writing that check every month. Next up, working down that credit card.

Although it was nice long weekend - I spent most of the time with a low grade headache. Must be the weather changing.

I also worked on some origami people - you know, for my army of minions. Soon, very soon, we will be ready to conqure. If you've like to begin groveling now, I'll see to it that your death is quick and painless.

I got stuck in a video game last night - the Lava Caves. Low on magic, low on health, lost and alone - it was tramatic, especially since the only door out was freaking locked. I mean, really, if you're going to put a door inside a cave filled with Lava, do you really need to lock it? Apparently, yes, you do. So, I looked online today and discovered that the key is behind the statue of the giant bunny. Of course it is. Bastards.

Anyway, its Tuesday and it's time to get back to work...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dad's birthday, more folding, the end of the comic

I visited my family over the weekend for my Dad's birthday. He wanted things pretty low key, so we watched movies, ate some birthday pie, and spent some quality time in the hot tub. I also brought all the origami for my sister's wedding to my parent's place for storage. I think they were impressed - and while it was good that I could do this, I'm also a little glad that my living room isn't covered with purple and purple paper anymore. :)

I also finished up my web comic today. Had some fun with that and it was a good run. You can take a look at it here:

Well, that's it for now. Back to work...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

giving blood and open mic night

Right after work yesterday I went to give blood, since if I didn't there's a chance they would have come to my apartment and demanded 2 pints. The lady at the front desk wasn't, as Scotty would say, "firing on all thrusters" but was nice enough. There was no line so I read the paperwork and headed to the history station. That's mostly on computer now, which is much faster. Back to the dazed lady to get a bag, then over to the donation site. The guy doing the collection did the best job I've had done so far with the needle and I told him so - it almost didn't hurt at all. The actual donation went quick and I was having cookies and juice in no time.

Which was good since I was going to meet some friends that evening for dinner and a trip to a bar for open mic night. Dinner was pretty good - once we finally got the table for 11 issue sorted out. The bar was right next door and several people I knew got up an performed. Mostly music for the evening - but one guy we didn't know got up and receited 3 really long and complicated poems. Almost a dramatic reading of sorts - he really got into it and was impressive.

Not one to grab the mic, I instead sat back and impressed the local crowd with some origami. I made a couple of module based rings that everyone wanted to hold - and most ended up breaking. Easily reassembled though. One girl came up to our table and wanted to borrow one of the rings to hang on the mic for good luck - so, it was almost like I participated or something. :) I also made a small army of origami people and a small table for them to stand next to. It was suggested that I make little chairs, plates, and utensils - but I really needed to get home and to bed since it was a school night.

So, a busy, but good evening. Tonight I'm headed to the comic book store with the hopes that the new Flash comic is in. Be prepared for anguish tomorrow if it's not in yet or sold out.

Back to work...

Friday, August 18, 2006

cursed rest stop dream and red cross demands

I had a dream last night that I was at a rest stop in out west with my family. We had just pulled in when a park ranger explained about the curse on the place that would be starting again in a few minutes. Intrigured, we hung around until, in the middle of a hot summer day, it suddenly snowed several inches in a matter of seconds. The rest stop was across a bridge on an isolated mountain area and the bridge was retracted until the curse went away. Apparently, a long time ago a man stopped at this rest stop with his family, went crazy, and killed his wife and two daughters before coming out of it. It had been in the winter time and now everyday between 2 and 2:15 pm - it snows to recreate that day. We then saw an old guy come down on a snowboard and managed to jump the gap before he even realised it was there. Very odd.

In other news, I got a call at work from the red cross about a blood donation. He asked me about giving blood on tuesday and wanted to confirm if I would be there. I said I was planning on it - then he asked if could further confirm that I would be there barring a dictionary defined "emergency".

I think this is about tailoring the staffing to see that they've got just enough people to cover the donors coming in - but it doesn't solve the problem of people seeing the sign out front and just stopping in - thus overwhelming the staff at randomly peak times.

I said I would be - but was a little puzzled that he didn't set me up for an appointment. I'll be there because it's the right thing to do - but it was a little odd.

Today has been going pretty crappy, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I just need to get through it and get out of here for a much deserved weekend.

back to work...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

comic update, comics update, and the wrong way

I finally got around to updating my web comic a bit - had some fun with some minor graphics. You can check it out here...

I nearly laughed out loud at my own cleverness. Hope someone else enjoys it too. Oh, and I put in some navigation so you can jump to whatever page you want.

In other comics news...I went to my local comic book store yesterday to pick up the Flash #3 that the DC Comic's website promised me would be shipped and arriving in stores yesterday. Oh, sorry... it's been delayed till next week.


In unrelated news... I was driving to work this morning across a one way bridge when the car in front of me pulls into the other lane and I see headlights in front of me.

Now, let's stop and ponder this for a moment. You're on a one-way street. The only thing you should see in front of you is tail-lights. So, if you see headlights, something it very wrong.

Turns out a van had pulled down the wrong way on the bridge and had just decided to stop until enough traffic had pulled around him to make room so he could turn around.

There were no accidents and no big issues, but it was damn odd.

That's it for now - I've got a surprise meeting to attend so I'd best get moving.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

catching up, picnic, debit vs credit

It's been a while since I blogged, got a little catching up to do. First, the division-wide picnic last week went well - though it was a lot of work to set-up. The rented grill was the worst - lots of waiting around for it to be delivered and then picked up. But, everyone seemed to have a good time and the food was pretty good. We even tried making smores with various degrees of success.

Work has been extra busy, lots of stuff coming at me every day. We're supposed to be getting some help - but it's not going to get here before the start of school. So, we stay busy.

Couple days ago I went to the grocery store to get some. It was late afternoon and only two regular lanes were open - one of which closed as I approached it. So, instead of the long line, I went to the self checkout. If I've only got a few items, it's not too bad, but I would really rather not deal with the potential hassle of a defective bar code. Anyway, I'm doing the self check out and use my debit card. A quick pin number and a receipt and I'm on my way. I no sooner get out the door when the clerk runs out after me. "Hey," he says, "you gotta sign this," as he waves a charge slip. I start to follow him back in and tell him - "I used my debit card," We get to his counter and he says, "But you were right over there," "No," I tell him with a tired shake of my head, "I was over there,"
I pointed to the correct location and he said, "oh,"

I turned around and left while he tried to chase someone else down. I mean, really, he's got 4 stations to watch and I could accuratly describe the 2 other groups that were there - and it's not even my job. Thus, I was annoyed.

The comic strip has slowed to a stop, but I'm going to try and make some updates at lunch time today.

Finally, a made a big folding push last night and made 75 origami boxes in one sitting. I should have the rest of this project down in a couple of days. At least the folding part, I'll still have to put things together - but that's a whole 'nuther project.

That's it for now - gotta get back to work...

Monday, August 07, 2006

bear dream, car issues, Pi

I had a dream the other night that I was in a park and got attacked by a grizzley bear. There were a few other people around, but the bear headed straight for me. I braced myself and when it charged me, I knocked it over and proceed to beat the crap out of it. Finally, I had the bear pinned down with my knee on it's neck - and no one would come over and help me restrain it. I was very pissed off when I woke up. I'm guessing this a work stress dream.

Over the past two weeks with my car I've:

1. Had the muffler replaced.
2. Replaced 2 burned out tail lights.
3. And replaced the left front tire.

Still got one more light to replace and the check engine light to investigate.

I don't think I like cars anymore.

Finally, I took a little time to work out the final digit of Pi. It's a three, in case you were wondering.

back to work...

Friday, August 04, 2006

identity crisis dream

I dreamed last night that my former co-worker and his wife move into my apartment. We all seemed to be getting along okay and had pretty much the same reaction when my next door neighbors came in the back door to use our shower, namely, "what the hell are you doing?"

My co-worker had a birthday at that time and got a new drivers liscence. Somehow, though, it messed up my entry in the system. So, the next time I use my debit card to make a purchase they ask for my driver's liscence. I don't have it with me, so they conveniently print it out for me - but it's got the co-worker and wife in the picture - not me. Which is dang odd and to the clerk, more than a little suspecious. I pay cash.

I decide to skip work the next day since I'm sure the computer system won't let me in - but a frantic call from another co-worker (who's also left the university) brings me in to open the door for him and help get the phones set up for the helpdesk - where I used to work but don't currently. I was untangeling phone cords when I woke up.

Not sure what that means - other than a random collection of synapes firing.

Maybe it's about trying to bring back the past and keeping a sense of who I am. I've been kinda down that we've lost three co-workers in the past year (out of a team of five, yes, we're down to two) - and my workload and stress have greatly increased.

Well, I've now got a 2 hour training session to attend - not really looking forward to that, but I've got to learn the stuff. Pressure...

Back to work...

Monday, July 31, 2006

games and taxes and a horrible dream

Picked up a couple of used games recently...

Star Ocean - I pretty cool Role-playing game with some nice elements and story-line. On the downside, assigning stats is a bit of a pain and a little confusing.

And then there's the puzzle with the turtle. You've got to steer a giant turtle through an abandoned mine shaft. I've tried it dozens of times and I either end up back at the start - or I die. Somehow, not so much fun...

The other game is TombRaider:Legend. I'd been burned on the last few in this series, but I'm happy to say that Laura Croft is back and better than ever. Easy to use controls, target lock, and amazing graphics. I'm ready to take on a super-complicated puzzle and I can't wait.

In less fun news... I got a letter from the city about unpaid taxes for 2004. Which is insane since I've already taken care of this twice. So, I'm headed over there after work - wish me luck.

Over the weekend I had one of the worst zombie dreams of my life. Armies of alien zombies that moved fast and were able to learn. I lead a small band of survivors and held off them off for what felt like weeks from the night of the invasion. It was terrible. And I kept slipping back into the same dream when I managed to wake up. Feel like I should just start carrying around a sword all the time now - seems like the armies of the undead should be showing up any day now.

Hmmm...that might make the taxes thing go a little easier as well.

Anyway, back to work...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

two things that made me swear

So, I had a support bracket on my muffler break. It was hanging down and though the muffler was still in place, it was only a matter of time. So I head to my local Midas shop to get the bracket replaced. Only the bracket, mind you. This will be an important factoid later.

I sit in the waiting room after handing over my keys and after taking their own sweet time, they raise the car and take a look. I've read both the newsweeks and the TV is set to sesame street. This does not bode well

The tech comes to the door and invites me into the work area - which seems odd with safetly concerns and all, but what the hell. He explains the bracket is broken - which I knew - and also pointed out that I've got the makings of a hole in the muffler. It's not there yet - but only a matter of time.

We go back to the waiting room and he sits down to tell me what all he's got - along with an estimate. I'm due for an oil change and the right rear and center lights are out. Replacing the muffler is the big one - over $250. I point to the number and tell him that I wasn't prepared to spend that much money today - can they just fix the bracket now and I can come back later for the muffler?

No, they can't. See, the manufacturer puts on a "special magic super nifty" NON-STANDARD muffler. So, no one else carries those and no one carries the brackets. Except the dealerships.

But I didn't request a special muffler - I just wanted the most ordinary one they can put on a car. Sorry, package deal.

So, to replace the bracket and keep the muffler from falling off, they need to replace the bracket, the muffler and an extra pipe that connects it to the rest of the exaust system.

The tech at least "pretended" to sympathize at my indignation - but there was nothing to be done but sign the form and hand him my debit card. I was also a little cranky at the labor costs per hour. I wish I could change people that much. Maybe there should be some kind of sliding scale. If you change $70 an hour to fix to my car - I'll charge you $70 to fix your computer. Instead of just getting cookies or something.

So, I go for a walk while they do the work and have a disappointing experience at Kaybee toys.

Finally on my way and I get home - and the phone rings. It's the red cross, telling me about a blood drive. I listen as the women, in the occasionally halted tones of someone nervous, tells me about the location and times - as well as a drawing for a new car. I make the standard vaguely interested noises and at the end - she tells me to press one to repeat the message.

It was a f*@%}^& recording! I was so pissed. 9 times out of 10 I can tell, but this time I couldn't and actually tried to have a conversation with a recording.

I got a surge of white-hot fury that even this last bastion of human contact had been stolen from me - angry enough that blanked on all the information as I hung up the phone. So, I checked the website today and it doesn't list any blood drives in my area for tomorrow - which is when I thought it was supposed to be. I think I remember the location, so I'll drive past to see if they have a sign out.

All I'm saying is that there had better be a Flash comic #2 waiting for me at the comic book store today or there's going to be hell to pay. They were sold out last week and I was promised that this weeks shipment would have one.

back to work...

Monday, July 24, 2006

bravo & origami, shoes, and work stress

I went out to eat with a friend to Bravo - which was a little difficult to plan since their reservation system is complicated and usually full. But, we got in and while I was waiting for various things to happen, I got out some paper and did a little folding. The server was deeply impressed - and thrilled that I gave the model to her. I also impressed the manager that came around - and he did origami too! So, we talked shop for a bit and shared a moment about the first squash fold we had accomplished - it was magical. :) Anyway, I impressed the crowd with a micro-crane and we went on our way. Incidentally, the food was pretty good, but I think I could have gotten the same meal at Bennegan's for less money - except for the chrispy potatoes - I'd have to go to Bob Evan's for those.

I also did a little shoe shopping over the weekend - my tennis shows go ruined by the kitty litter. Two hand scrubbings with a wire brush and a huge amount of Febreeze couldn't save them. I found some cheap tennis shoes and then some short boots for work. Kinda cool, fairly comfortable, and 80% off - can't beat that. Yeah, not really the most exciting weekend I've had.

It's been confirmed - another of my co-workers is leaving. This makes three within the last year. We spent some time last week trying to do a little knowledge transfer, but since he's our graphics guy, I'm not sure how much I'll really be able to do. I'm also going to try and organize some kind of going-away party for him - and I'm running out of time.

I guess that's it for now...back to work...

Friday, July 21, 2006

web comic started - green human figure

I'm putting my web comic online - you can get a sample here:

Got a few bugs to work out and a long way to go in the story - but it's a start.

Also, figured out how to make a human figure with Origami. I found a diagram in a book and it's wildly complicated. But it works and it even stands up!

(scroll down)

That's it for now...back to work...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

the flash, stage is set

I checked on-line yesterday to confirm that the latest issue of The Flash should be out and ready for me to purchase at my local comic book store. But, to my horror, my local comic book store....




I told the manager who then said, "crap, I'll try to get more in next week" - and then wrote something down. It might have been, "screw this guy, I'm ordering more superman," but I think it was just a note to remind himself to order more.

In other news, the stage is done for my web comic and I'll work on getting some photos done today at lunch time.

Not much to report, so I'll get back to work...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

DVD's menus and toilet paper dispensers - website update

I was watching X-men 1 last night on DVD and I was having trouble getting the slightly lower quality branching scenes to stop playing. The menu was needlessly cryptic - but the worst bit was that it was animated. So, everytime I tried to make a change, I had to sit through some stupid and tedious animation. It's not too bad once, but even twice is annoying. Never did get it working quite right.

My internal gastrointestional clock has somehow gotten off-track and I've had to avail myself of the restroom faclities at work instead of waiting till I get home where I can read a comic or a magazine in peace. The toilet paper dispensers are now added to my "banes of existance".

1. Giant, difficult to turn rolls.
2. 1 ply paper. No, more like 1/2 ply. Or maybe .4 ply
3. Difficult to tear against the plastic teeth.
4. No shelf for a book, magazine, or newspaper.

And finally - 2 rolls? Which do we use first? That's too much pressure when I've got other things to focus on.

In other news, I converted my site to a template format. Should be vastly easier to update from here on out. Still got a few things to fix and I'm not sure I like the "sand", but I'll work on it.

Finally, got some bad news at work - but I can't really talk about it yet. It's messed with my mood quite a bit this afternoon.

Well, back to work...

Monday, July 17, 2006

kitty litter, new friends, apple "chips", and Saving Jane

I went to a community festival over the weekend - one of those smallish town kinda things. The day I went was after several days of the festival being rained out, so the ground was saturated. The parks department used an absorbant material to help with the water and mud - kitty litter. Unfortunatly, there's only so much that kitty litter can do - and after a while, even that got saturated and started to smell. I thought it smelled like rotten grain, and it was decided that was better that what other people thought it smelled like.

The area in front of the stage was filling up fast, so I staked out some turf in the beer area at a picnic table. I had my bottle of soda and a book with me and was settled in for the concert about 40 mintues before it started. Unfortuntaly, I made a new friend. A guy staggered over and asked what time it was. I told him, and he then sat down. Which is fine, I was more than happy to share the picnic table. He then, however, proceeded to tell me is life story. I tried to toss a couple comments out there and then go back to my book, but he kept going on. So, I put my book away and tried to listen. Why? Because people that are really drunk tend to be more than a little crazy. And Anthony's rule #1 - Don't F#@% with crazy people. I didn't want to talk to him, but I also didn't want to end up on his bad side.

Eventually, I chugged the rest of my soda, told him the time, and left with an excuse to get something to drink. When I eventually came back around to that area, I saw that he'd trapped a couple more people and manged to avoid him.

During the rounds through the carnival area while looking for some bottled water, I saw a sign for Carmel Apple Chips - which sounded pretty good to me. Now, I was thinking that this would be dried apple with some kind of carmel coating or a dipping cup of caramel. Not the case. In this instance, Apple Chips refered to Apple Slices in a small bowl filled with caramel, whipped cream, and a cherry. Totally not what I expected. It was difficult to eat since you couldn't really scoop up enough caramel to make it worthwhile. So, I just ate the apples and found some bottled water.

Finally, back at the beer tent area - I staked out a claim on some standing room and waited. I did a little folding - 'cause that's what I do - and gave away my creations to a toddler, much to the surprise and amusement of her parents.

The concert started and Saving Jane rocked. The sound could have been a little better, but it was still good. The crowd, however, didn't really get it. I was pretty much the only person jumping around and shouting, like you're supposed to do at a rock concert. Even the people who seemed interested, taking photos and the like, weren't even tapping their feet. I think the crowd was mostly people who were at the festival and noticed - "hey, look, I think there's going to be music, let's get the stroller and some chairs and go on over".

Chairs? At a rock concert? You see what I'm working with here, don't you? Anyway, the band was cool and one of my friends got to hang with them after the show, so that was cool too.

So, my shoes are still a mess, my calves hurt from jumping around, and I'm tired from not nearly enough sleep over the weekend, but I still had fun.

And now, back to work...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

things that are odd

A few odd things I've noticed recently:

1. My right turn signal is now 3 times as fast as my left turn signal. No idea why.

2. My forehead is clammy. All the time - but only my forehead.

3. Chewie at the beach

He needs nair and sunblock - in that order.



4. Northeast Ohio weather. It looked like it was going to rain all freaking day - and then suddenly we've got sunshine and light puffy clouds.

5. The song: "Ridin" by Chamillionaire. He uses the phrase: "Tryin to catch me ridin dirty" 50 times in his song. Does it refer to the gun in his car, the fact that it's a stolen car, or that it needs to be washed? I just don't know.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Last evening I was struck with an insanity so deep and profound as to leave an endless stain upon my very soul. I felt it coming, felt it slide about me - seeking an entrance into my vulnerable psyche. The haze of doom and bleek despair obscured my gaze and I was tricked into traveling a road I knew would only destroy me. And so, and so I did the only thing I could - I embraced the maddness and followed the siren song of horror and terror to my destination and my terrible fate.

I went to McDonald's for dinner.

Oh, I knew that the meaty fate could not continue to be cheated forever as it had been so recently. Reasonably good service, enjoyable food presented in a tidy fashion - such things are possible only with the proper alignment of the stars and planets. Some small sliver of hope - perhaps fostered by a successful visit to the post office to mail a package earlier in the day - lead me to believe that today would continue the - dare I say it? Yes, I shall - trend of quality food at the golden arches.

Sadly, it was not meant to be.

Though the restuarnt was not busy in any way, it took several minutes before the counter staff would acknowledge that I even exisited. While I waited, they engaged in a serious discussion of the new shorts that the guy had purchased and how the color scheme matched Michael Jordon's school colors. The shorts were refered to as "crispy" - and though I am fairly well versed in popular slang for a 30+ year old white guy, I was at something of a loss. The conversation moved on to how tall a person should be before they make that critial move from low top to high top shoes.

This discussion concluded, the girl called the guy by name and directed him to the counter to wait on me - clearly demarking the pecking order of the resturant.

While they had debated the fate of the universe - I had been intently studying the menu. Though I thought I had decryped the needlessly complicated menu system - I could not seem to locate the Spicy Chicken sandwich. Undaunted, I attempted to order that anyway. The guy at the register regarded me with a look I'm sure he reserved for the stupid people of the universe - then told me that they don't have that anymore.

"oh," I thought "you'll bring back the freaking McRib every two years but you can't keep something that actually tastes good on the menu?"

Aloud, I hemmed and hawwed for a moment - then decided on my standard. Two hamburgers, lettuce only and a large fry. I would have gotten a small fry, but I'm familier with their hamburger patties and knew better than to assumed that even two of them would be enough to sate me.

Getting hamburger plain + lettuce involves a lot of button pressing, but eventually he finished and took my money, then handed me change and a receipt.

Now, I may have mentioned that business was slow that night, so I was able to watch as the sandwiches were made and know they were mine since they were the only ones being fixed. From my location at the counter I could see the .... I was going to call him a cook, but he did no actual cooking. Let's just call him the Sandwich Prep Dude or SPD for short. The SPD carefully and intently focused on the task at hand with the concentration of a blind whale perfoming brain surgery on a hamster while using chopsticks. And, get this sports fans, it was under the watchful eye and assistance of his supervisor. I suspect it may have been the first sandwich he had ever made in his entire life. Perhaps, due to the strangeness of time itself in my presence, it made have been the first sandwich ever made in the history of the universe.

Once his task was completed, he launched each sandwich into a chute with enough force that, if there had not been a solid metal barrier there, they would have flown across the resturant, through a window, and from there possibly into earth orbit.

My two friends at the counter then engaged in a brief scuffle to determine who would have the honor of presenting the sandwiches to me along with the fries. The guy with the new shorts won, and he carefully folded down the top of the bag while at the same time totally ignoring once again that I existed. He placed the bag in my general vicinity without a word and wandered away - perhaps feeling the shame of handing me a bag containing what we could only hope contained food, but knowing all the while it was terrible lie.

As I exited the ... I was almost going to call it a resturant, ha! As I exited the chamber of horrors, the frier alarm went off to cap off my visit. I checked the bag to verify that my order contained 2 sandwiches and some fries and made my way home to eat.

The fries were okay - a little too salty, but still a food item and not a salt lick for woodland creatures. The first burger was bland and tasteless even by my standards and the second...

The second burger, the second burger. Halfway through this pseudo-meat unit I bit into an onion. Apparently, the SPD did need every bit of concentration and supervision that could be thrust upon him - he hadn't cleared his work surface and had mixed an onion into the lettuce.

The shock, surprise, and foul taste made me retch - I could not finish even that bite. The untainted fries went into my gullet - the rest of the burger went into the trash.

Though my hunger was mostly sated, I felt hollow inside. As with Casey and the Bat, there was no joy in mudville that day. All I wanted was a spicy chicken sandwich to burn my lips and fill my belly. Instead, I had my heart and hopes shattered upon the cold tiles of the floor of the golden arches.

I should have just fixed some ramen.

back to work...

Monday, July 10, 2006

tux fitting and a small attempt at humor

I got measured yesterday for my tux for my sister's wedding. I wasn't in the system properly since they forgot the "r" in my last name, but they eventually tracked the info down and got started. Things went pretty smoothly until they were ringing up the order and I asked if any of the cuff-links shot darts. The salesgirl was a little puzzled. I explained, "like in James Bond" - she dribbled out a nervous laugh and said, "oh no, we'd get in trouble".

Ummm...that was humor. I'm almost sure of it.

So, I concluded the transaction and got the heck out of there.

In other news...I think I left a window open at home when I left for work. And the thunder in my headsets from the Weather Channel icon on my desktop means that I'm most likely to have a damp apartment when I get home.

Back to work...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

big cube, back to work, invisible fence, tux

With a little help from my boss and the use of his station wagon, I got the cube into work. We went at lunch time and when I brought the cube out of my apartment, his reaction was "whoa!" It just barely fit in the back of the wagon, in fact, we has to "force" it a litle to make it fit. The unloading went easier, though it was a little tricky to get it in the building. I put it on top of my cubicle and got back to work - that is, until the crowds started to gather. I mean, you can't really help but notice it and people wanted to talk about it. I printed out some details on the menger sponge and explained about the number of pieces of paper, showed the smaller versions and how they would fit in, and generally enjoyed myself. It was pretty cool to have worked on a project like this for as long as I did and really get to share it with people. A few people suggested I enter it in a design contest - though the one they are talking about is looking for outdoor items - and the paper really wouldn't hold up.

Last week was also me getting back to work. Mostly putting out fires and such - though I did find that my boss was overwhelmed by having to cover what I usually handle - I think it made him appreciate me even more. I don't think there's a big fat raise in my future because of that, but it was still nice to learn.

Yesterday, I took one of my long walks. I decided to go a differnt route and walked along a sidewalk next to a big yard. Then the barking started and two small dogs charged out at me. They were some kind of beagle/ dachuand mix - though I'm sure they thought they were part werewolf as well from the barking they did. While neither were a threat to anything except my shins (and that only with a running jump) they were moving pretty fast, clearly upset, and not tied down at all. The more agressive of the two slammed to a stop a couple feet from the sidewalk, then ran parallel to the sidewalk for a few feet and turned and barked some more. I realised that they were both wearing collarswith oversized objects on them and deduced it was an imvisible fence stopping them. And it worked too - they treated that "line" as a real fence - it was visible in their behavior and their movements as they paced me. Kinda lke a force field they kept bouncing off of. I got clear of them without incident, but had to go past them again on the way back. Personally, I think a sign notifying pedestrians about the fence would have been appropiate, but maybe the owners thought it would be funny to watch.

This afternoon, I'm headed to David's Bridal to get measured for my tux for my sister's wedding. I supposed I could tell them I'm getting measured for a bridemaid's dress, just to see their reaction, but I suspect they've heard that one before.

That's about it for now...later...

Monday, July 03, 2006


I spent a week in Myrtle Beach with some friends for a vacation. The drive down wasn't too bad since we broke it up with an overnight hotel stay. We finally got down to the condo and ate lunch, unpacked, got groceries and went down to the beach. Not wanting a repeat of last year, I slathered on the sunblock and was careful about too much sun.

And that was the lion-share of the week. Most of the time was spent sitting or walking on the beach or swimming in the ocean or pool. We ate out a few time - I usually had the salmon - and I had some awesome tasting salad. Though on the third trip some lady got dressing on my shirt.

While on the beach I did a lot of reading and I also wrote a comic strip. Since I don't draw very well, I'm going to use some photos of a couple of action figures. Should be pretty funny, I'll update the blog and post links as I work on it.

I got a pretty good tan and only some mild sun-burn on my feet and my back. Otherwise, I'm a-okay and ready to get back to life in Ohio. I'll post more as other stories come back to me.

That's it for now. later...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

weekend and giving blood - pre-vacation

Last weekend I visited my family for Father's day. On Friday we went through my sister's counseling textbooks and tried to figure out what was wrong with us mentally. It was funnier and more fun than it sounds. Seems like we're all a little OCD, incidentally - with a dash of autism thrown in for good measure.

On Saturday we ran some errands and participated in a cornhole tournement. Mom and Dad did pretty good, but my sister and I didn't advance. I could include a link to some sites on the rules and stragety, but I think you can find that yourselves.

I also worked on some origami for my sister's wedding reception - I made a hot air balloon from paper that I think is going to be the centerpiece. Should be cool.

I also gave blood - though it was a near thing. I got a card in the mail that indicated the date and location of the next drive - which I glanced at and then disregarded.

After work, I headed over to the Northampton church and was a little surprised that the parking lot was empty. Hmmm.... I looked at the card again and realized that instead of the Northampton Methodist church - where I had gone before - it was really the Northampton Baptist church that I needed to go to. Back in the car and on down the road. I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, but I made it there and gave my pint of blood. Got slightly woozy afterward, but I think that was my fault for not having eaten enough beforehand. Incidentally, the Methodist Church had much nicer facilites than the Baptists - draw whatever conslusions you'd like about that one. :)

I spent the rest of the week getting ready for my vacation. More to follow...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Big Cube photos

Finally got some photos of the big cube - you can check them out by clicking on the small version:

Also, I may have been off on the count - I think the actual number of sheets of paper used is 1056.

Enjoy! I had fun doing this and it's given me ideas for other projects.

back to work...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

minor good deed, siRen, tidy

Last evening, while I was taking out my trash, I noticed that my neighbor's car was lit up from the inside. Their dome light was on - and the doors were locked and they weren't home.

So, I wrote a note on fluorescent green paper and taped it to the back window to their car - letting them know the situation and offering to help jump their car if they got back much later and the battery was all the way dead.

I heard them come home in their other car and I guess everything was okay since they didn't stop over. It was a little odd that they didn't say anything to me about it - if they hadn't noticed the light was on when they got back - they would have had a crappy morning and a dead car.

I did a little cleaning last night - some de-junkification. Added another 500 cranes to my aquarium just by cleaning out my pockets of various jackets and containers. 3500 in there now. I may not be an origami master - but I'm freaking prolific.

Took a break from the cleaning to play a new game - siRen. Ummm...can you say zombies? Except these zombies have good motor control - I nearly crapped my pants when one of these shambling monsters chased my character and then pulled out a gun and shot him. Looks like the game is a lot of sneaking around in the dark - unarmed.

Which isn't really my thing and I think makes it scarier. If I was confronted with zombies, I'd fight back. I'd get myself a sword or a big stick and go after them. The only good zombie is a dead zombie. Or..ummm... an incapacitated zombie.

I didn't play long before it got late and I needed to go to bed. I'll see how it goes - but at the first nightmare this game causes me, it's going to be sold and replaced with something rated "E" for everyone.

That's it for now...back to work...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

completed, and McDonald's

Last evening, at a little before 10 pm, I finished the big project. 27.5 inches cubed, 928 pieces of paper, 1 bottle of elmer's glue. It's a triumph of form and math, a solid construct to represent an idea.

And it's too big to fit in my car.

So, it's still at home and still unphotographed. I'm hoping to arrange transportation sometime this week, but until then it will just have to wait.

It's also the second most dangerous project I've done. I cut myself twice on the storm window frame that I was using since my coffee table was too small. The most dangerous was the soda can metal crane - I bled a lot on that one.

In other news... I went to McDonald's last night for the spicy chicken sandwich. As I'm standing at the counter, trying to place my order, the fryer timer goes off. It's a horrible piercing sound designed to get someone's attention and cause pain. At the same time, the three little t-ball players standing to the side ratchet it up a notch or 10 and are now shrieking at the top of their lungs. The combination of the two frequencies...well...

I think it may have melted part of my brain.

I'm hoping it isn't a part I'll need later, but you never know.

But, my order was delivered promptly and, surprisingly, correctly. So, the ends justified the torment of the ordering process. Also, the counter girl must have realized the expression on my face represented pain at the sounds - she looked sympatheic. Or that may have just been my eyeballs swelling up do to the interested pressure in my head.

That's it for now... got a busy day ahead. I promise, pictures will be coming soon.