Sunday, July 09, 2006

big cube, back to work, invisible fence, tux

With a little help from my boss and the use of his station wagon, I got the cube into work. We went at lunch time and when I brought the cube out of my apartment, his reaction was "whoa!" It just barely fit in the back of the wagon, in fact, we has to "force" it a litle to make it fit. The unloading went easier, though it was a little tricky to get it in the building. I put it on top of my cubicle and got back to work - that is, until the crowds started to gather. I mean, you can't really help but notice it and people wanted to talk about it. I printed out some details on the menger sponge and explained about the number of pieces of paper, showed the smaller versions and how they would fit in, and generally enjoyed myself. It was pretty cool to have worked on a project like this for as long as I did and really get to share it with people. A few people suggested I enter it in a design contest - though the one they are talking about is looking for outdoor items - and the paper really wouldn't hold up.

Last week was also me getting back to work. Mostly putting out fires and such - though I did find that my boss was overwhelmed by having to cover what I usually handle - I think it made him appreciate me even more. I don't think there's a big fat raise in my future because of that, but it was still nice to learn.

Yesterday, I took one of my long walks. I decided to go a differnt route and walked along a sidewalk next to a big yard. Then the barking started and two small dogs charged out at me. They were some kind of beagle/ dachuand mix - though I'm sure they thought they were part werewolf as well from the barking they did. While neither were a threat to anything except my shins (and that only with a running jump) they were moving pretty fast, clearly upset, and not tied down at all. The more agressive of the two slammed to a stop a couple feet from the sidewalk, then ran parallel to the sidewalk for a few feet and turned and barked some more. I realised that they were both wearing collarswith oversized objects on them and deduced it was an imvisible fence stopping them. And it worked too - they treated that "line" as a real fence - it was visible in their behavior and their movements as they paced me. Kinda lke a force field they kept bouncing off of. I got clear of them without incident, but had to go past them again on the way back. Personally, I think a sign notifying pedestrians about the fence would have been appropiate, but maybe the owners thought it would be funny to watch.

This afternoon, I'm headed to David's Bridal to get measured for my tux for my sister's wedding. I supposed I could tell them I'm getting measured for a bridemaid's dress, just to see their reaction, but I suspect they've heard that one before.

That's about it for now...later...

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