Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sleeping issues

I went to bed last night around my usual time and despite what I would consider nearly perfect sleeping conditions - I woke up this morning feeling as though I'd:

a). Not gotten any sleep at all.

b). Been hit by a tonka truck, in the head.

c). Been crushed under 2.5 tons of pillows. Which, while soft, is still very heavy.

d). All of the above.

It's been suggested to me that my breathing habits while I sleep are less than optimal. I.E. I'm not doing enough of the whole breathing thing while I'm sleeping. It's possible, though I don't have any direct proof yet. And strangly, the notion doesn't bother me as much as I would have guessed. Still, it's something that should be investigated. I also need to get my TMJ looked at again - seems to be getting worse.

It's noisy here in the cube farm, even this early in the morning. I'm trying to decide if a psychotic episode is a good way to start the day - I think maybe a blueberry pop tart may be more appropiate.

okay, back to work...

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