Wednesday, June 21, 2006

weekend and giving blood - pre-vacation

Last weekend I visited my family for Father's day. On Friday we went through my sister's counseling textbooks and tried to figure out what was wrong with us mentally. It was funnier and more fun than it sounds. Seems like we're all a little OCD, incidentally - with a dash of autism thrown in for good measure.

On Saturday we ran some errands and participated in a cornhole tournement. Mom and Dad did pretty good, but my sister and I didn't advance. I could include a link to some sites on the rules and stragety, but I think you can find that yourselves.

I also worked on some origami for my sister's wedding reception - I made a hot air balloon from paper that I think is going to be the centerpiece. Should be cool.

I also gave blood - though it was a near thing. I got a card in the mail that indicated the date and location of the next drive - which I glanced at and then disregarded.

After work, I headed over to the Northampton church and was a little surprised that the parking lot was empty. Hmmm.... I looked at the card again and realized that instead of the Northampton Methodist church - where I had gone before - it was really the Northampton Baptist church that I needed to go to. Back in the car and on down the road. I wasn't entirely sure where I was going, but I made it there and gave my pint of blood. Got slightly woozy afterward, but I think that was my fault for not having eaten enough beforehand. Incidentally, the Methodist Church had much nicer facilites than the Baptists - draw whatever conslusions you'd like about that one. :)

I spent the rest of the week getting ready for my vacation. More to follow...

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