Monday, October 09, 2006

weekend, xmen3, folding

My parents and their dog came up for the weekend - they stayed over Friday night and then left on Saturday evening. We went to border's and best buy, then took a nice long hike in the Gorge Metropark. We took a trail I'd never been on before and saw some cool rock formations. The dog enjoyed the woods quite a bit too.

It was homecoming weekend, so the resturants were packed with guys in tuxes and girls in "fancy" dresses. I've determined that teen-aged girls are facinating and someone - not me - should be studying them in a lab. I think there may be military applications for them.

Otherwise, a good meal and good evening.

On Sunday I watched xmen3 on DVD and did a little work on my costume - which involved a bit of paper folding. Xmen3 was a little disappointing - too many people bought the farm. The effects were pretty cool and some of the characters really came into their own - but even the alternative endings couldn't resolved the varaition from the classic stories. Eh, it was a good run, I guess.

While the weekend was good - by Sunday evening I was in a bit of a funk. Restless and irratible. I've always been one to hold things in and I think it's really starting to take it's toll. Maybe I need to take up karate again or something.

Anyway, got a full day ahead of me so I should wrap this up and get back to work...

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