Tuesday, October 17, 2006

car loan, video game, costume, work, cornfield, the unobservant

I got a check from the bank that has my car loan for a "loan overpayment" - which surprised me since I thought I still had several payments to go. I'm going to give them a call and verify - and see about getting the title for the car. It was a nice surprise and a nicely sized check - Happy Meals for everyone!

Reminds me of an old Pinky and The Brain cartoon:

Brain: "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Pinky: "I think so, Brain, but if they called them 'Sad Meals', the kids wouldn't buy them,"

In other news, I've been playing a new video game called, Beyond Good and Evil. One of the elements of the game involves taking pictures of all the animals on the planet. Which is pretty cool and you get paid pretty well for them - but you're also supposed to take photos of animals that are attacking you. So, as one approaches you, you have to hurry up and take a quick photo and then pound the crap out of it.

I've been working on my costume and after a major setback I think I'm back on track. My kitchen/work area will never be the same, but that's the way it goes.

Work has been extra busy, but I'm not nearly as cranky as usual. I've made some progress on a few projects despite the major impediments that keep getting dumped in my lap. We're supposed to be hiring a new full time person soon and there's talk about a student assistant - but neither have materialized.

I think I may have mentioned a while ago about my favorite Twilight Zone episode - "It's a Good Life" - about a delightful little boy named Anthony who lives in Ohio. And when I say "delightful", I really mean "god-like psychopathic monster who causes his family and the town to live in constant fear with his ability to make any horrible wish come true" His thing is "wishing people away to the cornfield" when they piss him off. So, in honor of little Anthony - I have decided to deem events that piss me off as - "Cornfield Worthy Events" or just "Cornfield Events". Those that missed reading this particular blog entry will be lost - and only you, Faithful Reader, will be in the loop.

My first Cornfield Event will happened yesterday while trying to get some lunch. There were people standing in the middle of main hallway, talking and not moving. There were three people sitting on the steps of the building, blocking the doors. There was a girl talking on her cell phone while standing in line to get food. If I had the powers of my counter-part, they all would have ended up in the "cornfield".

One final thing that I saw, someone else not paying attention. He's not cornfield worthy since he pretty much punished himself. There's a section of the Student Union with a wide open area connecting several hallways. Right in the exact center of this wide round area, someone had put up a side on a tripod. It's right in the way and pretty stupid, but not at all difficult to see.

However, I saw a guy - preoccupied with the music in his headphones - walk right into it. He tried to catch it, but the whole thing fell and he nearly went down on top of it. A couple people laughed, I told him "Don't worry, no one saw that," as I walked past, but I don't think he heard me over his music. It was pretty funny.

That's it for now - time to get back to work...

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