Wednesday, July 26, 2006

two things that made me swear

So, I had a support bracket on my muffler break. It was hanging down and though the muffler was still in place, it was only a matter of time. So I head to my local Midas shop to get the bracket replaced. Only the bracket, mind you. This will be an important factoid later.

I sit in the waiting room after handing over my keys and after taking their own sweet time, they raise the car and take a look. I've read both the newsweeks and the TV is set to sesame street. This does not bode well

The tech comes to the door and invites me into the work area - which seems odd with safetly concerns and all, but what the hell. He explains the bracket is broken - which I knew - and also pointed out that I've got the makings of a hole in the muffler. It's not there yet - but only a matter of time.

We go back to the waiting room and he sits down to tell me what all he's got - along with an estimate. I'm due for an oil change and the right rear and center lights are out. Replacing the muffler is the big one - over $250. I point to the number and tell him that I wasn't prepared to spend that much money today - can they just fix the bracket now and I can come back later for the muffler?

No, they can't. See, the manufacturer puts on a "special magic super nifty" NON-STANDARD muffler. So, no one else carries those and no one carries the brackets. Except the dealerships.

But I didn't request a special muffler - I just wanted the most ordinary one they can put on a car. Sorry, package deal.

So, to replace the bracket and keep the muffler from falling off, they need to replace the bracket, the muffler and an extra pipe that connects it to the rest of the exaust system.

The tech at least "pretended" to sympathize at my indignation - but there was nothing to be done but sign the form and hand him my debit card. I was also a little cranky at the labor costs per hour. I wish I could change people that much. Maybe there should be some kind of sliding scale. If you change $70 an hour to fix to my car - I'll charge you $70 to fix your computer. Instead of just getting cookies or something.

So, I go for a walk while they do the work and have a disappointing experience at Kaybee toys.

Finally on my way and I get home - and the phone rings. It's the red cross, telling me about a blood drive. I listen as the women, in the occasionally halted tones of someone nervous, tells me about the location and times - as well as a drawing for a new car. I make the standard vaguely interested noises and at the end - she tells me to press one to repeat the message.

It was a f*@%}^& recording! I was so pissed. 9 times out of 10 I can tell, but this time I couldn't and actually tried to have a conversation with a recording.

I got a surge of white-hot fury that even this last bastion of human contact had been stolen from me - angry enough that blanked on all the information as I hung up the phone. So, I checked the website today and it doesn't list any blood drives in my area for tomorrow - which is when I thought it was supposed to be. I think I remember the location, so I'll drive past to see if they have a sign out.

All I'm saying is that there had better be a Flash comic #2 waiting for me at the comic book store today or there's going to be hell to pay. They were sold out last week and I was promised that this weeks shipment would have one.

back to work...

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