Friday, September 22, 2006

comics, pregnant co-workers, party planning, dead squirel, zombies

Yeah, kind of a broad range of topics today. First up, no comics this week. My local comic retailer was sold out of the Flash - again. He suggested coming back next week - which I may do since a subscription won't kick in right away anyway. I'm going to sbuscribe to one or two comics and stop messing with the monthly trips to the comic shop for the regular doses of disappointment.

I'm on a committee to help plan a holiday party for the division and we had a meeting yesterday. During the disucssion, I found out that three of my co-workers were pregnant. One of which sits right across the cube aisle - and whose husband I've worked with for about 7 years. She's due in December and I just found out yesterday. Not that I'm anybody special for them, but it seemed odd that they wouldn't have made some kind of announcement.

In non-happy news, I found a dead squirrel on my back porch yesterday. The poor thing was facedown in a pool of his own congealed blood - and stiff as a board. So, I got out my shovel and a plastic bag and disposed of the body. I suspect he got zapped by the power transformer behind my place, but I haven't had one of those in a while since the tree back there was cut down.

Finding the squirrel must have affected me more than I realized - I had a steady stream of horrible nightmares last night. Zombies, of course, but this time my family was there as well. One problem was that we couldn't tell the zombies from the "shell-shocked" normal humans. I spent what felt like days and day of trying to keep myself and my family safe.

This morning, when the sun finally started to come up, I crawled out of bed and got myself to work. It's looking like a rough day for yours truely.

Well, time to get back to work...

The dead squ

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