Tuesday, October 24, 2006

weekend, folding, art gallery, car, costume, work

This weekend I took a bit of a road trip and went to an art gallery show. On Friday, I had dinner with some friends at BW3's - and attracted a small crowd of kids that were there with their parents to watch the game. Spent a couple of hours folding and teaching them until they had to leave - which was just as well since I had nearly run out of new things to show them.

On Saturday we went to the art gallery show in Columbus. The show was for Linda Oldham - mother of the famous designer Todd - and she had all sorts of stuff. Most of it I liked and at least 1 of the pieces I wanted to try to make myself. There were some odd pieces as well, but it was still pretty cool. I got to talk with her after the show and gave her a small origami piece I'd made while walking around. She liked it and we talked paper for a bit -which was cool too.

On Sunday I visited my folks for dinner. Had a nice time before heading back up home. I took Monday off of work to get some more done on my cosutume. Tonight I'll get it ready for painting - that is, after I get done putting plastic on my ex-roommate's mother's windows.

I got the title for my car from the bank - so, that's cool. And when I called for the payoff amount on a student loan I knew I was getting close to finishing - I found that it was done as well. Quite a relief.

Getting back to work hasn't been a relief - it's been busy, mostly with meetings. I also found that the person we wanted to hire has accepted another job and we're back to square one. No students have applied yet either - so we continue to be short handed.

And speaking of which - time for me to get back to work...

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