Friday, October 27, 2006

Costume and rain, bathroom conversation

My costume is as ready to go as it can be and I've got it here today - but it's raining outside and I'm not sure it will hold up. I'd planned to do my walk-around today, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. I've got a costume party to go to this evening so I'll at least be able to give it a run then - but it's sort of looking like Tuesday will be the walk around day.

A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with a co-worker at my desk. When we were done talking he went back to his desk and a few minutes later I went to the restroom.

So, I'm standing there peeing and hear the door open. Instead of the person using the other stall, I hear my co-worker start talking to me - as though we're back at my desk instead of in the bathroom. During the time between when we first talked and when I went to the restroom he had apparently gotten an update on the topic and had to share it with me - so, he followed me into the restroom.

Normally, I'm not one for chit-chat in the restroom. I'm there for a purpose and pretty well focused on that. As a side effect, it's usually the one place you can go and not be bothered - at least for a few minutes.

unfortunately, this is not the first time I've had to split my attention and carry on a work-related conversation in the restroom - my boss has done it to me before too.

So, I finished what I was doing, zipped up, washed my hands and dried them - all while trying to talk shop and help determine policy about a new process. We finished the discussion in the hallway and I went back to my desk.

Where I do draw the line is a restroom trip that requires a seated experience and occasionally some reading material. I refuse to talk to anyone when taking care of this particular business - and have used some pretty harsh language when someone tries to engage me in conversation.

Some things simply must be done alone.

So, I'm going to go try and find a window in this cave of a building and see if the weather has cleared.


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