Friday, September 08, 2006

car care

Yesterday, I filled up my gas tank and then headed over to Auto Zone to get the pesky check engine light investigated. I also bought a replacement light bulb for the stop light in the back of my car.

During the diagnostic we learned that:

1) I had a blown fuse for the diagnositc system as well as the lighter - which I've never used. We got the fuse replaced so that a connection could be made and it came back with 2 codes that meant the same thing -

2) Faulty oxygen sensor

So, I bought an oxygen sensor and took it home. The replacement light bulb was tricky and I'm still not sure if I got it in correctly - can't very well step on the brake and stand behind my car at the same time. (well, I could. But it would violate the laws of physics and motion - and I'd damage the fabric of the universe. Which seems excessive.)

Then I took off my dress shirt, got out my tools, grabbed a flashlight, and popped the hood.

I spent a little time poking around in there - then I called my dad for suggestions. He'd never replaced one before but suggested somewhere near the air filter. Seemed like a good idea, so I focused my search there.

For a while, I was feeling pretty cool - most of my "work on a car" in the past has been, "take it someplace to be looked at".

Just by observation, I learned quite a bit about what's going on in there and I cleaned out some dry leaves I found. Ultimately, though, I didn't find the oxygen sensor. It started to get dark and I started to get frustrated - so, I closed things up and called it a night.

The internet seems to have a solution - I think I've located a step-by-step. So, I'll snag a print-out and give it another whirl tonight.

Otherwise, a pretty quiet evening of video games and reading. Our intrepid heroes made it off the moon-base and over to the time gate - where they find that their entire universe is a computer simulation. It's pretty cool when they figure out how to get to the "real" world and kick some ass over there.

I guess that's it for now - we've got a division wide breakfast meeting coming up. Later...

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