Tuesday, June 13, 2006

completed, and McDonald's

Last evening, at a little before 10 pm, I finished the big project. 27.5 inches cubed, 928 pieces of paper, 1 bottle of elmer's glue. It's a triumph of form and math, a solid construct to represent an idea.

And it's too big to fit in my car.

So, it's still at home and still unphotographed. I'm hoping to arrange transportation sometime this week, but until then it will just have to wait.

It's also the second most dangerous project I've done. I cut myself twice on the storm window frame that I was using since my coffee table was too small. The most dangerous was the soda can metal crane - I bled a lot on that one.

In other news... I went to McDonald's last night for the spicy chicken sandwich. As I'm standing at the counter, trying to place my order, the fryer timer goes off. It's a horrible piercing sound designed to get someone's attention and cause pain. At the same time, the three little t-ball players standing to the side ratchet it up a notch or 10 and are now shrieking at the top of their lungs. The combination of the two frequencies...well...

I think it may have melted part of my brain.

I'm hoping it isn't a part I'll need later, but you never know.

But, my order was delivered promptly and, surprisingly, correctly. So, the ends justified the torment of the ordering process. Also, the counter girl must have realized the expression on my face represented pain at the sounds - she looked sympatheic. Or that may have just been my eyeballs swelling up do to the interested pressure in my head.

That's it for now... got a busy day ahead. I promise, pictures will be coming soon.

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