Wednesday, July 19, 2006

DVD's menus and toilet paper dispensers - website update

I was watching X-men 1 last night on DVD and I was having trouble getting the slightly lower quality branching scenes to stop playing. The menu was needlessly cryptic - but the worst bit was that it was animated. So, everytime I tried to make a change, I had to sit through some stupid and tedious animation. It's not too bad once, but even twice is annoying. Never did get it working quite right.

My internal gastrointestional clock has somehow gotten off-track and I've had to avail myself of the restroom faclities at work instead of waiting till I get home where I can read a comic or a magazine in peace. The toilet paper dispensers are now added to my "banes of existance".

1. Giant, difficult to turn rolls.
2. 1 ply paper. No, more like 1/2 ply. Or maybe .4 ply
3. Difficult to tear against the plastic teeth.
4. No shelf for a book, magazine, or newspaper.

And finally - 2 rolls? Which do we use first? That's too much pressure when I've got other things to focus on.

In other news, I converted my site to a template format. Should be vastly easier to update from here on out. Still got a few things to fix and I'm not sure I like the "sand", but I'll work on it.

Finally, got some bad news at work - but I can't really talk about it yet. It's messed with my mood quite a bit this afternoon.

Well, back to work...

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