Wednesday, December 06, 2006

1/8 mile, soy sauce, courtesy

I swam again today. Still only getting 1/8 of a mile, but I'm not as close to death as I had been - so, progress.

At the student union today I got sushi again, along with fried rice and some juice. It used to be that soy sauce was distributed in little packets - which were easy to stow in a pocket for transport. They've done away with those and switched to the following system:

An old-fashioned squeeze bottle (like for ketchup or mustard - except clear) filled with soy sauce, along with little plastic containers and appropriately sized lids.

You dispense sauce into said contain, acquire and affix the lid - and then hope to God that you've got the lid on there securely or you'll be wearing the sauce in no time.

I managed, with some difficulty, to get back to my desk without spilling anything - but it was a windy and harrowing experience. I was annoyed by this.

And speaking of annoying - what is it with chicks and doors? I was entering a covered walkway and held the door for the woman behind me. She thanked me - then took off in a full-on powerwalking moded. And as such, she managed to get ahead of me - even with my height/long legs and impressive stride that I usually command. Still, I was only a little behind her when she exited the walk-way - and she let the door slam in my face with nary a backward glance.

grumble, grumble.

Well, that's it for me now... time to get back to work...

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