Wednesday, August 23, 2006

giving blood and open mic night

Right after work yesterday I went to give blood, since if I didn't there's a chance they would have come to my apartment and demanded 2 pints. The lady at the front desk wasn't, as Scotty would say, "firing on all thrusters" but was nice enough. There was no line so I read the paperwork and headed to the history station. That's mostly on computer now, which is much faster. Back to the dazed lady to get a bag, then over to the donation site. The guy doing the collection did the best job I've had done so far with the needle and I told him so - it almost didn't hurt at all. The actual donation went quick and I was having cookies and juice in no time.

Which was good since I was going to meet some friends that evening for dinner and a trip to a bar for open mic night. Dinner was pretty good - once we finally got the table for 11 issue sorted out. The bar was right next door and several people I knew got up an performed. Mostly music for the evening - but one guy we didn't know got up and receited 3 really long and complicated poems. Almost a dramatic reading of sorts - he really got into it and was impressive.

Not one to grab the mic, I instead sat back and impressed the local crowd with some origami. I made a couple of module based rings that everyone wanted to hold - and most ended up breaking. Easily reassembled though. One girl came up to our table and wanted to borrow one of the rings to hang on the mic for good luck - so, it was almost like I participated or something. :) I also made a small army of origami people and a small table for them to stand next to. It was suggested that I make little chairs, plates, and utensils - but I really needed to get home and to bed since it was a school night.

So, a busy, but good evening. Tonight I'm headed to the comic book store with the hopes that the new Flash comic is in. Be prepared for anguish tomorrow if it's not in yet or sold out.

Back to work...

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