Saturday, September 16, 2006

not a good week

This past week has, in a nutshell, sucked. Seemed like whole armies of people were working together to make things vastly more difficult than they needed to be - and then dumping their problems in my lap.

I spent all day Friday angry. And I nearly slugged a lady standing far too close to me in line to get lunch simply because she had a British accent. Which I normally like or at least don't mind -but on Friday it was a high offense. I am aware that this is wrong and I didn't even let on how annoyed I was.

Thoughout the day I tried to calm down and get though things. Everytime I took what I hoped would be a cleansing breath, the phone would ring and I'd get a spike of pain in my head.

Not sure how much longer I can keep doing this. Maybe it's time to start looking...

The week hasn't been a total loss. I did pick up the new Star Wars lego game and that's been fun. Princess Leia has a melee combat move where she walks up to a bad guy (or really anyone, for that matter) and hauls off and slaps them. And Chewbacca rips peoples little lego arms off. Which is all good.

Still no luck on the car - don't have the right tools. And my landlord still hasn't gotten back to me about fixing the carpet on the stairs.

So, I'm going to spend much of the weekend drinking tea and reading. And maybe going for a walk. And try and somehow relax...

That's it for now...

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