Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I got home yesterday to find that the voter registration card that I thought I had filled out in May wasn't complete. A group of people had gone door-to-door getting people registered and taking a poll. I gave them my info and they filled some stuff out, even starting over at one point since they wrote something down wrong. They finished up and left and I figured that was the end of it. Two days later someone from the same group came by to sign me up and I told them that someone from their group had already been by.

Seemed pretty through to me.

So, I was pretty surprised when I see the voter registration card with a note saying I needed to sign it, date it, and turn it in by 9:00 that night. I hopped back in my car and headed over the the Board of Elections. Took about 12 minutes to get there, 30 seconds to stand in line, and about a minute to get things checked over and sign the dang thing. Then another 12 minutes to get home.

I'm diasppointed that the door-to-door people dropped the ball - but at least they noticed the mistake before it was too late. And I have to give some props to the BoE - they were really friendly and on the ball.

So, I'm officially registred to vote and ready to do my part for the country.

Along those same lines - I also set up the on-line voting for the student government elections today. Went off without a hitch, even with last minute changes. Florida, call me. I've got this whole voting thing figured out.

Well, back to work.

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