Tuesday, October 12, 2004

mildly out of sorts

So, Jeff and I moved a bunch of my stuff to his place to "get it out of the way" for my room-mate's move. At least, that's the cover story. I reality, I'm just trying to make sure some of the smaller, valuable items I own don't get moved out with his stuff. Do I think that will really happen? Well, 3 months ago I would have scoffed at the notion. Now, I'm not so sure. This whole deal has made me a little colder and a lot angier in general. I'm hoping I can get it out of my system when all is said and done. I don't like feeling this way - and I don't like that I have to feel and act this way to get some common courtesy and respect from people who claim to be my friends.

Did some homework - writing up some text for a web page at work. Not too bad, kinda relaxing really. Got some meetings and stuff going on today- the usual crap.

Heading over to the cities utility billing department today to get that in motion. They have to do a meter reading, which I hope I can time to do at the same time the landlord does the walk-thru. I've already cleared taking the time off with the boss - so no worries there.

Well, back to work...

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