Thursday, October 21, 2004

low on gas, lost in my living room

Forgot to stop and get gas last night. This morning, the needle is hovering close to the E. I had enough to get to work, and shouldn't have a problem getting to a station after work, but I hate letting it get that close. I don't have triple A since I don't travel much and the thought of running out of gas worries me a bit.

I moved some stuff back into my living room last evening, it's still pretty empty. I think I may keep it that way - I was always triping over stuff before and it was over-run with junk. The only major thing I may add is an area rug - if I can find a good deal. Simplify - that's the goal.

Gotta work on my costume today - only a few days left and I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to work on it over the weekend. It won't be the most detail oriented I've done, but it will be the most massive. There's a mask involved too, and I'm a little worried about the logistics of that one.

Well, time for me to get back to work - got another "ASAP project" to do.

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