Wednesday, October 06, 2004

an apology

Just got a call from my room-mate - and my head is spinning. Pretty much equal parts of relief and worry.

He apologized, said he really hated what was happening between us and that he missed his friend. That he didn't want things to end like this between us. We talked about some of the good times and how he just wanted to hang out.

All good and all cool. Except...

I've known him for a long time and I know how sincere he can sound. A part is wondering if I'm being set up again. That there's going to be something totally f'ed up headed my way and I'm being softened up. Wouldn't be the first time.

So, I'm going to go into this with as clean a slate as possible. And still ready to totally lose it on a grand scale if the situation calls for it. I think I was meant to overhear a conversation last night about how there was a problem with his loan.

When did things get so complicated? And when did I get so cynical?

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