Tuesday, October 26, 2004


No, no - not the year. Well, sort of. I'm talking about the book -and more specifically the re-writing of history to fit a new set of "facts". It was a big thing in the book, poor Winston Smith spending all day rewriting the historical records to reflect the latest propeganda.

I've noticed this phenomon among real people, in the here and now. They tend to blur the line between fact and convenient fiction - rewriting their story as the situation changes so that the advantage is theirs. Or at least, so that the fault isn't.

Are they lying? Yes, usually from the very start - and then it just compounds from there. The stories get more fanciful - the tales of woe are filled with even more woe.

The curious thing is that they tell so many tales that they forget where the truth is. I think that's why they end up distorting things so much, they forget which lies they've told which people.

Do they know they are lying? I think deep down, yeah, they know. But on the surface, one of these "1984"ers will keep back peddling and shifting gears to avoid being "caught".

So, why this topic? And why now? A few things have come to light about my former room-mate that have reemphasied his 1984 behavior. Must be nice to live in a world where things always go your way. I, in contrast, feel very firmly rooting in reality.

And it bites.

So, how do I deal with those who have lost their grip? I don't. You can't catch them in a lie because they don't think they're lying. So, the best bet it just to ignore what they say and don't put anything of yours on the line. Treat them like a good book. Totatlly fiction, lots of plot twists and a surprise ending. And know that you can always close the book and get on with your life at any time.

Which is what I did.

And now, I'm going back to work...

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