Monday, October 27, 2008

video game, ads, headache, water bottle

Finally got my video game system back up and running. Switched out the TV for my old one - I had been using one that my room-mate got from his dad's place. I was looking for a new stereo that would do the job of my old one - but they were either too expensive or didn't have the right connectors. So, ended up using an old audio receiver that my room-mate had. It all works, but it's not ideal. The DVD player doubles as the CD player. The cable TV sound can't play through the stereo speakers - it has to come out of the TV. But, I'm playing video games again and that's the important bit. Besides, who wants to watch TV anymore?

The political ads are getting worse. I saw one the other day that had a single mom begging us to vote Issue 6 - because she was going to lose her current job and her only hope was getting one of the 10,000 new jobs at the casino? Seriously? That's your only hope? A casino job? Right...

The news clips on the internet are worse. I saw one where a man was losing his job and was going to vote for Obama because he had a better economic policy. His wife was asked who she was voting for and she said "I'm voting for the one with the most faith in the Lord, just as everyone should,"
When asked what if that meant her husband would lose his job, she replied, "the Lord will provide for us," She also expressed astonishment that Obama's mother was an atheist - assuming that he should have been disqualified on that alone. I try to keep an open mind about religions and respect people's beliefs - but isn't there something about God helping those who help themselves? Or a separation of chuch and state in the constitution? There was more to the clip, but I couldn't watch it.

Worse still is the story of the girl with the McCain campaign who made up a story about being attacked by a scary black guy that was supporting Obama and carved a letter B in her cheek when he saw her McCain sticker on her car. Totally made up. She faked the whole thing and cut her own cheek (the B was backward even).

Finally, I saw a clip of a family at a McCain rally where they were all chanting Nobama over and over. Then the little girl pretended to be a monkey.

(crickets chirping)

Yes. It was exactly that bad. This election is really bringing out the worst in people - or maybe that has always been there and the election is just making it visible.

My neighbors put up another sign in their yard - "Another democrat for McCain". I have, thus far, resisted taking it down. Mainly because I would need to take down all the signs in my neighborhood to throw off suspicion. And because people are entitled to their own opinion - even if it's wrong.

In other news... I'm getting a headache this morning. Might be what's making me cranky. Can't tell yet if it's a migraine. If it does go that way, I'm so out of here. It's already been a Monday all morning.

Finally, I got a water bottle this weekend. Partly because the water bottle I get from Giant Eagle have been reported to have higher levels than usual of some toxins. It also makes sense from an environmental standpoint. I got the BPA free bottle at Dick's Sporting goods and while it looks cool, the only way to drink the water out of the spill-proof bottle is to bite down on the silicon end and suck the water via the straw in the bottle. It's kind of odd. But it works and I was able to drink 24 oz this morning - which means I need to hit the bathroom now.


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