Monday, October 20, 2008

swim, work

I swam 45 laps (1.25 miles) today. And I seemed to have gotten some kind of second wind or something because I got faster as I went along. I'm pretty tired, but it was good.

The reason for this longer swim? I had a work issue. I generally try not to talk about work in this blog because that's one of the many delightful ways to get yourself fired. So, I'm going to be very vague about this.

I had a user that I worked with on a huge project. It's been well over a year since we started it and our team has put a lot of time and effort into getting the work down. The user seemed to be right there and right on track with us - but things got delayed in an approvals process. I sent a note today to check on the progress and found that they thought the tools we were using were in adequate for what they needed. And were essentially abandoning all the work we had done.

I was really fired up by this - at the massive waste of time. And I figured I could use this to set some new records in the pool. But as the bubbles rushed past my head and the laps added up - I realized that it was a little pointless to be upset by all this.

I didn't do anything wrong in the whole project, nor did I drop the ball or hinder the user at all. In every case, I worked to make things easier and faster and offered to help at every turn. That the user decided - at something beyond the last moment - to do something entirely different, well, nothing I can do about that. I stand by the work that the team did and I think the user is missing out on a great new site and a new tool to update things. I'm also a little curious as to how they will explain that to their bosses - 'cause this was very much not the plan.

I guess that's it for now - looking forward to getting out of here and relaxing at home - and maybe working on my costume a bit.


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