Thursday, October 23, 2008

30/33, pumpkin, object

I didn't have a lot of time yesterday for my swim, so I hauled ass in the pool. 30 laps, in 33 minutes. I don't know if that's a new record for me since I usually don't pay attention to the time, but it felt pretty fast.

Carved some pumpkins last night. Well, I mostly scooped out the guts and my room-mate did more of the carving. He did a pretty cool vampire face on his - on mine I did a smiley emoticon. It was clever, but not my idea. We tried to get some photos, but couldn't turn off the flash on his camera - time to read the manual, I guess.

And when I went outside around 10:00 to put something in my car, I saw... something.

There was a bright light in the sky - several times larger than a star. There was no shape to it, just a very bright light and a faint contrail behind it. It moved across the sky in a straight, horizontal line. Very very fast and totally silent. It flew over my head and I had to turn around to see it. And then it was gone.

I tried to talk to my room-mate about it - he's pretty much Mulder Jr. on the subject of UFO's - but he was strangely dismissive. Here I was, a Scully who's trying to believe and he writes it off as a shooting star. Then we got into a minor argument about sonic booms and I dropped the issue. Whatever it was, it was pretty weird.


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