Friday, October 03, 2008

sign, cold, tv, errands

The neighbors in the other half of the duplex put up a McCain Palin sign. Or it was put in their yard for them - I dunno which is the case. Anyway, it annoys me to the point where I'm going to sneak outside sometime this weekend and steal/destroy it. Sneak because I like this people and really don't want to get into a political debate with them. Destroy because if I have to look at that thing every time I look outside my front window from now until election day, I will lose it. I think I may have to take down the only other one on the street as well, just so it doesn't look too obvious. I've considered taking it to the Republican headquarters to see if I can trade it in for an Obama one, but I suspect the humor would be lost on them.

It was chilly last evening - I closed the windows before I went to bed last night. Looks like summer is fading...

The RF adapter for my video game tv is going bad. Meaning, in the middle of the game, the picture may just vanish. I can usually fiddle with the wires to restore it, but it's only temporary. Annoying? You bet.

I ran a bunch of errands last night - got a lot done, but didn't get home until nearly 7:00. Spent a lot of time waiting in lines...

Not much else to report... later...

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