Wednesday, October 29, 2008

snow, game, garage

It's snowing today here in Akron. Not a lot, just a little in the air. I was still okay in my lightweight jacket, but I may have to hang that up soon and switch to my winter coat. There have been a few people I've talked to that have been somewhat astonished at the snow - which has me thinking, "remembers last year? when it snowed? It's just like that." And seriously, it's Ohio. If we had a 90 degree temperatures in December in or snow in August, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

With my video game system back up and running, I've been going back through my games and replaying a few. Dawn of Mana didn't last long before I put it in the "to be sold" pile, but Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is pretty good. I got stuck last time with a boss battle and lost my patience, but I'm giving it another go from the beginning and enjoying the acrobatics of the title character.

The costumes are essentially done - for both myself and my room-mate. Which means I can reclaim my half of the garage that had been designated as the spray paint area. Which is good since I despise scraping off my car in the winter. I mean, seriously despise. Can't stand it. Most hated part of winter. You see where I'm going with this. I'd rather drive in a freaking blizzard or shovel snow all day than scrape off my car in the morning.

Well, looks like I've got a couple disasters to deal with here at work - better get back to them.


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