Tuesday, October 28, 2008

mood, page, pizza

I'm in a better mood today. No headache - and it's pretty quiet in the office. Looking forward to a long lunch (the boss is out of town).

I updated my fortune cookie webpage today - I was 6 fortunes behind. I think I need to do something different with this page - it has the potential to get very long and unwieldy.

Went for pizza last night at CiCi's. The food was pretty good - but the place was almost dead. We were the last two customers in there and wondered if they would still announce "Cheese Pizza on the Buffet!" if there were no customers at all. (if a tree falls in the woods...?) It also appears that they don't always say good-bye to customers with a hearty "CiCi you later!" though all the employees said normal goodbyes when we left.

Not much going on here... later...

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