Monday, November 01, 2004

Lego-man - Halloween 2004

It can now be told - I was a Giant Lego-man for Halloween. And let me tell you, it totally rocked!

Let's start out with big props to Jeff for his invaluabe help on the costume. He's wicked with a can of spray paint and the end result was exactly what I envisioned. Also a shout out to Debbie - her help with the "suiting up" in the morning when I got to work was much appreciated.

So, the costume. Red sweatshirt, blue sweatpants, yellow-ish workboots. Red cardboard box for the torso, shaped to match the lego style. Bright yellow cardboard head with a section of screen so I could see out. Cut PVC pipe connectors and dowel rods for the hands. I'll have pictures up on my site this week sometime.

I visited a lot of people on Friday - and startled a few. The funniest part was walking on campus and seeing people notice me and try not to react. Come on, people. You're not too cool to laugh at the 6 foot tall lego man. Enjoy it - it's freaking Halloween!

Since my face was totally hidden, a few people guessed it was me based solely on the fact that I do this every year. I think one recognised my voice, but a few people had to wait until I'd lifted off my lego head before they were sure it was me. :)

Great reactions from people, lots of fun. My own little moral booster for the campus. And hey - I got some candy too!

More later, including a link, once I've caught up on work...

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