Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Baking and laundry

Well, not really baking. More like heating a polymer clay until it hardens in a low temp pseudo-kiln - i.e. my oven. The stuff is called sculpey - a clay-like substance for modeling in plastic. You mold it like clay and then bake it to harden it into a solid plastic. I wanted to make a "little plastic castle" - like in the Ani Difranco song - so I tested it out a little bit last night.

The instructions were clear - 130 degrees, for 15 minutes per 1/4 inch thickness. Well, my test case was a little thicker than 1/4 inch and my over starts out at 200 degrees - any lower than that falls into the "warm" catagory. So, I did a whole bunch of estimating with frequent checking - they made a big deal out of not over-baking. Finally just cranked it up and gave it another 5 mintues - that seemed to do the trick. Tonight I'll try using a dremel on it and maybe a little painting, just to see what it can do. Should have a little plastic castle by the end of the week.

In other news...I did laundry. That was pretty much it. Oh, and watching Angel DVD - lots of ass was kicked last night in the episodes I watched.

My neighbor Josh loaned me a game - X-Men Legends. Looks like fun - I'll have to give it spin tonight.

Back to work for me...

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